Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 79 | |
doin ok, trying to stay upbeat, but right now i have been working non stop
Work is good for the soul at least... lol...
(((Princess))) (((Everyone!)))
You know, Prncs, you got the fastest flippin' thread on mingle...! Page fitty is comin' up... So any minute now moofooga's gonna show up...! He's ALWAYS the one getting to flip this thread. I wanna take away his flippin' crown so bad, I can taste it....! ![]() |
He may be out tonight or he'd be here.. Go for it Mahan you're a flippin' virgin...
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Yeah. Teh Moof might be out tonight, or else he'd be here.
Or WOULD he? ![]() |
oh he would.. (((Moofers))) what's doing?
What's doing??? Huh???
![]() I'm just here, fumbling about on my computer. That's about it, though. What're YOU doing, Prncs? ![]() |
I'm sitting here in a lot of pain.. I was supposed to hang with the girls but can hardly move... Waiting to see if my pain pills kick in and help.. not so far...
Ooh... in a lot of pain, eh? Well that sucks...
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yeah it's my back that shoulder blade issue I've been having for a few weeks now.. It's outta control today...
Yeah? Your shoulder blades? That sucks even worse.
Getting pain in the "emotional cross" (the part of the back in and around the shoulder blade area, that is- it's a prime spot for stress-related back pain) is the worst of all back pain to get. If you don't have someone around to massage the effected area, you're pretty much screwed. ![]() |
It's bad, I'm near tears that's how bad... Jesse tried but Splash though he was hurting me and wouldn't leave us alone and well dammit, it hurt even worse then...
Ooh... that's not good at all. I wouldn't be surprised if you pinched a nerve or something similar at some point. The worst part is your being totally incapacitated while in pain- you can hardly move, because the pain is so great. It just sucks.
Well... sorry to hear about your troubles. You COULD go out and get these things called "SalonPAS" therapy pads- they're stick-on thingies that are supposed to help cut down on the pain. I also hear that "Icy-Hot" salve also works as well. ![]() |
ahhhhhhhhhhh good idea I just remembered I still have some icy hot...
Yeah. I find the Icy-Hot works pretty well for stuff like that. Of course, you're gonna have to find someone to apply that stuff on you, as I don't think you're quite that flexible.
![]() But DO try to get your hands on those SalonPAS stick-on thingamajiggers, though. Dunno what's in them, but whatever it is works REAL good. ![]() |
Where do you get those?
The SalonPAS pads? You can get 'em at your local Walgreen's, or at your local CVS, or at your local major supermarket with a medicine aisle. They also come in a bunch of different sizes, too... from "totally miniscule" to "large enough to cover the Empire State Building".
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I'll look for them tomorrow for sure...
Yeah. It's really good stuff. In fact, I believe that the people who make the Icy-Hot stuff also make stick-on pads that kind of do the same thing, too. You stick the stuff on, and the medication inside the pads seep on through to your skin. No muss, no fuss.
Of course you'd need to have someone apply those pads, though. Unless you're a circus performer, that is. ![]() |
Ooh... there's also stuff made by the Ben_Gay people as well. Haven't tried that stuff, out though.
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