Topic: Isn't church boring?
Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 05/03/09 04:21 AM

I took Dan to a spiritualist society last week while he was here, and he got a very accurate message from the medium!!

She told him that he didnt wanna be there, and that he was merely there to accompany me! she told him he didnt wanna know about these things, that he was happy to not know!

Was kinda funny cos he really didnt wanna be there at all! and couldnt wait to get out the building! lol!

Can I ask, what a spiritualist society Pinklady?

Well its not quite a church, as spiritualism is not an orthodox religion, its doors r open to all religions. Its governed by the SNU (Spiritualist National Union) and its a meeting place for those who want to investigate spiritualism. It provides evenings of Clairvoyance.

It took me ages to get Dan to even try it!

That sounds interesting. I wonder if they have anything like that in the U.S. as I have never heard of it.

Pink_lady's photo
Sun 05/03/09 04:24 AM
Edited by Pink_lady on Sun 05/03/09 04:27 AM
this is a link to the homepage...

I just found 2 places in America, whether they r near u or not i have no idea!

United States of America

The Journey Within SNU Church
(Kindred body)

Tel: 973-616-9685

Website: 25 Carr Street
Pompton Lakes
New Jersey 07442

Sun. 10.00am Service
Wed. 7.30pm Healing & Message Service
Thu. 7.30pm Home Circle

Picture of Church
Spiritual Life Fellowship
(Associated to SNU)
Tel: 201-943-7732

or Email:
Website: Pastor: Rev. Barbara Toole
595 Broad Avenue
Rooms 12 & 14
New jersey 07657

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 05/03/09 04:35 AM
Thanks for all that infoflowerforyou

Cmiller618's photo
Tue 05/05/09 04:14 PM
Most Catholic churches are boring. Go to a baptist/Black church. You'll get the holy ghost.

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 05/06/09 02:58 PM

I suppose it's boring if you are just going to go.If you are into religion,the bible,and Jesus and you want to learn more about it then it isn't boring it's someplace you look forward to going.It does take a while to find a church you like.The last church I used to go to service was around 3 to 3 1/2 hours long.But the service was great so I loved going.There was another church I liked going to and I used to go 3 times a week.

I also love to listen to Christian radio.This station is one of my favorites.It tells true life stories of people much like a movie through their voices who have had horrible things happen to them.

LMAO! Preacher fellow kicked me out when I started asking questions about the Bible, told me not to come back...

carold's photo
Fri 05/08/09 10:31 AM

From church going days, I was never really excited about regular service. I enjoyed the adult sunday school though. That was when I first began to question christianity and the bible. I made it point to piss off someone at least once week. bigsmile The one that got the most bang for the buck was when I argued that jesus, if akive today would spend time in bars ministering and added that it in his own time he "hung out with whores". That got em riled up. devil
But true he went to where the sinners were.

no photo
Fri 05/08/09 10:34 AM
I happen to be a buddhist & smitten going to Temple.

carold's photo
Fri 05/08/09 10:43 AM

MS, im not going to find a church, i think i have made it pretty obvious what i think about Christianity. I was just highlighting the fact that religion to many it is very dull. This is my experience of church in the UK at least.

If i was to though, black gospel all the way!
I like going to the really mixed church. Make me feel I'm in the right place. Sure don't like a all white church that would be boring and not holding to the scriptures you should be reaching out to everyone not just your own race. For where I lived is very mixed asian, middleeastern, black, white, Hispanic. And all the differences make it interesting plus also you find we are not so different. When it comes to the basic's in life :) So Dan make it exciting when you go :)

no photo
Fri 05/08/09 03:30 PM

I took Dan to a spiritualist society last week while he was here, and he got a very accurate message from the medium!!

She told him that he didnt wanna be there, and that he was merely there to accompany me! she told him he didnt wanna know about these things, that he was happy to not know!

Was kinda funny cos he really didnt wanna be there at all! and couldnt wait to get out the building! lol!

y'know, most good street magicians could do the exact same thing. It isn't hard. There's even a TV show about a guy who helps solve crimes the exact same way as your "medium".

I just find it amazing that in this day and age people still fall for that crap.

no photo
Fri 05/08/09 03:31 PM

Most Catholic churches are boring. Go to a baptist/Black church. You'll get the holy ghost.

oh I dunno. They seem to get a lot of excersize w/ all the squat-thrusts they seem to like doing.

no photo
Fri 05/08/09 03:32 PM

I suppose it's boring if you are just going to go.If you are into religion,the bible,and Jesus and you want to learn more about it then it isn't boring it's someplace you look forward to going.It does take a while to find a church you like.The last church I used to go to service was around 3 to 3 1/2 hours long.But the service was great so I loved going.There was another church I liked going to and I used to go 3 times a week.

I also love to listen to Christian radio.This station is one of my favorites.It tells true life stories of people much like a movie through their voices who have had horrible things happen to them.

LMAO! Preacher fellow kicked me out when I started asking questions about the Bible, told me not to come back...

I've made priests cry and nuns curse...

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 05/08/09 03:32 PM
Personally, I find attending my church spritually uplifting.

If you attend church, and you are not "feeling it" perhaps you might consider a different church of the same denomination (bad spelling) -- or even a different religion all together...

Pink_lady's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:02 AM
Edited by Pink_lady on Sat 05/09/09 05:08 AM

I took Dan to a spiritualist society last week while he was here, and he got a very accurate message from the medium!!

She told him that he didnt wanna be there, and that he was merely there to accompany me! she told him he didnt wanna know about these things, that he was happy to not know!

Was kinda funny cos he really didnt wanna be there at all! and couldnt wait to get out the building! lol!

y'know, most good street magicians could do the exact same thing. It isn't hard. There's even a TV show about a guy who helps solve crimes the exact same way as your "medium".

I just find it amazing that in this day and age people still fall for that crap.

True, there are many charlatans and 'cold readers' out there, but if u tell me its all crap, i will disagree with u, cos i not only believe in spiritualism, i have experienced my own evidence of survival of the physical death, cos i tend to be sensitive myself. If its me seeing/hearing/sensing, how can i not believe it?

If u try to dismiss my feelings and personal experiences, thats fine, if u wanna dismiss spiritualism, thats fine too, cos any spiritualist i know, would never make anyone feel they SHOULD believe in it, but rather welcome them to investigate it for themselves.

The place where i attend, the mediums dont get paid for attending, so they dont get any financial reward for demonstrating.

Each to their own, but i know that unless u have experienced something like this for urself, then it is pretty hard to believe in it.

I just wanna add, that the show where the guy cold reads people dont mean anything to me, cos he watches them intently while he reads spiritualism, the mediums often close their eyes, or r looking away from the person as they speak, they can also do it over phone thru voice vibration....if there comes a day where he can read someone from behind a wall, or over a phone, it might prick my ears up, but as i said, i have had my own experiences, so it could never make me disbelieve my own experiences.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:10 AM
I attend services on a regular basis. I am involved in our church community. I enjoy it.

Go for a while, if you don't feel welcomed or loved, move on.

carold's photo
Sat 05/09/09 06:16 AM
I agree :)

earthytaurus76's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:04 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Sat 05/09/09 07:04 AM
I SO cant stand the music, singing, blah, if they left out the music, I would want to go more, I dont want to hear any of it, pumped up, "rockin christian", whatever! Cant stand worship music..

I SHOULD go to a soulful black church, I could do gospel.. Oh though!! That music drives me crazy!!! I just mutter it under my breath, and hum, it makes me feel like a stepford wife.

carold's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:46 AM
Were you ever in Chior? I think everyone feel that at first especailly if your not in a church that inspires you. To me it is the spirit within that comes out. I enjoy singing though, all kinds of music. Find that place in you where you feel the music. Find the right church for you. But I have to have the music too :)

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:02 PM
Edited by blueberrypancakes on Sun 05/10/09 10:04 PM

MS, im not going to find a church, i think i have made it pretty obvious what i think about Christianity. I was just highlighting the fact that religion to many it is very dull. This is my experience of church in the UK at least.

If i was to though, black gospel all the way!

Hey, I'm sorry that your experience of church wasn't a good one.
But, I cannot help but ask what it is you're looking for?
A few ideas come to mind, but as I write them, please know that I am not claiming that they are yours...
Maybe this is just a surface argument (as childish as it sounds) to a deeper longing to connect with God. Just as our physical body hungers for food/water, our mind hungers after knowledge, heart longs for love/acceptance, so, too, does our soul hunger after something that only one thing can quench it's craving. Only, that something is Someone--God. Maybe you go to church after church longing to connect, but are so basing this search on how it is presented to you behind a pulpit that, being disappointed, are turned away to skepticism or mockery towards Christianity. God doesn't just hear us in the walls of a church; He doesn't only speak to us as we sit before a pastor. The crux of the matter is, do you really want to find what your soul's longing for? C.C. Lewis once stated that, “If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair”. Do you feel that there's something in you that is grasping for some sort of connection with God, and that by going to church you'll feel spiritual?
Maybe you’re expecting to be entertained. You’re from the U.K.? I’ve never been there, but maybe it’s similar to over here in America: we want to be entertained. If you're looking to be entertained, look to see when the next circus is coming to town. I think that it's become the norm to want to be entertained; we expect to be entertained in order for anyone to get their desired response from us. Our desire to be entertained has crossed over the bounds of movies and games and has seeped into all areas of life. We demand it. That and comfort. These two ideas truly imprison us in our own world and keep us from ever venturing out and see that there's more to life than our own selves and our own wants. And, not just more, but oftentimes greater.
At the same time, though, if you're seriously searching for truth, why not start asking questions? The hard ones that may be nagging at the back of your mind. After the church service, why not approach the pastor with your sincere questions/concerns and have a reasonable discussion with him? But, don't expect him to have the answers that you want to hear, let alone have an answer to everything you ask. Those, only God knows. But, do you really think that you must understand everything, or, that your minute mind will be able to handle knowing everything?
What it comes down to is the heart.
Do you really know what it means to be a Christian?
But, than again, maybe you just posted this topic because you were bored…
Nonetheless, if you have time, check out these messages from this pastor:

I do go to church. What I see as the most important factor in choosing where to plug-in at a church is whether or not the pastor is teaching straight from the Word of God (the Bible) and not candy coating the truth. Second, I want to grow and be challenged in my faith, so a pastor should be teaching in a way that opens to this outcome.

The church won’t be responsible for our individual choice of accepting Jesus as our Savior and following after Him (but the pastor will be responsible for teaching false doctrine).

I do hope that you look into the matter of Who Jesus is and stop looking at the church and holding them responsible for your bad experience. Those churches will always be around, but you and I are not guaranteed tomorrow. Fill free to send a message my way if you have any questions/comments. I can't guarantee that I have all the answers (because I don't), though. :-) But, what I do know and have come to believe and find myself convinced of, that I can share with you.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:25 PM
Edited by ThomasJB on Sun 05/10/09 10:26 PM

I just wanna add, that the show where the guy cold reads people dont mean anything to me, cos he watches them intently while he reads spiritualism, the mediums often close their eyes, or r looking away from the person as they speak, they can also do it over phone thru voice vibration....if there comes a day where he can read someone from behind a wall, or over a phone, it might prick my ears up, but as i said, i have had my own experiences, so it could never make me disbelieve my own experiences.

Over the phone, across the internet, behind a wall, it doesn't matter. It's all cold reading, no medium ever says anything about someone unless that person says it to the medium first.

Pink_lady's photo
Mon 05/11/09 02:51 AM

I just wanna add, that the show where the guy cold reads people dont mean anything to me, cos he watches them intently while he reads spiritualism, the mediums often close their eyes, or r looking away from the person as they speak, they can also do it over phone thru voice vibration....if there comes a day where he can read someone from behind a wall, or over a phone, it might prick my ears up, but as i said, i have had my own experiences, so it could never make me disbelieve my own experiences.

Over the phone, across the internet, behind a wall, it doesn't matter. It's all cold reading, no medium ever says anything about someone unless that person says it to the medium first.

Not in my experiences, but perhaps in ur own?