Topic: Love of Your Life Or 100 Million Dollars?
PATSFAN's photo
Mon 05/18/09 04:51 PM


You put the white t-shirt & baseball photo up... nice! bigsmile


dilligaf1981's photo
Mon 05/18/09 04:56 PM
The Money! I can buy alot of lovein with that.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

trgirl's photo
Mon 05/18/09 05:04 PM
well money does not make you happy no matter how much you have, i will take :heart: true love :heart: for 600 alexbigsmile

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 05:04 PM

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:47 PM

:heart: What would you rather have, the love or your life or 100 million dollars?:heart:

Money, pleez. I can always buy the love of my life, you know... bigsmile

ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:15 PM
Edited by ClayFace2009 on Mon 05/18/09 10:18 PM
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ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:18 PM

I will take the money! Unfortunately, I have found that the love of my life is already living with me-he is battery operated and doesn't talk back. LOL! oops :banana: :banana: :banana:

Wow, and what did you name him? :P

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:19 PM

:heart: What would you rather have, the love or your life or 100 million dollars?:heart:

Gimme the money. The one woman who would find my combination of qualities endearing left the planet a long time ago anyway.

ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:20 PM
At this time in my life, I'd love both. However, if I had to make a choice would be the money so that I can get through college, buy a car and a house of my own, THEN I can find the love of my life. Unfortunately, money matters are a bit tight right now.

Monier's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:22 PM

:heart: What would you rather have, the love or your life or 100 million dollars?:heart:

100 million

I'd like to avoid the whole feeling stupid thing when she leaves me and I realize I could have had the 100 mil slaphead

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 06:50 AM
Jerry Macguire!! ~ show me the MONEY!!!laugh :wink:

DragonFlyTat's photo
Tue 05/19/09 06:57 AM
I have already had the love of my life and he passed away so now I would take the money.

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:22 PM

I have no interest in money.

7z3r05's photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:26 PM
100 million. thats a lot of money.

soloplustwo's photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:26 PM
money can buy you happiness and i would take the money... i think you have to be poor at one time in your life then get money like that because then your usually humble...then ill work out trying to find love ...besides i have my kids they have all my love now so i can live.. i dont NEED a woman just want one

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:27 PM

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:29 PM
depends honestly....if I could never have the love of my life if I took the money then I'd choose the love of my life, but if the love of my life was going to die soon after I picked him/her or if they were going to treat me badly or anything like that then I'd probably take the money....huh

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:30 PM

:heart: What would you rather have, the love or your life or 100 million dollars?:heart:

The money. I can just buy me a man every night for that kind of dough. I could have one sent up to my room. I could have a different one to go with my wardrobe. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:32 PM

I was gonna take the love of my life to Eygpt and sell her to an arab for 16 camels..

You will get double that if shes a "blue eye demon." happy

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:42 PM

:heart: What would you rather have, the love or your life or 100 million dollars?:heart:

Love... hands down.