Topic: Ladies Beware | |
lmao sweetie I don't brag
shucks and I want you bad you can call me two dollars |
No your not that bad lol Well then again I really don't know you
the truth is revealed............ Now was that so hard? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Was it?? |
No the truth was not revealed lol
my dog is trained to take out the trash
awwwwwwwwwwwwww but it was love!!!! |
No I just put something out there and how you play with it in your head
lol is up to you and I just replied to what you were refering as wee I never said size lmao |
wee wee fur sure
Hm you speak french now lmao
UK, I don't think it was a mistake to post this topic. There are a lot
of people who are new to the internet and forget it can be a dangerous place. Thanks for the reminder. |
______________###_##______________ ____________###____##_____________ __________###____###_#____________ ________###____###___##___________ ______###____###______##__________ ____###____###_________##_________ __###____###____________##________ _##____###_______________##_______ __##_###__________________##______ ___###_____________________##_____ ____##______________________##____ _____##_____________________###___ ______##___________________#####__ _______##________________#######__ ________##______________########__ _________##____________#########__ __________##__________##########__ __________###_________#########___ ________######________########____ ______########_________#####______ _____#########____________________ ____##########____________________ ___##########_____________________ ___#########______________________ ____#######_______________________ _____####_________________________ raindrops are falling IN her head! |
This thing STILL going? OMG
its all in fun
Damnit crash I just spat my scotch on my keyboard.ROTFLMFAO
So much for a serious thread. Just curious as to how long it's gonna run. |