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Topic: Police helicopter.......
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Wed 05/13/09 12:15 AM

Has been circling around the area just over my house.......gotta love this freaking neighborhood!!!!!!!scared scared scared scared scared scared scared
Its fun and exciting and you get to see who they shoot!!!pitchfork noway laugh

ProteinGirl's photo
Wed 05/13/09 05:50 AM


We have one the comes around at least once a week if not twice. Usually Fridays and Saturdays. There is a lot of bars where I live. There are 7 that I can think of off of the top of my head, that are within a 5 minute walk from me.

I used to live in your city!
One night, my ex was on the deck and the helicopter flew over, and he started waving wildly, just for fun.
In a split second, he was flooded with light from that marvelous heli and scared the crap out of him :banana:

michiganman3's photo
Wed 05/13/09 06:24 AM
They are few around here, the Coast Guard and the air ambulance.
If I hear one, I always look to see who it is.

no photo
Wed 05/13/09 06:25 AM

Has been circling around the area just over my house.......gotta love this freaking neighborhood!!!!!!!scared scared scared scared scared scared scared

That's what you get for not stalking me enough.


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