Topic: are you a licker?
FaithfulOne78's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:31 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:
here you go:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: laugh laugh

Uh, no.

Oh this is trouble I dare watch..devil

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:33 PM
Thanks Biker!!! My man counter just went up by 89032782%:tongue: laugh :tongue:

Jtevans's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:37 PM

Thanks Biker!!! My man counter just went up by 89032782%:tongue: laugh :tongue:


the strawberry pic was all it took.....smokin

littleike's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:39 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:
here you go:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: laugh laugh

Uh, no.

Oh this is trouble I dare watch..devil
or join in

crazysillygirl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:46 PM

Eddiemma's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:50 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:

OMG -you ladies are driving us boys crazy with naughty thoughts..blushing

littleike's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:51 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:

OMG -you ladies are driving us boys crazy with naughty thoughts..blushing
lets out do there naughty thoughts, i know im naughty

Eddiemma's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:54 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:

OMG -you ladies are driving us boys crazy with naughty thoughts..blushing
lets out do there naughty thoughts, i know im naughty

All right let's do it... We will huddle make a game plan then yell break.. Then charge in and jump their bones...

You know sac them in their end zone... Good game! Good Game!:laughing:

msmyka's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:56 PM
I'm more of a biter than a licker pitchfork

littleike's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:57 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:

OMG -you ladies are driving us boys crazy with naughty thoughts..blushing
lets out do there naughty thoughts, i know im naughty

All right let's do it... We will huddle make a game plan then yell break.. Then charge in and jump their bones...

You know sac them in their end zone... Good game! Good Game!:laughing:
im not done playing yet. its more a hobbie or lifestyle,lol

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:00 PM

THSI is so cool ....^.. I had to steal it THANKS eh !...
Oh and Biker to answer ??..... YES I AM and you can take THAT to the bank drool love pitchfork

Eddiemma's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:01 PM

And bananas!!! :banana:

OMG -you ladies are driving us boys crazy with naughty thoughts..blushing
lets out do there naughty thoughts, i know im naughty

All right let's do it... We will huddle make a game plan then yell break.. Then charge in and jump their bones...

You know sac them in their end zone... Good game! Good Game!:laughing:
im not done playing yet. its more a hobbie or lifestyle,lol

Play on play-ah play...:thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:02 PM

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:03 PM

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

The world may never know....

I don't think I'd ever want to give any woman a hint like that. She'd leave teeth marks.

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:03 PM
I love licking!!!

Come here lhb. Let me lick you! LOL

auburngirl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:07 PM

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

The world may never know....

I don't think I'd ever want to give any woman a hint like that. She'd leave teeth marks.

NO, she won't

littleike's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:09 PM
it takes 2 licks the right side then the right,lol

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:09 PM
bigsmile My specialitybigsmile

FaithfulOne78's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:11 PM

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

The world may never know....

I don't think I'd ever want to give any woman a hint like that. She'd leave teeth marks.

NO, she won't

I never leave teeth good at what I do:tongue: devil devil

msmyka's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:12 PM
I do know when to bite and when to lick and when to.... blushing