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Topic: Men....what makes you feel loved?
michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/04/09 09:53 PM
Little things, coffee made in the morning. Secret wordsand whispers in the ear, "that look", real meals are wonderful too.

woodford's photo
Mon 05/04/09 09:59 PM

do you have all day? I couldn't begin to explain what it takes to make me feel loved. It depends on the woman I am with. what I can give in return. No not just sex. Its all the little things , like a hug a kind word just saying thank you sometimes. Holding hands, flirting with each other even if someone is looking.. doing the dishes or cooking together. showers washing her back for her, doing things together that we both like and sometimes what we don't like. Saying "I love you" for no reason , a glance, a little smirk of knowing what she is going to do later to you, yet you just got it.. accepting you for who you are and knowing she has made you happy and content And you do the same to her. Its a knowing of how deeply and emotionally you can love and be loved in return. Its knowing you wake up in the morning with a smile on you face and never dread what the day brings , because she is here next to you. having a note tucked in your jeans pocket and finding it later. a call from her when she says I was thinking of you while you are gone..... I guess you get the idea. oh and a lolipopflowerforyou

man oh man I dont think I could even add to this one. its exactly how I feel. ....but a Violet Crumble not a lolipop for me. flowerforyou

Peccy's photo
Tue 05/05/09 06:30 AM
Ok, a good steak and a bj.....the secret is out!!!

Meg8771's photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:52 AM

do you have all day? I couldn't begin to explain what it takes to make me feel loved. It depends on the woman I am with. what I can give in return. No not just sex. Its all the little things , like a hug a kind word just saying thank you sometimes. Holding hands, flirting with each other even if someone is looking.. doing the dishes or cooking together. showers washing her back for her, doing things together that we both like and sometimes what we don't like. Saying "I love you" for no reason , a glance, a little smirk of knowing what she is going to do later to you, yet you just got it.. accepting you for who you are and knowing she has made you happy and content And you do the same to her. Its a knowing of how deeply and emotionally you can love and be loved in return. Its knowing you wake up in the morning with a smile on you face and never dread what the day brings , because she is here next to you. having a note tucked in your jeans pocket and finding it later. a call from her when she says I was thinking of you while you are gone..... I guess you get the idea. oh and a lolipopflowerforyou

man oh man I dont think I could even add to this one. its exactly how I feel. ....but a Violet Crumble not a lolipop for me. flowerforyou


no photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:00 AM
its hard to top a good BBQ;:tongue: then a nice back rub.:thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:18 AM

Ok, a good steak and a bj.....the secret is out!!!

then, you should be ecstatic!!! I fixed steak the other night and and and and then there was that shower episode...blushing


Holly4459's photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:32 AM

I bet scrambled eggs, bacon and toast make men feel loved:heart: love laugh

gee... then we've got that covered then!:tongue:

oldsage's photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:36 AM
Personal actions that show real care & concern, are what I think.
These actions work for either sex.

Peccy's photo
Tue 05/05/09 10:23 AM

Ok, a good steak and a bj.....the secret is out!!!

then, you should be ecstatic!!! I fixed steak the other night and and and and then there was that shower episode...blushing

but that was yesterday, and leftover steak fajita

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 10:32 AM
when she calls to talk about problems with her boyfriend(s)

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/05/09 10:33 AM

A touch, a look, the little things. Honesty, loyalty, support.


carebear19622's photo
Tue 05/05/09 10:35 AM
kissing and cuddeling smooched love ..........NAKED bigsmile

TBRich's photo
Tue 05/05/09 10:48 AM
Gentle attention, thoughtfulness which relates that she actually knows me, tomato with mayo and black pepper sandwiches on a hot summer day.

a_shields's photo
Tue 05/05/09 10:56 AM
Touching my skin in a gentle way. Asking about what I'm working on and listening when I explain it (not just smile/nod). Being clear about what you want to do, then using my solution method to do it. Trying the things I suggest at least once. Being honest about what you like and don't like. Explaining human things clearly so I can understand. Not treating me like a child when I ask a childish question.

devildog08's photo
Tue 05/05/09 11:02 AM

shocked you mean men don't want to be cook for anymore?
we always love a nice homecooked meal, but sometimes we like to give you a break.

devildog08's photo
Tue 05/05/09 11:05 AM

kissing and cuddeling smooched love ..........NAKED bigsmile
doesn't always have to be naked, but its nice. sometimes just cuddeling on the couch in front of the fire wathing a movie, or light conversation is more than enough

Peccy's photo
Tue 05/05/09 06:05 PM

when she calls to talk about problems with her boyfriend(s)

Nothing put you in "just a friend" category faster!!! The friends only zone is not a good place to be if you wanna tag it!!

Meg8771's photo
Tue 05/05/09 06:09 PM

Ok, a good steak and a bj.....the secret is out!!!

then, you should be ecstatic!!! I fixed steak the other night and and and and then there was that shower episode...blushing

but that was yesterday, and leftover steak fajita

Alright, you too, get a room! bigsmile Oh, I forgot - you already did, you got the whole HOUSE, if I am not mistaken :thumbsup:

Peccy's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:39 PM

Ok, a good steak and a bj.....the secret is out!!!

then, you should be ecstatic!!! I fixed steak the other night and and and and then there was that shower episode...blushing

but that was yesterday, and leftover steak fajita

Alright, you too, get a room! bigsmile Oh, I forgot - you already did, you got the whole HOUSE, if I am not mistaken :thumbsup:
when the daughter is out with her driving obsession and Angel is not working.grumble

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:14 PM

Ok, a good steak and a bj.....the secret is out!!!

then, you should be ecstatic!!! I fixed steak the other night and and and and then there was that shower episode...blushing

but that was yesterday, and leftover steak fajita

But you can't have left over steak fahitas without first haqving STEAK,,,and today isn't over yet...sheeeeeeeesh men are never satisfiedwhoa bigsmile

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