Topic: A question for EVERYONE | |
There are times WITHIN a thread when a person is trying to share their particular interpretation of a Bible verse, in order to get a message across about the discussion. OK - I do read those short verses. BUT HERE'S MY QUESTION: Does ANYONE, belivers included, EVER read those posts that seem to stream off into all kinds of Bible verses????? ESPECIALLY, those that actually BEGIN like that. Do any of you REALLY read that stuff? I guess you can tell, I sure don't. So I guess the next question is - why do people actually go to all that trouble? Especially in the 'general religion' forum. Because it is pretty lame and actually hypocritical to try to prove a point by scripture w/ out backing it up by Scripture..If someone is trying to prove a point to you, dont you want them to show you WHERE they got that from? Or you just take their word for it... I guess the point is if you back anything with scripture you are taking the word of someone long dead, and they can't back anything up now. |
![]() ![]() ![]() How would you react to someone telling you that what you believed for your whole life is wrong. They can't possibly believe it to be untrue. After all they try to convince others it is true. Folks can't handle the posiblity that they fell for a load of nonsense and are still controlled by it. |
It will help eliminate the idea that the original poster is attempting to proselytize and set the stage for a more intelligent dialogue.
I haven't been reading the GR forums much lately, but it wasn't very long ago that proselytizing threads were quite common and there was no doubt that this was precisely their goal. Most people who believe in the Bible aren't the least bit interested in discussing it intelligently. Specifically with regard to whether or not it's God's word. Their idea of intelligent discussion is to sit around in Bible study with a bunch of believers who are all offering supporting views and testimonies. They simply aren't interested in what non-believers half to say. From their point of view non-believers have yet to 'find' themselves. They view non-believers as those who have either 'turned away' from God, or have yet to 'discover' the truth of God's word. They simply can't imagine any other scenario. That's precisely what the authos of the Bible have intended to brainwashes people to think. I could quote you direct verses from the book that states supposedly in God's own words that anyone who refuses to believe in God's word is a heathen and a sinner and cannot possibly be up to any good. In fact there are even versus where God commands that nonbelievers be stoned to death. In fact, this peeves the Biblical God so much, that not only does he command that the heathens be stoned to death but he demands that their wive, children, livestock, and the entire village from whence they came be destroyed. Everything there should be burned to the ground and nothing shall be built upon that site again. Damn. I almost quoted the verses verbatim by accident. ![]() Anyway, as you can see, if you disbelieve that the Bible is the word of God then God will really be peeved and throw a temper tantrum on a major scale. Or if you're a non-believer, then the authors who wrote that godforsaken book would like you to believe that God is that insane and hateful. This has always been one of the reasons that has contributed to my rejection of the Bible. As far as I'm concerned God must be at least as nice as me. After all, I could hardly be the compassionate superior to God. Yet, the Bible describes a God who is not anywhere near as nice as even myself. Not that I'm all that nice, but you don't need to be very nice to be nicer than the Biblical God. I know that I can't be nicer than God, yet the Bible demands that this must be the case, so clearly there's got to be a major problem. Like the book is just a big manmade fat lie. ![]() Well, that's my opinion anyway. Everyone is entitled to reach their own conclusions on that one I guess. But if you see a thread that looks like proselytizing, it probably is. ![]() How can we discuss something with people that cant possible undersand what we are talking about? When u dont believe yes it will make no sence and it will sound stupid. You can call me brain washed then yeppy this is the best brainwashing i have ever heard of. God is very good, loving and caring. I would like to know the scripture you referred to. I have no doubt it is in there because u dont seem like you have read it. But reading it understanding are two very different things and no i dont understand it all. U have a great day. |
There are times WITHIN a thread when a person is trying to share their particular interpretation of a Bible verse, in order to get a message across about the discussion. OK - I do read those short verses. BUT HERE'S MY QUESTION: Does ANYONE, belivers included, EVER read those posts that seem to stream off into all kinds of Bible verses????? ESPECIALLY, those that actually BEGIN like that. Do any of you REALLY read that stuff? I guess you can tell, I sure don't. So I guess the next question is - why do people actually go to all that trouble? Especially in the 'general religion' forum. No, not really; I sometimes can't sleep and often end up watching TV preachers, flip all around the Bible to make quotes to support their claims and if you pay too close attention, you realize that not is their logic flawed, but that they must be purposefully misquoting the verses; so when I see a bunch of random Bible quotes, i assume it is the same mess of someone reaching and trying very hard to prove a point, which ultimately they can not. |
It all comes down to faith. If you believe in it then it is true. If you don't then all the words in the world aren't going to make a bit of diference.
There are times WITHIN a thread when a person is trying to share their particular interpretation of a Bible verse, in order to get a message across about the discussion. OK - I do read those short verses. BUT HERE'S MY QUESTION: Does ANYONE, belivers included, EVER read those posts that seem to stream off into all kinds of Bible verses????? ESPECIALLY, those that actually BEGIN like that. Do any of you REALLY read that stuff? I guess you can tell, I sure don't. So I guess the next question is - why do people actually go to all that trouble? Especially in the 'general religion' forum. Nope. I like originality and believing or quoting a book is not originality, it is blind faith. |
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject.
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject. Oh Gawd. |
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject. So say the very folks who decided, translated and printed the book. Did you hear him speak to those people? I have never been one to buy snake oil. Why would I buy 'here is christ' oil. |
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject. No, no, no, its the Koran that was written by God! I mean, the Bhagavad-Gita, thats the One! Wait, no the Book of Mormon, maybe? Upanishads? I Ching? |
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject. No, no, no, its the Koran that was written by God! I mean, the Bhagavad-Gita, thats the One! Wait, no the Book of Mormon, maybe? Upanishads? I Ching? I think I'll stick with Lao-Tzu's Tao Te Ching. At least he's not claiming to be God. |
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject. Oh Gawd. DITTO ![]() |
sorry i dont believe in the bible,god.2 you that do good luck
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There are times WITHIN a thread when a person is trying to share their particular interpretation of a Bible verse, in order to get a message across about the discussion. OK - I do read those short verses. BUT HERE'S MY QUESTION: Does ANYONE, belivers included, EVER read those posts that seem to stream off into all kinds of Bible verses????? ESPECIALLY, those that actually BEGIN like that. Do any of you REALLY read that stuff? I guess you can tell, I sure don't. So I guess the next question is - why do people actually go to all that trouble? Especially in the 'general religion' forum. I believe that there is an element of truth in every doctrine. I scan the long winded posts if I'm into the topic but I must admit....when they start up I do feel as though the thread has been hijacked with cut and paste and it looses its flavor rather quickly. Then apathy sets in and I think...why bother? Move on...this mind is closed. |
Scripture (The Bible) is writen by God, through man. The Holy Spirit inspired and spoke to the apostles who wrote down the words. So, Scripture IS REAL and IS Truth! Its all on whether you have the faith and desire to believe truth. We we all a choice to accept or reject. The problem w/ believing that is that one has to turn off the logic centers of the brain. Logic suggests some immediate and devastating questions and statements to your statement. 1. You can not prove God inspired anyone to do anything. You may prove that the belief in God, which is not the same thing, inspires people to do things all the time, however. 2. If God did indeed inspire men to write things down, why do so many of them write different things down, often contradictory things, about the same events? It would seem that if a single all powerfull source (God) did the inspiring, then everyone thus inspired would tell essentially the same story. However, this is clearly not the case. 3. Saying something is real or the truth is an opinion, not a fact. We all have a choice: To think for ourselves or to blindly accept what others tell us. |