Topic: Debating against myself | |
Absolutely agree she should have asked you in person, but before you tell her that, ask her why she didn't. Might be a good opportunity to open the lines of communication between you and presents an opportunity to clear up some issues between the two you. It would also give you an opportunity to let her know that while it is not your wish to rob her of her prom experience, it is in no means to be mistaken for an 'you're off the hook' pass for her latest screw-ups. Good luck! Hope we get to see prom pics!
Thanks for all the replies! Yes, DirtyDuck, it WAS done behind her mother's back -- and I was right! I just got a call not too long ago from my ex-wife, and she HAD found out about it! The woman is good, I'll give her that!
I went and had a talk with my daughter. She said that she didn't mean anything maliscious by it, it was like many of you have already said, just an off-hand auto-response. She admitted she wasn't thinking, it's just so automatic for her to do the texting thing. It occurred to me to ask her (as I remember it being done differently back in my high school days), that if she is asked to the prom, I thought it was supposed to be the boy's responsibility to pay for the tickets. If that's still the case, he's gonna owe me some money (yes, I gave her the money). I also had some stipulations: Absolutely NO drinking, and absolutely NO hotel room! If I find out otherwise, I'm gonna be one hard guy to get along with. I was her age myself once. Jesus, I sound like my own dad. I guess I can kinda understand where she gets her wild streak from. Between my German/Polish/French Canadian, and her mother's Cherokee/Chippewa (yes, two conflicting tribes. The only thing I can think of is sometime back in the day, somebody was sneaking into somebody else's teepee. You do the math.), she's quite a handful. Definitely a little sh!t. |