Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction | |
just a thought on this subject. Bring science into this. Atoms are constantly moving. They are the one component of the body that constantly change some pass through us and are miles away in a flash. With this constant movement we have friction ... which charges these atoms. Now your brain waves are measured as energy. Tests can show the exact areas of the brain working during situations. With that said... a thought is energy... a positive thought creates positive energy in a sense.... thus charging the atoms passing through at that time with a positive charge. It goes about its journey and that energy bumps around sharing that energy. the more positive energy you create the more positive energy surrounding you. Maybe.... just maybe this is what begins to draw positive things to us. Im no scientist.... but I see how this could be. Like I said just my thoughts First one in 36 pages. I want to congratulate you, seriously! My answer. The brain uses about 12 watts of energy. Compared to incandescent light bulbs this is a pretty small amount of energy. Your cell phone is making much bigger waves in the EM spectrum then anything that emits from the human body. The only energy that gets emitted from your body that carriers a decent signal for any distance is thermal energy. Energy is readily measurable. Science does a good job of that. I guess with that being said the likelyhood of honing energy ourselves (onto others, seeing it, feeling it, or even using it) is minimal if at all. So a seventh sense is only possible in my dungeon and dragons games afterall ![]() ![]() Thanks for the information ![]() I am not the kind of guy that places things outside of possibility, I just use my knowledge to eliminate bad models. As a model using the energy of the mind to do almost anything but normal mind functions isn't going to work due to the massive energy demands that almost any task would require. I mean seriously that is why we have muscles and use chemical energy. However it is possible that there could be some kind of higher dimension where data and energy are accessible to this dimension. The problem is this . . . . . If an event manifests itself in this 3D space, then we can analyze the energy, we (meaning scientists) can discover that this energy or data did not come from any place we can find, and this would drive the science community WILD!!!!! That is why when I hear this stuff I tend to urge true believers to really seriously take the James Randi million dollar challenge seriously. The problem. Most cons know there cons, and thus buck the idea of being outed. Seriously if you can really do things . . . anything that could be considered paranormal let me know, Ill test you as a preliminary test for the JREF (there are many things that must be done to full fill the application for the million dollar challenge) Unfortunately I cannot do anything paranormal ![]() It would interest me if one could so scientist can understand how it is done later on. Just perhaps a few extrodinary people will show something unusual to the public eyes that will help the science community understand more about the deep questions philosophers have been asking for thousands of years about and still haven't found answers for it yet. |
Your life is always a result of your thoughts about it-including your obviously creative thought that you seldom get what you choose.
Your life proceeds out of your intentions for it. So what is your intention now?Do you intend to prove your theory that life seldom brings you what you choose?Or do you intend to demonstrate Who You Really Are? |
Edited by
Wed 05/20/09 08:42 AM
Nothing exists seperate from you,and everything is your own creation.Even your apparent lack of understanding is your own creation;it is,literally,a figment of your imagination.You imagine that you do not know the answer to this question,and so you do not.Yet as soon as you imagine that you do,you do.
You allow yourself to do this sort of imagining so that the process can go on.The process being life! |
Nothing exists seperate from you,and everything is your own creation.Even your apparent lack of understanding is your own creation;it is,literally,a figment of your imagination.You imagine that you do not know the answer to this question,and so you do not.Yet as soon as you imagine that you do,you do.
You allow yourself to do this sort of imagining so that the process can go on.The process being life! Nothing and everything are all inclusive terms... ![]() What would a substantiation of this assertion even look like? What grounds are these statements based upon? If it is this way, can we show it to be? This makes no sense to me, based upon logic and reason. |
That's my point creative..I am creating a different world than you.It is not my job to make you understand.You are to create your own understanding!You have created not understanding me!!!!
C'mon now..creative is even in your name!You should know better!Why do statements have to be based upon anything but what each individual feels inside.That is the true nature of creating..craetive! |
BTW...God gave me that answer!
Edited by
Wed 05/20/09 11:49 AM
I don't think it'sa coincidence that today, before I even read this last post, I put that very advice to practise. My car wouldn't start. The kids are already strapped in and Mike is going nuts about this new proplem. I, on the other hand, am cool as a cucumber 'cause this now gives me an opertunity to pluck my eyebrows without the car bumping around. As soon as I was done I sauntered over to the drivers side and started the car with no problem. I felt that the car wouldn't start so that I COULD pluck 'em. Is that something to the effect of what your talking about, or am I way off base. Its a wonderful example. It made me laugh out loud with glee. See, you did not stress out, you did not freak out, complain, get angry, you just accepted the situation and made the best of it. Awesome. I bet your hubby was annoyed at your calm. LOL |
BTW...God gave me that answer! Sal, you are awesome. ![]() ![]() |
Thank You!
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Wed 05/20/09 01:16 PM
Nothing exists seperate from you,and everything is your own creation. Like I said before, you guys are solipsists and just don't fully understand the depth of this philosophy. That's all. The statement you just gave above is solipsism. This is where Jeanniebean balks. She wants to demand that we create our realities entirely, yet she screams like a baby who's candy has been taken away when I say, "Fine, that's solipsism". She demands that everyone is an individual in their own right! (i.e. Things DO EXIST SEPERATE from you!) Yet, she simultaneously wants to claim that we create our own reality 100% and nothing exists seperate from us. Sorry folks. What you guys demand is solipsism. Either swallow the pill of solipsism or give up the notion that nothing exists seperate from you! You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you are all that exists, or you're not. Make up your mind. You're either preaching Solipsism or you're not. Make up your mind. As it stands right now you've got a totally irresolvable paradox trying to claim that nothing exists seperate from you EXCEPT all other human beings!!!! That's one hell of a contradiction! ![]() |
What the hell is solipism?????Please stop with all that stuff.If I never even heard of do I belong to it?Is that some sort of dear man..seriously!
It is you who claims to catorgarize everything...we are just simply stating something that is in everyone.Whether your Christian..Muslim...or so called solipism.This has nothing to do with a brand name. Call it whatever you wish....just realize...we all call it! |
James the idea of pantheism is the same idea that we are one.
Yes you can be part of the ONE and connected and still be individual. Every single cell in your body is an individual and intelligent organism. It can live in a petree dish and sometimes thrive even better than it did as part of your body of negative thoughts. Your post shows how much you don't know about me and what I believe. You misunderstand and misinterpret my words all the time and half the time you don't seem to even read them. Your own thoughts and opinions are too loud to hear anything else. |
BTW...God gave me that answer! woohoo and a snap to you! |
Edited by
Wed 05/20/09 01:58 PM
I bet your hubby was annoyed at your calm. LOL righty o jeanie bean |
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Wed 05/20/09 01:54 PM
Solipsism is the idea that I am the only thing that exists and everything else is my creation or in my imagination.
To truly understand this idea you have to define I. You have to define self and decide what self is. If self is God and God has divided itself into an infinite number of thinking centers, each with the will to think and feel and create independently.. (individuals) then yes, that is solipsism. But Solipsism is NOT meant to say that you, James, do not exist and are simply a figment of my imagination. That would be an insult to you. You do exist and you are an independent thinking center with a will of your own. I acknowledge that and you. But if you want to say that we are all one being, living individual lives, that would mean that you are me, and I am you and we are just experiencing different points of view of an infinite consciousness. People misunderstand Solipsism. It is absurd to them because it means that they can do anything to anyone they want because they don't exist anyway. They are figments of their own mind. That is not what Solipsism is. Solipsism is the attitude that we are the same being, having and experiencing different lives, much like Pantheism. I recognize individuals because they have their own unique point of view. They have their own personal experiences. They have their own store of wisdom and information, a very valuable asset. Don't misunderstand Solipsism. It does not mean that I think I am the only one who exists. That is not what it is, unless you define self (me) as the one true and the one and only God. This I am not. I am simply a part of that universal consciousness. |
Edited by
Wed 05/20/09 02:32 PM
James the idea of pantheism is the same idea that we are one. Yes you can be part of the ONE and connected and still be individual. Every single cell in your body is an individual and intelligent organism. It can live in a petree dish and sometimes thrive even better than it did as part of your body of negative thoughts. Your post shows how much you don't know about me and what I believe. You misunderstand and misinterpret my words all the time and half the time you don't seem to even read them. Your own thoughts and opinions are too loud to hear anything else. JB you are wrong about solipsism as normal you try to get one thing to fit the mold of your own ideas which do not fit, but then cobble together many ideas even if they contradict. Solipsism (Latin: solus, alone + ipse, self) is the position that nothing exists beyond oneself and one's immediate experiences. In philosophy, solipsism thus amounts to a refusal to acknowledge our common sense experience of the world as valid. The starting point of solipsism, the recognition that my own self-experience is the inevitable gate for any experience to reach me, represents a valid challenge to our common-sense perception of things as simply ‘being there'. The conclusion that everything in the outside world is nothing but a projection of my own self is philosophically quite untenable. Among other things, it makes genuine communication with others impossible, since each individual is bound, from the solipsist perspective, to consider others as non-existent entities. As a result, full-blown solipsism has hardly ever been adopted by a philosophical school.
On the other hand, much of modern philosophy rests on Descartes’ assumption that the “I” alone is certain. In middle age philosophy (and even for Descartes), the reality of the universe was guaranteed by God who created it. “I” was part of the world, and others were understood to be part of it on an equal footing, all belonging together to an organized and purposeful whole. In the modern scientific view, the world’s reality is taken as obvious on experimental and common sense grounds. With the loss of the absolute reference of a God transcending my own self, however, justifying the independent existence of a world outside me has become very problematic from a strictly philosophical viewpoint. Once my own self-awareness becomes the starting point of all certainty, every other entity I perceive becomes relative to my self and its reality can easily be challenged. If practically all modern and contemporary philosophies reject solipsism as a conclusion, they mostly remain open to its challenge. Thus, solipsism, the inability to go beyond one’s own world, stands as a reminder that the contemporary worldview generally lacks an ultimate point of reference. |
From soup...we are dealing with some great wits here!What more elongated scientific mumbo jumbo!It's hard when you have to think for yourself!
From soup...we are dealing with some great wits here!What more elongated scientific mumbo jumbo!It's hard when you have to think for yourself! |
Again...don't take mine or anybody's else's words...take your's the only way!
James the idea of pantheism is the same idea that we are one. Yes you can be part of the ONE and connected and still be individual. Every single cell in your body is an individual and intelligent organism. It can live in a petree dish and sometimes thrive even better than it did as part of your body of negative thoughts. Your post shows how much you don't know about me and what I believe. You misunderstand and misinterpret my words all the time and half the time you don't seem to even read them. Your own thoughts and opinions are too loud to hear anything else. It may seem that way to you, but it is because every day, for me, is a spiritual awakening. This 'soup' gets better and better with every realization. Some people find integrity and stability in the idea that they are their beliefs and if they don't stick to them and defend them with all their heart and soul then somehow they might be looked upon as a flake. I am not that concerned how people look upon me. I am more concerned with my spiritual awakening and path to more awareness. I think that in order to receive truth you cannot reject new awakenings or new information. In order to find peace and harmony you cannot resist everything that chips away at your current position or belief. I had my ideas and beliefs before I ever heard the labels pantheism or Solipsism. In order to understand the labels people were tacking onto me I had to look at what those labels meant. They are just labels. I am what I am. |