Topic: That Sends Shivers Down Me Spine
auburngirl's photo
Tue 04/28/09 08:32 AM
I'll say the woman that plays Tony Soprano's wife! Good GAWD if I had to listen to that voice day in and day out I'd shoot myself.

buttons's photo
Tue 04/28/09 08:36 AM
for people its that lady that plays the nanny...Fran omg!

Tue 04/28/09 08:39 AM

for people its that lady that plays the nanny...Fran omg!
Fran Dresher eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Tue 04/28/09 09:30 AM
Edited by EZ4Sheezy on Tue 04/28/09 09:31 AM
Country Music

and Gangsta Rap

eileena9's photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:07 AM
The chewing of ice......scared scared scared

Jon used to do it all the time and not think of it, until I would sit there and just start shaking when he did it. He is getting so much better, last month when I was there he didn't chew any at all.bigsmile love

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:18 AM
The voice of a ex!!!!

michiganman3's photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:21 AM
When a woman whispers something sexy in my ear.
Now that send shivers up and down my spine.(in a good way):wink:

Seakolony's photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:22 AM

What are some sounds that you just cannot stand. They just make you cringe and send shivers down your spine.

1) Styrofoam - sends me over the edge

2) High pitched squeals and screams

3) Chalkboard will get me everytime

4) Music way too loud makes my stomach ill

5) Whiney people

6) Constant complaining

7) Adults that act like children and refuse to be responsible for themselves and their actions

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:23 AM
ice cubes


enough saiddevil scared rofl

carebear19622's photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:28 AM
the sound of my love's goodbye :cry:

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:19 PM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Tue 04/28/09 12:20 PM
when a certain guy i know gives me the "serious face sexy look" from across the room. haha. bigsmile

oh wait.. that isn't a sound. my bad. embarassed

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:26 PM
wow...eminem or gouging out eyeballs...i'd take eminem smokin

Go right ahead. Take him as far away from me as possible.

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:27 PM
The sound of a police siren....behind my car. Even when I'm going the speed limit.

7z3r05's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:33 PM
the wooden plank spoons they hand out with those ghetto cups of ice cream.

feeling it run across my tongue makes my skin crawl

Krncontact's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:34 PM
I like rap..... akon beautiful....anyone?

7z3r05's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:38 PM
ooooooohhh... sounds.... my bad.

soulja boy pisses me off

i like rap and hip hop and all that flip flop music... but souja boy is cheesecake. soft and sweet.

i also dislike the word legit, when people say 'can i get...', aaaaannnd.... that all for now, im sure ill come up with more.

Winx's photo
Tue 04/28/09 04:31 PM

When a woman whispers something sexy in my ear.
Now that send shivers up and down my spine.(in a good way):wink:

Whisper, whisper.pitchfork

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 04/28/09 04:36 PM
The sound of somebody farting in an elevator

Meg8771's photo
Tue 04/28/09 04:38 PM
Gently biting the nape of my neck while running your hands up and down my back, then kissing a path to my mouth....gently biting on my bottom lip while your hands on my hips pull me hard against you -

Now THAT sends shivers down my back.:heart:

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 05:03 PM
I'm sowwy...but every time I read the thread title...I just wanna say: "Shiver me timbers, Arrrrggghhh!" laugh