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renee8lilly's photo
Sat 06/06/09 09:10 PM
ooh, ooh, ooh.... me, me, ME!

Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 06/07/09 02:47 PM


I have a cold now

I think I'm gonna die!!!

pump up the Vitamin C! you need to keep your immune system in check.
I take green tea plus extract....its very good

Thanks jasmine. Tried a lot of C

Turned my urine bright orange

Thought I was dying again!!!
laugh laugh

Sugarlipsx3's photo
Mon 06/15/09 11:47 AM

Im more scared of the vaccine, Swine flu my ass.. what a bunch of propaganda... boy did those tamiflu and hand sanitizer stocks go up.. somebody got rich off that bull****

Tamiflu is crazy rediculous in price. Its retarded a lot of insurance companies dont cover it.

no photo
Sun 06/28/09 03:48 AM
2nd child has died here in Buffalo, N.Y. from complications from H1N1 , a 9 year old girl! :cry: Some one needs to do something quick :angry: I pulled my boys out of school 2 weeks early...they say it's probally going to get worse in the fall. I don't think now that handwashing and Lysol is going to do much to stop it.

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