Topic: PETA - OH PETA | |
Yeppers, I take in strays too...all sorts it seems. One of my sons friends who lost a job and must relocate was facing giving up his female pit to the local shelter. For a pit that is an almost certain death sentence. Pepper the Pit is here on a trial stay now. The only negative so far is the wrath of the kitty who hates us all with a burning hot passion right now. So, maybe someone should organize a pet shower for men's rights? Somehow I doubt it would be a big draw. Maybe you should try to draft some women for that? i seem to attract cats...even though i love dogs (the 4 legged kind lol) how about female animal showers????? ![]() |
what i want to know is...where are he naked guys for this cause????
still funny as hell...who needs a teleprompter...
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hehe Remotely naked eh? Is remotely naked anything like a little pregnant? Opps I shouldn't connect the scary pregnant with the wonderful naked should I? I was thinking about posting some example pics here to see what might quality as remotely naked but I would get suspended forever I am sure. Anyone wishing to send remotely naked pics to me? If so feel free to IM me for contact info. You want in on this Fran? haha Joking...well a little anyway... Humm maybe we should organize an omnivore naked protest somewhere! ![]() I watch the scantily clad, naked, fully clothed, hell no one is safe, I am just gonna peek, stare, glance, ogle, etc. ![]() |
what i want to know is...where are he naked guys for this cause???? me too scanning newspaper incase I missed it |
translation: fran is a peeping tom....or peeping fran
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translation: fran is a peeping tom....or peeping fran ![]() nope not if they are in public view ![]() |
I am a people watcher too. Every shape, size, nationality, age...I just like to look.
Still, I have to say the phrase "remotely naked" tickled my funny bone so much I just had to post. Thanks for your post...I will be looking for a way to use it in future. Umm so we need to organize a "Naked Men for Omnivores" protest soon? I was going to go for "Naked Men for Meat" protest as the title but the poor guys might feel exploited standing under a banner like that. /smirk |
let's buy a sh*tload of brats and set up a bubba-que next to em
I am a people watcher too. Every shape, size, nationality, age...I just like to look. Still, I have to say the phrase "remotely naked" tickled my funny bone so much I just had to post. Thanks for your post...I will be looking for a way to use it in future. Umm so we need to organize a "Naked Men for Omnivores" protest soon? I was going to go for "Naked Men for Meat" protest as the title but the poor guys might feel exploited standing under a banner like that. /smirk maybe remotely naked means naked in BFE? lol |
I am a proud member of PETA!
People Eating Tasty Animals I protest that Vegetarians won't eat meat! Maybe I should shower nude in public with a tattoo on my back that says "Got Meat? See other side!" PFTETA needs to clue in. Typical liberal mentality, 'force everyone to your way of thinking even though it seems like you are trying to convince everyone your way is better. Throw a temper tantrum other wise.' They are domestic terrorists of the "soft" variety. This stunt has had other incarnations as well. They think showing off the two good looking women they have will change everyone's mind. That makes me laugh. I have seen them around before and a lot of them are not anywhere near as beautiful under their cloths as their spokes models. Besides, remember their whole "Fur is murder campaign?" Lots of red paint was hurt in their tirade on Wilshire as was many a fur coat. I would like to find a place they will be so I can pelt them with hamburger but then I would be wasting food. Maybe using rotting vegetables to pelt them with and complaining that vegetables also have rights as well would be even more comedic. |
first off...I will say..I respect those that are vegetarians. that is their choice. I have no problem with it. but I have been told before by a vegan that I was wrong for eating meat. I asked her "why do you think animals like cows and pigs are on the earth? to look pretty?" she couldn't give an answer. I would like an honest answer from a vegetarian or vegan about that. I wouldn't argue if that is their's just something I never understood
New research shows that some trees appear to react to pain.
So...if veggies feel pain what will vegans eat? I remember when my then thirteen year old daughter told me she would no longer eat anything with eyes. I laughed and asked her if that included potatoes. Her adventure in vegetarianism lasted just a few weeks. I think she finally broke when we attended a pig roast. It was delicious. |
I am a people watcher too. Every shape, size, nationality, age...I just like to look. Still, I have to say the phrase "remotely naked" tickled my funny bone so much I just had to post. Thanks for your post...I will be looking for a way to use it in future. Umm so we need to organize a "Naked Men for Omnivores" protest soon? I was going to go for "Naked Men for Meat" protest as the title but the poor guys might feel exploited standing under a banner like that. /smirk not as per Adj - they are volunteering so not being exploited. remotely funny, nah I like remotely naked better - shows the type of things running through my head ![]() |
Alot of vegans I know IRL just don't like the taste of meat. They are not apart of the crappy PETA people or anything.
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Edited by
Thu 05/28/09 12:33 PM
![]() They attracted plenty of oglers and drew the ire of a police lieutenant, who complained that a group of young students on a field trip was congregating nearby. Passerby Mike Anderson said he enjoyed the view but doubted their message would have much impact. "I'm still going to get a hot dog after this," he said. |
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I want to take a shower...with Yellowrose
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well animals produce methane when their digestive system produces gas and excretes it out into the atmosphere thus creating green house gases hurting the ozone layer
plants excrete oxygen into the atmosphere so those those of us that eat meat a helping preserve the planet by eating part of the problem vegetarians are eating the solution just a thought to ponder |