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Topic: 'Gay' groups: We have rights to your children!
Winx's photo
Wed 05/06/09 10:35 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 05/06/09 10:35 PM


This is an all too common argument which does not give any warrant to conclude either way.

They have never found a heterosexual or homosexual gene.


I have heard that neuroscience has found significant differences in the brain though...

Yes, they have found differences in the brain.

And it's not a mental illness.laugh slaphead

Foliel's photo
Wed 05/06/09 10:59 PM
Edited by Foliel on Wed 05/06/09 11:05 PM
Here's one for you thomas...I am incapable of loving someone of the opposite gender in that way. I was born gay, I have never felt that way about a woman, not once in my entire life. I have loved women just was never in love with them. I can talk to women all the time and not get one ounce of interest in them. Most women are just friends to me, the ones that aren't are my family.

I can promise you that I as well as many of the gay men I know will live past 43. This includes the men I know that are 50+. More than likely if a gay person does not live past 43 it's due to an outside influence.

I was not your typical little boy growing up, I preferred to play with the girls, I couldn't stand sports (at least till high school and then I only participated cuz some of the guys in my class were HOT!!!), I played house willingly, my little pony, care bears, cabbage patch kids.....sound like a normal little boy? I did have my x-men comics and my transformers but for he most part I played with things that girls normally played with.

I had a wondeful friendship with Lindyy, we didn't agree on everything but we had a healthy respect for each other. I miss her somedays lol.

Now while this may not hold true for all cases, I was born this way. For many years my parents tried to get me interested in the things other boys did only times i ever was, was soccer and video games. I hate to burst your bubble but some people are, in fact, born that way. The ones that choose it should be slapped silly because it's not a lifestyle I would have chosen yet I am dealing with it.

My mother accepts me for who I am as does the rest of the family as far as most other people are concerned i could care less what they think about it. I have made some wonderful friends on this site, including some christian people that accept me as I am. they also accept that i do not buy into the whole god thing. I was born to be...me...and that is all i can be whether people like it or not.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:06 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Wed 05/06/09 11:08 PM
Ya know, I have found that most of the men who I have met that are so adamantly opposed to the reality that some people are just born gay are those who were also born gay but are fighting within themselves because of what has been pushed into their brains through religion...

Many of those men who are this way are often found to be repeatedly attracting bisexual women who have lived mostly as a lesbian because they have not found a male counterpart with enough feminine qualities to them...



Foliel's photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:09 PM
Edited by Foliel on Wed 05/06/09 11:13 PM
I have to laugh at the straight people that say "you aren't born gay" They couldn't possibly know as they aren't gay so how would they know what it's like to be gay?

This has gotten so far off topic it should probly be locked or something lol

creativesoul's photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:14 PM
Come to think of it, there are many secretly(to themselves as well) gay men who have been raised under such religious repression that they also believe that they were being infected and controlled by demons and such...

Whereas if they just would figure out that it is the religious reasons themselves that are the problem, they could be as gay as they really want to be anyway, instead of fighting against themselves all those years...


Thomas3474's photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:33 PM

I have to laugh at the straight people that say "you aren't born gay" They couldn't possibly know as they aren't gay so how would they know what it's like to be gay?

This has gotten so far off topic it should probly be locked or something lol

Since the majority of people are not born gay and even fewer gays claim to be born gay we must assume it is a medical condition.What do we call this medical condition of being born gay?Nothing.There is none.You want to know why?Because being born gay does not exist.Even if there was such a condition how would a doctor treat it?Put him in a room with a bunch of strippers?Even if this was a medical condition are you going to tell me that one day a man is gay and the next day he changes his mind and dates the opposite sex?

There are many medical conditions people are born with such as down syndrome,Autism,Hemophilia,and others.So far I have yet to hear of a doctor saying this baby was born gay.It's a ridiculous theory and the only people who buy it is the gays and the people who support their cause.

I also agree we need to get back on topic.I posted this topic because I think parents should have the choice to decide what a child learns or doesn't learn in school.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:38 PM
wowzers...i really dont have a comment...but ummm
let the force be with us all.

and our children.

and our soldiers.

and even our great great leader Mr obama.

okay now im jsut trying to change the subject.

but ummmmm.......anybody want some cheesecakebigsmile

Foliel's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:10 AM

I have to laugh at the straight people that say "you aren't born gay" They couldn't possibly know as they aren't gay so how would they know what it's like to be gay?

This has gotten so far off topic it should probly be locked or something lol

Since the majority of people are not born gay and even fewer gays claim to be born gay we must assume it is a medical condition.What do we call this medical condition of being born gay?Nothing.There is none.You want to know why?Because being born gay does not exist.Even if there was such a condition how would a doctor treat it?Put him in a room with a bunch of strippers?Even if this was a medical condition are you going to tell me that one day a man is gay and the next day he changes his mind and dates the opposite sex?

There are many medical conditions people are born with such as down syndrome,Autism,Hemophilia,and others.So far I have yet to hear of a doctor saying this baby was born gay.It's a ridiculous theory and the only people who buy it is the gays and the people who support their cause.

I also agree we need to get back on topic.I posted this topic because I think parents should have the choice to decide what a child learns or doesn't learn in school.

whether you think it's ridiculous or not, it does happen. I have never been attracted to women, care to explain? I have never had a bad relationship nor am I lonely or given up on dating. I have ALWAYS liked males. This is not a medical condition as has been proven by the psychological associations all over. A doctor would be UNABLE to claim that a baby is born gay as homosexuality, no more than they can claim a baby is born straight, usually does not occur until PUBERTY. In other words the child has to grow up first. Make the claim all you want that people are not born that way but that doesn't make it true. You were not born gay so you would have no clue about what it is like to be gay. No matter how many times you argue it, I did not choose this life. I fought it for a long time, in the long run I only managed to hurt people due to my lying about my sexual preference. I have already said that some people do choose it but not all of us do. I'm sorry if you can't accept that I am just not attracted to women but that isn't your problem now is it.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:24 AM
Denial is not just a river in Egypt!

Foliel's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:28 AM
Let them think about it anyway that makes them happy, right or wrong, it's their opinion.

Parents should always have a say in what their child learns or how soon they learn it.

*True story*

I did not learn about this in school per say -- I was talking with a bunch of my friends and a girl walked by...one of them said "Man I'd let her sit on my face" I went home after school and not thinking anything of it..I asked my mom why girls would do that with guys...My mom turned incredibly red and had to call my uncle to talk to me about sex.....She had no idea how to answer it lol

Winx's photo
Thu 05/07/09 03:06 PM

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 05/07/09 03:49 PM

I have always looked at someone being gay as a mental disorder.One of the biggest lies I constanly hear is how someone was born that way.I don't believe that for a second.If you are born gay then you are saying you are incapable of loving someone from the opposite sex.Also if that is true how do you explain the millions of people who were gay and are now straight who said the same thing?I have found that the majority of the time someone who is gay is gay because

1.)They were in bad or abusive relationships and they felt like the same thing would happen to them again.

2.)They were lonely for a long period of time,gave up hope out of desperation and thought dating someone from the same sex was their only hope.

That is way personally subjective thinking here. I know of Homosexual men who have absolutely no interest in women other than to dress like them. These are the guys women come to for fashion advise.

Likewise I know men who turned gay and some of those people attributed their change to WOMEN! Freud was a closet queer. Listening to his brand of Psychology is like listening to a TV Evangelist. Dozens of studies from very reputable universities cannot disprove a genetic tie to homosexuality and actually have found certain markers that seem to be indicative of the tendency.

There is no one sure fire reason that fits everyone. A Trysexual will do ANYTHING sexual once. Twice if they like it. The problem is more that tolerance is not practiced as much as enforcement of values that challenge many people's ideals of a Christian/ Victorian Social norm.

If it were a disorder than a much smaller fraction of the population and I mean less than 10% were gay I would go with your thinking but the fact is that people with actual disorders vary in population density and geography. Many real disorders represent less than 1% of the actual population base.

No the mechanism for love is complicated in ways we have yet to really grasp. I can love another man like a brother but as a actual lover? No. There are women I just cannot bring myself to have sex with but we still are great friends and I can love them like a sister. There is Sexual love and Familial love. that is part of the reason why many relationships do not work. A real family relationship has balance between sexual love and familial love. When it is just one or the other there is no real family relationship. (NO I AM NOT IMPLYING PEDOPHILIA EITHER YOU SICK DEMENTED MONKEYS GET YOUR SICK MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER NOW!)Time and time again I see the sexual relation dry up and the Familial take over and that is where the dissatisfaction begins.

Now back to the topic at hand...

Teaching about the concept of Homosexuality is one thing. Doing it at an appropriate age is also one thing. But to force dogma and doctrine of any kind down childrens' throats is just plain wrong. Acceptance is doctrine and dogma and that only breeds resentment later on. These policies are known to backfire.

And in the grand scheme of things how are homosexuals supposed to be bad and evil? If they are living good lives then are hey not good people like the rest of us? So where is all of this Christian love I keep hearing about???

Who cares ultimately if someone is gay or not outside of a classroom? Means more women for me!:banana:

I wanna show them my Banana.

:banana: Oh Yeah:banana:

Spank Mepitchfork

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:48 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

homosexuality is completely natural and is most often NOT personal choice.

homosexuality occurs in nature. there are animals that mate with in same-sex pairs for life. therefore, homosexuality IS natural.

they have shown that the brain of a gay male is different in structure than the brain of a hetero one. this shows that, at least in men, it's NOT just a "choice". it's how they were "naturally" made.

that said, i'm not sure what the big fuss is...there's a big difference between a school going into sexual details about a same-sex couple and just letting the kids know that some children have "two mommies".


There is no evidence that homosexuality is natural.

While the GLBT has paid for research that makes that claim, no one else has ever been able to duplicate their conclusion.

Also, Interviews with Homosexuals have shown that less than 10% even make the claim the born that way.
Most agree they chose the lifestyle and the majority of those state they were first introduced to the lifestyle by older adults while they themselves were children!

BS!! Get some facts. Even if there were absolute evidence, Fanta, I highly doubt you would accept it anyway.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:07 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

homosexuality is completely natural and is most often NOT personal choice.

homosexuality occurs in nature. there are animals that mate with in same-sex pairs for life. therefore, homosexuality IS natural.

they have shown that the brain of a gay male is different in structure than the brain of a hetero one. this shows that, at least in men, it's NOT just a "choice". it's how they were "naturally" made.

that said, i'm not sure what the big fuss is...there's a big difference between a school going into sexual details about a same-sex couple and just letting the kids know that some children have "two mommies".


There is no evidence that homosexuality is natural.

While the GLBT has paid for research that makes that claim, no one else has ever been able to duplicate their conclusion.

Also, Interviews with Homosexuals have shown that less than 10% even make the claim the born that way.
Most agree they chose the lifestyle and the majority of those state they were first introduced to the lifestyle by older adults while they themselves were children!

natural, as in "occurs in nature".

mankind is hardly the only species that mates with the same sex. they've shown the brains of male humans who happen to be gay to be different than the brains of straight males. they've done the same with rams.

i've been pretty heavily immersed in the gay "scene", and i have tons of gay friends. the majority say that they were that way when they were kids...

while there are those who are confused after sexual abuse, it's NOT the majority. i've never once met a gay person that "chose" to be that way.

who would choose to be ostracized, beaten, spit-upon, and all-around treated like trash?

as to the original topic, what's so harmful about a book that shows that there are different family structures?

my daughter brought home a similar one...it was simple, showing things like "ben lives with his grandmother" and "jane lives with her mom and dad" and "sam has two moms".

totally harmless, and it helps to make children more aware of the diversity that's surrounding us.

I have had families say on a number of occasions that if I knew Joey as a kid I would know why we say he was born gay.. same with girls.

I don't remember being attracted to women in my childhood and when I was a teen I was attracted to men. I wasn't lucky to meet many decent guys in my day, most were obnoxious self important twits, and they didn't grow out of it. They didn't know how to take no for an answer, and expected you to always follow their lead.

I pictured a life time of that bs, and was fully prepared to stay single the rest of my life, until I realized an alternative that was a blessing in my case and has been ever since.

I DID make a choice to be with a women, choice or not, get over it, we have always been here and will always be here.

What chaps me is that the religious folks don't like the born argument, because then they would have to accept they are wrong, and wrong for a very long time, they can't do that, period. If it's choice then you can change it, well isn't that convenient.

Well hell then if straight is a choice then YOU CHANGE IT...

People against gays often say the most incredibly ignorant things, yet they go around speaking 'for' gays as if they have a clue what it all means. It's obvious by some posts here that it never was terribly important to get the facts because it simply doesn't relate to their lives. They much rather stick to the antiquated thinking that has been around for centuries.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:11 PM

Here's a good article about the "diversity" of diseases you can get from this lifestyle. laugh

Now what is more important. Somebodies feelings, or public health? sick




Dr. Judith Reisman, expert witness before the attorney general’s commission on pornography and veteran researcher has found contrary to the popular view that there is little crossover between homosexuality and pedophilia, she says homosexuals are anxious to recruit young boys--a practice that is becoming easier than to sex education and “diversity programs” in schools that teach children to consider homosexuality as both acceptable and normal.

NO pedophile has the right to seduce or enslave a child for sexual pleasure!

As early as 1997 the International Epidemiological Association concluded that homosexual and bisexual lifestyle expectancy was 8 to 20 years less than all men and if this mortality continues, half of homosexual and bisexual men now age 20 will not reach the age of 65.

According to the highly respected conservative Family Research Council from “sifting of evidence from four separate databases support the conclusion that homosexual activities may shorten the person’s life span by as much as 30%” In addition...”Median age of death for homosexuals was 45, with only 2% surviving past 65 [while the median age of the ‘normal’ population was over 70 with more than 60% living past 65].” Further, “Causes of early death included murder, accidents, and drug abuse, but primarily sexually transmitted diseases [STDs}. Homosexuals were 116 times more apt to be murdered, 24 times more likely to commit suicide, 18 times more likely to die in traffic accidents.”

The Journal of the American Medical Association reported:

50 percent of male AIDS victims reported having sex with an adult male by the age of 16.
20 percent of male AIDS victims had sex with an adult male by age 10.
NO medical professional can ethically avoid warning our youth of these deadly lifestyle dangers. Medical representatives should be in day care centers and grade schools presenting warnings of these lethal lifestyle choices. This should be a lesson discussed with children at annual physical time.

In 1991 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration enacted rules designed to protect health care personnel from the spread of blood-borne pathogens such as HIV and Hepatitis. Employers were forced, by law, subject to jail and/or fines, to educate their employees to prevent transmission and likely premature death.

Homosexuality is a lie, otherwise homosexuals would not be dying!

Where is OSHA in the classroom and day care? Don’t our children count? Are they old enough to know about condom use but not pain, suffering and premature death? Or are pedophiles “feelings” and behavior acceptance more important than the health of our youth to our society?

NO elected or appointed legislative body has the right to enact laws that provide those performing deviant sex practices the status of a special minority class, with special insurance and workplace benefits. What will be the next special class, those who have sex with animals or the dead. Where will it end? It’s the responsibility of your congressmen to keep laws for family protection (such as male/female marriage) and get tougher with new legislation against the threats to child welfare by the homosexual lethal lifestyle.

When the homosexual lifestyle is taught, it must be the whole truth with explanation and pictures of diseases, suffering and premature death of those who go there. Half truths, obfuscation and cover-up are lies as we see in Suffer the Children. [click here for more on the video Suffer the Children]

NO teacher or instructor in day care or grade school, in a position of parental trust, has the right to introduce propaganda or homosexual tolerance or acceptance without the full picture of this lethal lifestyle and obviously not without the parents knowledge.

The Family Policy Network produced a list of diseases contacted and spread through the lethal lifestyle of homosexuality. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.Pubic lice
2.Scabies (mites)
3.Fungal infections
4.Oral gonorrhea
5.Oral lesions from herpes, HPV (warts), chancroid, lymhogranuloma venereum, or granuloma inguinale.
6.Nongonolococcal pharyngitis from chlamydia, other STD’s
8.Enteric (intestinal) infections
9.Traumatic proctitis
10.Rectal gonorrhea
11.Anal warts
13.Nonspecific procitis (from chlamydia and other STDs)
14.Anorectal herpes
15.Anorectal syphilis
16.Rectal trichomoniasis
17.Lymphogranuloma venereum
18.Anorectal granuloma inguinale
19.Anorectal chancroid
21.Anorectal candidiasis
22.Physical abrasions
25.Urethritis from various STDs
26.Nongonococcal urethritis
27.Genital herpes
28.Molluscum contagiosum
29.Genital warts
31.Epididymitis and/or proctitis
32.Granuloma inguinale
35.Campylobacter fetus (bacteria)
36.Enterogenic E. coli bacteria
37.Hepatitis (A, B, and others)
41.Enterobius vemicularis (parasite)
42.Oral warts

As these diseases become resistant to medication, mutations and permutations occur. To keep the human body fighting to resist the spread of further illness the immune system breaks down and premature death results.

*15,000 new cases of HIV/AIDS alone are reported daily in the world. Will one be a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter?

The Boy Scouts of America were victorious in the Supreme Court of the United States against the frontal assault by the homosexuals. This was a grand outcome for morality and the right of a private association to select its leaders. Now the struggle for the minds and bodies of our youth is on fast track in the school systems as professionally developed videos target school students, teachers bring homosexuals to classes to promote their agenda and the truth is twisted to favor the homosexual agenda.

Just what I would have expected, of the Family Research Council!!!

creativesoul's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:11 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Thu 05/07/09 10:13 PM
People against gays often say the most incredibly ignorant things, yet they go around speaking 'for' gays as if they have a clue what it all means. It's obvious by some posts here that it never was terribly important to get the facts because it simply doesn't relate to their lives. They much rather stick to the antiquated thinking that has been around for centuries.

I like to poke 'em with reflective sticks...


Zat make me diabolical?


no photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:18 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

homosexuality is completely natural and is most often NOT personal choice.

homosexuality occurs in nature. there are animals that mate with in same-sex pairs for life. therefore, homosexuality IS natural.

they have shown that the brain of a gay male is different in structure than the brain of a hetero one. this shows that, at least in men, it's NOT just a "choice". it's how they were "naturally" made.

that said, i'm not sure what the big fuss is...there's a big difference between a school going into sexual details about a same-sex couple and just letting the kids know that some children have "two mommies".


There is no evidence that homosexuality is natural.

While the GLBT has paid for research that makes that claim, no one else has ever been able to duplicate their conclusion.

Also, Interviews with Homosexuals have shown that less than 10% even make the claim the born that way.
Most agree they chose the lifestyle and the majority of those state they were first introduced to the lifestyle by older adults while they themselves were children!

She's right. I've read those studies too.:wink:

Of course you have!
They're posted all over the net by the GLBT, but they are claims. Claims that no one else has been able to duplicate.

There has been many who tried to duplicate them, but none have been able to!

I would have never expected you of all people to be so one sided, Fanta. Whatever 'say' in the GLBT which you seem to focus on so much, there are those on your side in many organizations far more finacially well off that flat out lie, but your prejudice shows when you pretend all the facts are distorted on only one side.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:19 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

homosexuality is completely natural and is most often NOT personal choice.

homosexuality occurs in nature. there are animals that mate with in same-sex pairs for life. therefore, homosexuality IS natural.

they have shown that the brain of a gay male is different in structure than the brain of a hetero one. this shows that, at least in men, it's NOT just a "choice". it's how they were "naturally" made.

that said, i'm not sure what the big fuss is...there's a big difference between a school going into sexual details about a same-sex couple and just letting the kids know that some children have "two mommies".


There is no evidence that homosexuality is natural.

While the GLBT has paid for research that makes that claim, no one else has ever been able to duplicate their conclusion.

Also, Interviews with Homosexuals have shown that less than 10% even make the claim the born that way.
Most agree they chose the lifestyle and the majority of those state they were first introduced to the lifestyle by older adults while they themselves were children!

BS!! Get some facts. Even if there were absolute evidence, Fanta, I highly doubt you would accept it anyway.


What are you arguing about?

You dont claim to be born Gay!
Ive heard you say so!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:20 PM
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gay & Gays (PFOX) is a non-partisan organization dedicated to supporting the ex-gay community and those families whose lives have been affected by homosexuality. The goal of PFOX is to build a loving and safe environment for all men and women.


no photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:21 PM

That hasnt stopped the GLBT from swamping the net with the unfounded and inaccurate test results!

it contradicts the interviews!

Check those on your side for a change... Talk about swamping and unfounded.

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