Topic: Got me to thinking
Savitar's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:04 PM
I have noticed there arent many active people from my area on mingle . That got me to thinking about online long distance relationships . Can one truly have an Long distance relationship with someone they met online , or is it a glorified booty call wraped in the cloak of infatuation . Can one truly get to know someone via chat/email or over the phone ? Does absnce really make the heart grow fonder , or is outta sight , truly outta mind . I am not sure how I feel about this , so I thought I would toss it out there and see what you guys think .

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:08 PM
There have been several relationships, even marriages formed on this site and many others...a friend of mine was just married to a man she mt online...she now lives with him in depends upon the people and how dedicated they become to the relationship...miracles do happenbigsmile

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:10 PM
LDR's are a pain in the azz...but they can be done. Believe me when I say that you MUST have that all-important "face-time"'s just a cyber dream...

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:11 PM

There have been several relationships, even marriages formed on this site and many others...a friend of mine was just married to a man she mt online...she now lives with him in depends upon the people and how dedicated they become to the relationship...miracles do happenbigsmile

Yep, it can happen. I'm in a long distance relationship, which I didn't think I would be...suppose it always helps when you dump your current location into the recycle bin as far as dates go and move outside the area. Communication, trust, and honesty.

nvkikigirl's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:11 PM
I like miracles. :smile:

I think anything is possible.

Urg04es's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:14 PM
It can happen if both parties are honest with each other. You have to be open to trusting the other person.
I met someone wonderful on this site and we are talking about marriage in the near future. love
Give it a try-you might find what you are looking for. Good luck to ya! flowerforyou

suncandy25's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:21 PM
Yes, they do happen and they can work. How well it works is another story, Thats up to the individuals.

Phuque2's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:24 PM
Edited by Phuque2 on Wed 04/29/09 05:26 PM
You "MUST" have face time. I have driven 1,200 miles three times for a total of 8 weeks to be with my woman. It takes commitment, and the will to be together before you make plans to move in together. We have both of those, and we have love. We can move mountains.

friendswanted's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:24 PM
I believe when there is distance between two people and they only have this (or something like it) and sex (the real thing, not make believe cyber sex) can't get in the way then you really get to know someone for the true person they are. Passsion fades and there better be something to take it's place if a relationship is going to make it...

Wed 04/29/09 05:28 PM
If two people want it bad enough and know the meaning of commitment, yes they can work.