Topic: When he's in love with you he will _______? | |
......make up silly love poems
...always asks me first
say nothing at all and it will be worth a thousand words
Sing off-key love songs to her.
wants to take you hunting with him (and yes, this is a big step for him)
Trust her with a loaded gun.
...will take you home to introduce you to his Mother
he will grab her by her devilish horns and .........
bring you flowers that he picked instead of roses from a store
he will scream Jadday, Jadday, Jadday in a way that you know he really loves you.
tell you silly jokes just to make you laugh |
he will be your true best friend
he will give me guidance in making the correct choices, not make the choices for me
he will love you thru thick and thin, better or worse, happy and sad times. He will always be there for you.
be happy with his clothes being in the dresser because my clothes take up the whole closet
he will not complain about having no bathroom counter space because it is full of beautifying stuff. |
hold your hand in front of his friends
teach you to dance as good as him
whisper in my ear
get out of bed to turn the light off even though you were the last one in bed