Topic: The Venus Project.... Not a Buck Rogers dream | |
Sounds like globalization and the one world gov concept to me. It is, but without the monetary system that creates greed and corruption. The flip side of the present coin. Based on resources, technology and education without a corporate price tag attached. Free shared resource. Some may say communism, others a new world order, but it is a commune without a government or banker agenda. The improvement of individual life, not war for profit. No oil dependence, no war, no monetary gain possible, no greed. If machines replace the worker, just more time to pursue other pleasures. Can you imagine life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Not so many worker bees and more education to further a technologicaly better existence. Perhaps space travel. We have been held back long enough. Technology withheld to promote dependence on fossil fuels, wars for possession and control of the diminishing supply. We are kept in the stone age! Education costs a fortune and when you do get a degree there are no jobs. Credit enslaved, most can say they own nothing and pay the banks to live in their homes they might soon lose. There is no "fix" for the system we are in! It needs to be scraped, but not to fall under the leadership of bankers or politicians. This is what The Venus Project model implies. Leadership, yes, but not dictitorial rulers! |
Sounds like globalization and the one world gov concept to me. It is, but without the monetary system that creates greed and corruption. The flip side of the present coin. Based on resources, technology and education without a corporate price tag attached. Free shared resource. Some may say communism, others a new world order, but it is a commune without a government or banker agenda. The improvement of individual life, not war for profit. No oil dependence, no war, no monetary gain possible, no greed. If machines replace the worker, just more time to pursue other pleasures. Can you imagine life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Not so many worker bees and more education to further a technologicaly better existence. Perhaps space travel. We have been held back long enough. Technology withheld to promote dependence on fossil fuels, wars for possession and control of the diminishing supply. We are kept in the stone age! Education costs a fortune and when you do get a degree there are no jobs. Credit enslaved, most can say they own nothing and pay the banks to live in their homes they might soon lose. There is no "fix" for the system we are in! It needs to be scraped, but not to fall under the leadership of bankers or politicians. This is what The Venus Project model implies. Leadership, yes, but not dictitorial rulers! If I had suggested this, I would have been branded a commie. LOL Ive always suggested a Star Trek society! Of course you do realize the chance we have of ever seeing this. right? |
It's very interesting though.
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Very interesting concept if you ask me. In transforming our current societies into the one described, there is much room for corrution to completely take over. This is a major obstacle. There are many others, including our instinct to compete for survival, or advancement.
I think this may be in man-kind's distant future. But it would require some evolving, and some major transitions. |
Very interesting concept if you ask me. In transforming our current societies into the one described, there is much room for corrution to completely take over. This is a major obstacle. There are many others, including our instinct to compete for survival, or advancement. I think this may be in man-kind's distant future. But it would require some evolving, and some major transitions. I like the idea very much, just think about how we spend our whole lives pretty much working and how little we can actually have time to enjoy life. Right now the only people that can enjoy life are those in control of it, I can't see them wanting to give that up, especially when they think they are entitled to it. I also agree that it would take some major evolving emotionally, mentally and spiritually, I think, for all of society world wide to accept such a thing. Sadly, I don't see it happening any time soon. |
Edited by
Wed 05/13/09 07:26 PM
Anyone who is interested in this project, the creator of this project, the ones behind it, please watch Zeitgeist Addendum. The last hour and half is about this project:
If you have an open mind and free time, highly recommended to watch the whole thing: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mr. Fresco’s background includes industrial design and social engineering, as well as being a forerunner in the field of Human Factors. Mr. Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning from biomedical innovations to totally integrated social systems. The Venus Project and the non-profit organization Future By Design reflects the culmination of Jacque Fresco’s life work: the integration of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern. It is a global vision of hope for the future of humankind in our technological age. Professional Positions * Design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company * Served in the Army Design and Development Unit, Wright Field Dayton , Ohio * Research Engineer. Raymond De-Icer Corp., Los Angeles , California * Technical Consultant to the Motion Picture Industry, including Technical Advisor to Camera Eye Pictures, Inc., and the film, The Magic Eye, which won the Robert J. Flaherty Award for creative film documentary. * Colleague and work associate of Donald Powell Wilson of Los Angeles , the noted psychologist who wrote My Six Convicts. * Industrial Design Instructor at the Art Center School in Hollywood , California * Creator of Revel Plastics Company Books Authored 1. Looking Forward co-authored with Kenneth Keyes, 1969, A.S. Barnes & Company 2. Introduction to Sociocyberneering, 1977 3. Sociocyberneering Presents Cities in Transition, 1978 4. Sociocyberneering Presents the Determinants of Behavior, 1978 5. Structural Systems and Systems of Structure, 1979 6. The Venus Project: The Redesign of a Culture, 1995 * World Future Society best seller 7. And The World Will Be One 1997 8. The Best That Money Can’t Buy: Beyond Politics, Poverty & War , 2002 9. Videos produced and filmed 10. The Venus Project: The Redesign of a Culture, 1994 11. Welcome To The Future, 2001 12. Cities In The Sea, 2002 13. Self-erecting Structures, 2002 Inventions and Designs- many of which have been patented and have had wide commercial acceptance. * Systems for noiseless and pollution free aircraft * A new aircraft wing structural system, patented by the US Air Force * An electrostatic system for the elimination of sonic boom * Boundary layer control and electrodynamic methods for aircraft control that dispenses with ailerons, elevators, rudders, and flaps * A three-wheel automobile consisting of only 32 parts * “The Aluminum Trend House,” a prefabricated house designed and developed for Mike Shore and Earl Muntz, 1945 * Designed and developed another prefabricated aluminum house for Major Realty Corporation in collaboration with Aluminum Company of America * Developed numerous components and systems for architectural construction * Developed equipment ranging from 3-dimensional x-ray units to electronic surgical instruments for the medical field * Developed a technique for viewing 3-dimensional motion pictures without the use of glasses * Designed and built a wide variety of reinforced concrete structures |
I am sorry to intrude on a perfectly good fairytale, but I hae a question.
In this new suggested world, why the fnck would I wake up and go to work? If there is no money, and all resources are shared, then what would I gain by working versus not working that day? Anybody thought about this tiny obstacle? |
This is the brainchild of Jacque Fresco. The forerunners that got this project in the public eye were the films Zeitgeist and the more recent Zeitgeist Addendum. I’ve listed the following websites a few time in this forum but I sure don’t mind repeating it. Watch the movie on the right first (Zeitgeist-The Movie) Then watch (Zeitgeist-Addendum) Click on "In English" Check the web site out and give a listen to the verbal interviews with Jacque Fresco. This too takes a while. The Venus Project This is not a Star Trek version of world order, in fact the whole point of the Venus project is there is no government. People do what they are interested in. Children are surrounded by educational opportunities. From the lady next door who keeps bees and teaches neighborhood kids all there is know about bees, to the guy who is a camera fanatic and teaches kids, who are interested, how to take pictures, develop them, and even how to take a camera apart, what makes work. One person may come up with a possible innovation for building material and anyone interested will work on the project. A scientist may need help doing a research project and those interested will help out. The reward for work, is that no person has more or less than any other person. Work is not a slave labor job, work is whatever one is good at, whatever one enjoys, whatever makes a person feel productive and gives a sense of belonging. FOR THE GREATER GOOD, and the best part is that while providing for the greatest good, one is also self-serving in that they create a place for themselves by doing what makes them happy. This is not something that can happen overnight. People need to be conditioned to new traditions, to a new mentality. We need to return to a single world-wide collectivist culture in which every person is unique for what they give to society, but no one considers their own individuality before considering themselves as part of the whole. So—this leaves the question…How do we begin to make the changes necessary to lead to such a society? I have many ideas – what are yours? |
I suppose there will be hobbyists that just love to go clean toilets, haul trash around, separate used tampons from a dog puke bundles, work in a coal mine, or spend their lifetime doing data-entry work.
The brainwashing that Bezmenov talked about, must be complete, then.
Atlantis, looks like you and I posted at the same time - sorry all for any duplication.
NoGames - you are thinking like a capitalist. People in collectivist societies don't think like you and I. In fact, among all the world's people, those of us in the U.S. and a couple other countries are in the minority. Collectivist societies prove that the kind of thinking necessary to make the Venus project work, is possible. But the U.S. continues to influence individualist thought throughout the world, and the more individuals there are, the more difficult the task will be to change things around. The U.S. needs leaders, ready, willing and gutsy enough to begin working WITH other courntries to bring about global changes for all people, without profit to individuals or transfer of power between governments. Consider this: All the bailout money and not a dime of it spend on socializing healthcare in the U.S. Why do middle class jobs continue to be outsourced, why are G.M. and Chrysler wanting to follow suit? One thing and one alone could save the jobs in America - socialized medicine. How, you ask? Imagine the billions every employer would save if they didn't have to include these grandiose insurance benefits in their employment packages. We could actuall COMPLETELY do away with medicare and medicaid because it all fall under the one single healthcare system. We are ranked 27th in the world in health and health care - close to third world figures, yet we WERE the riches and most powerful nation on earth. Today we are a bunch of sick people unable to seek treatment, buy nutricious food, and restricted by the FDA to the kinds of medical treatment we can even get. You see how government thinks "capitalistic", but that comes from the little people who allow it to go on. |
So—this leaves the question…How do we begin to make the changes necessary to lead to such a society? I have many ideas – what are yours? Bummer! You won't "begin" until you get hired for doing it. This must be a disturbing thought. |
Consider this: All the bailout money and not a dime of it spend on socializing healthcare in the U.S. Why do middle class jobs continue to be outsourced, why are G.M. and Chrysler wanting to follow suit? One thing and one alone could save the jobs in America - socialized medicine. How, you ask? Imagine the billions every employer would save if they didn't have to include these grandiose insurance benefits in their employment packages. We could actuall COMPLETELY do away with medicare and medicaid because it all fall under the one single healthcare system. Yeah... brilliant. Small problem: China has a positive money flow, by which to subsidize the healthcare, if China wants to do that. We don't. Oops. |
We are ranked 27th in the world in health and health care - close to third world figures, yet we WERE the riches and most powerful nation on earth. Today we are a bunch of sick people unable to seek treatment, buy nutricious food, and restricted by the FDA to the kinds of medical treatment we can even get. Yes, we were the number one. When we were a lot more capitalist that today. As we introduced more socialist laws and measures, we slipped to our current 27th place. |
nogames - you are blinded by your pessimism. It has already started, there are thousands of people around the world that are actively spreading these words, these ideas.
Change begins with words and ideas. People have to grow accustom to hearing them in order to be influenced to a new mindset. I began reading all this 'stuff' specifically to find all the resons this could not possibly work. But arguments could not hold up in the face of all I've learned. I have also studied social psychology which attempts to explain why people behave as they do. With that information and all the information Fresco presents, I can only conclude that the Venus Project is not only possible, but may be the only solution to reunite humanity with common goals, for preservation of the environment and our species. |
NoGames - you are thinking like a capitalist. People in collectivist societies don't think like you and I. In fact, among all the world's people, those of us in the U.S. and a couple other countries are in the minority. Collectivist societies prove that the kind of thinking necessary to make the Venus project work, is possible. Which countries would that be? Where can we see an example of a perfectly functioning society, that functions on collectivist principles? Do you know what motivates a small, collectivistically organized tribe, to work? Abject poverty, hunger or a military treat of extermination, that's what. This is why prosperity is incompatible with collectivism. So, bring in an Abject poverty, famine or war, and your idea will work. Remove those, and it will stop working. |
nogames - you are blinded by your pessimism. It has already started, there are thousands of people around the world that are actively spreading these words, these ideas. Change begins with words and ideas. People have to grow accustom to hearing them in order to be influenced to a new mindset. I began reading all this 'stuff' specifically to find all the resons this could not possibly work. But arguments could not hold up in the face of all I've learned. I have also studied social psychology which attempts to explain why people behave as they do. With that information and all the information Fresco presents, I can only conclude that the Venus Project is not only possible, but may be the only solution to reunite humanity with common goals, for preservation of the environment and our species. Your optimism is a great thing to have. How about simply answering the questions? Surely, not being blinded as myself, the answers must be at the tips of your fingers. |
This is not a new idea. It has been around for some time. It sounds quite similar to the Marxist ideas behind communism. Name me one successful collectivist society.
This is not a new idea. It has been around for some time. It sounds quite similar to the Marxist ideas behind communism. Name me one successful collectivist society. Yep, it used to be called communism. Thanks, Thomas! |
I suppose there will be hobbyists that just love to go clean toilets, haul trash around, separate used tampons from a dog puke bundles, work in a coal mine, or spend their lifetime doing data-entry work. I agree, that plan is doomed to failure. With no government and a police force,,,,,,(oh wait, no gov) anyway,,, How long before someone gets tired of the complacent lifestyle, gets organized, and begins to have their way in this society? There goes tranquility. There goes utopia. |