Topic: halloweenie
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Sun 10/01/06 06:21 AM
yep, that's me. does anyone have any interesting halloween plans or
unique costume ideas?

newfiegirl5's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:47 AM
I don't but my friend want to dress my up as garbage so he can call me
trash!!!!To hell with him not dressin' me in garbage.

MynDLash's photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:40 AM
eeeeeeee! me2, lol, i'm a halloween junkie! lol, BOOOOOO!! Ah hahaha HA!
lol i'm lmao.
well, i know i told you KB, so, now i'll tell everyone else my plans for
all hollow's eve.
i'm going to dress up as a gothic fairy(very cute and sexy, hehe) i'll
post a pic of it afterwards.
i'm also going to have a masquerade party no "i'm going as myself is
allowed" everyone must wear a costume! we're going to have BBQ bat wings
and chuckie's upchuck, and cooked dogs and flaming eyeballs for the
kids! it's going to be alot of fun and i'm going to unknowingly spike
the punch bowl too, MAW ahahaha! the adult's punch is floresent green
and called nuclear waste! the kid's is called rotten apple punch! we had
it last year and it was really good! i even put gummy worms in it for
that spooky affect! I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! we might even have a spiral
dance to WAKE THE DEAD!!!! hEhehEhehE! just play safe and have alot of

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:02 PM
I had one friend with red hair..he'd dress up in a white tube sorta
thing and go as a used tampon..One year, three of us got a hold of some
white diving suits, we attached tails to them and when we walked down
the street we'd swerve back and forth, we went out as little spermies
lol..or if yer just plain broke, you can always smear peanut butter
around yer mouth and go out as an asshole lmao

Mrsoundman's photo
Sun 10/01/06 01:49 PM
I love Halloween. I get into it quite a bit. I would even venture to say
that I get into a WHOLE LOT more then most people. If you want to see
what I mean check this out. GO to and you be
the judge.