Topic: Healing Thoughts | |
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Wed 04/22/09 10:57 AM
Healing Thoughts
I love it when research and science begin to catch up to God. The bible is very clear on the fact that our thought life plays a huge role in how are bodies respond. The renewing of our minds by the word of God is one of the key principles to living a successful Christian life. Recently, by recommendation, I purchased a copy of the book, Who Switched Off My Brain”, by Dr. Caroline Leaf. “Since 1981, Dr. Caroline Leaf has researched the human brain with particular emphasis on unlocking its vast untapped potential. She has been received all over the world by a variety of audiences due to her unique ability to link the scientific principles of the brain to intellectual and emotional issues in a simple and practical way” The above text shown in green is a direct quote taken from Dr. Leaf’s website. A link to her site is provided above. For the remainder of this blog, all text shown in green was also taken from said site. As I discovered in her book, Dr. Leaf is also a professing believer in Jesus Christ and links several of her findings directly to certain passages contained within the bible. Not surpisingly, much of the vast amount of her research has led her right back to what God has been trying to speak to us all along. “87% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about affects us physically and emotionally. It's an epidemic of toxic emotions.” "The average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. Through an uncontrolled thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick! Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones. There are INTELLECTUAL and MEDICAL reasons to FORGIVE! Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies to name just a few. Consciously control your thought life and start to detox your brain!” She goes on to say: How many "could-have", "would-have", "should-have" statements have you made today? How many "if onlys" were part of your inner vocabulary today? How many times have you replayed in your head a conversation or situation that pained you, or one that hasn't even occurred yet? How many scenarios have you created of the unpredictable future? How much is speculation taking out of your day? How passive is your mind? How honest are you with yourself? Are you at cross-purposes with yourself - going through the motions, but not really committed to the goal, saying one thing but meaning another? How distorted is your thinking? Are you forming a personal identity around for example, a disease? Do you speak about "my arthritis", "my multiple sclerosis", "my heart problem"? Do you ever make comments like "nothing ever goes right for me"; "everything I touch fails"; "I always mess up"? The book gets pretty in depth about how our brains function, and to be quite honest, I need to read it again, a little slower this time, to be able to better understand. But it blessed me greatly by being able to relate her findings to some of my own favorite scriptures and it only helped me to solidify that which I already knew to be true. For example, at one point in the book she begins to talk about how discoveries have been made that prove that your heart actually plays a role in your thinking. Or better said, your heart has a brain. Your heart is in constant communication with your brain and can often send instructions to your brain, which is command central. Imagine that! Our hearts have a brain! For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Proverbs 23:7 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 She also speaks of how our brains are like this huge pharmacy and that our thoughts actually provoke our brain to release and administer certain chemicals and electro-currents or whatever to different parts of our bodies. That’s one of the very reasons why negative thoughts can wreak such havoc if allowed to just run wild. Likewise however, thinking the right thoughts, God thoughts, has the opposite effect and correct thinking will actually cause your brain to send whatever your body needs to be healed. I find that very, very interesting. I also recently learned that most of the drugs that are administered for pain don’t actually in and of themselves remove the pain. Like morphine for example. Morphine supposedly does absolutely nothing for pain, yet morphine communicates with your brain and causes it to release endorphins. So it is actually your own brain that gives your body what it needs to be pain free. In yet another study, it has been proven that a portion of our brain is actually voice activated. What? Voice activated? Is this saying that the words that we speak can actually administer life and or death? Yep, that’s what this is saying. A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:20-21 I could go on and on from this point as many of you know that I am big proponent of the power of words. But instead I want to make one final but ever so important point. Notice above how she asks the question, “How honest are you with yourself”. Are you man or woman of your word? Do you tell a lot of little white lies? Do you keep appointments? Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? Can you be counted on to follow through with what you speak? I know I am asking myself those very questions and certainly taking note more often of when I fail. I am attempting and have made it my goal to be a man of my word. I think I am pretty reliable in that area now. More so to others though than to myself. And here’s why that’s important: Your body responds not only to the way you think, but also to the words you speak. If you are someone that tells lies and doesn’t honor your own words, then your body really isn’t going to believe the things you say. Over a period of time your body will eventually even begin to ignore you, after all, rarely does anything you say actually prove true. Or rarely do you actually follow through with the words you say. But, if you are a man or woman of integrity, and you do keep your word, then when you speak to your body in the name of Jesus, and command sickness to leave, then your body will stand up, pay attention, and take heed, because it believes that what you say will actually come to pass! For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:23-24 Now that’s powerful. I don’t know if that lights your fire fire or not. It does mine. If your fire isn’t lit after grasping that concept then I might have to think your wood is wet! I have got to try and bring this blog to a close. I know how much you dislike long-winded blogs, and most of mine are. But I post this today, for me, and for you, that we will begin to really and truly believe God and take Him at His word and allow that word to be the primary focus of our attention. He is not a man that He should lie. And when we feed ourselves on His promises and allow those truths to flow through our minds, changing not just our individual thoughts, but our entire thought life, then it is those very words that will flow through every organ and every tissue of our bodies bringing forth healing and health. Amen. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalms 107:20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22 In love, Michael |
Healing Thoughts I love it when research and science begin to catch up to God. The bible is very clear on the fact that our thought life plays a huge role in how are bodies respond. The renewing of our minds by the word of God is one of the key principles to living a successful Christian life. Recently, by recommendation, I purchased a copy of the book, Who Switched Off My Brain”, by Dr. Caroline Leaf. “Since 1981, Dr. Caroline Leaf has researched the human brain with particular emphasis on unlocking its vast untapped potential. She has been received all over the world by a variety of audiences due to her unique ability to link the scientific principles of the brain to intellectual and emotional issues in a simple and practical way” The above text shown in green is a direct quote taken from Dr. Leaf’s website. A link to her site is provided above. For the remainder of this blog, all text shown in green was also taken from said site. As I discovered in her book, Dr. Leaf is also a professing believer in Jesus Christ and links several of her findings directly to certain passages contained within the bible. Not surpisingly, much of the vast amount of her research has led her right back to what God has been trying to speak to us all along. “87% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about affects us physically and emotionally. It's an epidemic of toxic emotions.” "The average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. Through an uncontrolled thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick! Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones. There are INTELLECTUAL and MEDICAL reasons to FORGIVE! Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies to name just a few. Consciously control your thought life and start to detox your brain!” She goes on to say: How many "could-have", "would-have", "should-have" statements have you made today? How many "if onlys" were part of your inner vocabulary today? How many times have you replayed in your head a conversation or situation that pained you, or one that hasn't even occurred yet? How many scenarios have you created of the unpredictable future? How much is speculation taking out of your day? How passive is your mind? How honest are you with yourself? Are you at cross-purposes with yourself - going through the motions, but not really committed to the goal, saying one thing but meaning another? How distorted is your thinking? Are you forming a personal identity around for example, a disease? Do you speak about "my arthritis", "my multiple sclerosis", "my heart problem"? Do you ever make comments like "nothing ever goes right for me"; "everything I touch fails"; "I always mess up"? The book gets pretty in depth about how our brains function, and to be quite honest, I need to read it again, a little slower this time, to be able to better understand. But it blessed me greatly by being able to relate her findings to some of my own favorite scriptures and it only helped me to solidify that which I already knew to be true. For example, at one point in the book she begins to talk about how discoveries have been made that prove that your heart actually plays a role in your thinking. Or better said, your heart has a brain. Your heart is in constant communication with your brain and can often sends instructions to your brain, which is command central. Imagine that! Our hearts have a brain! For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Proverbs 23:7 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 She also speaks of how our brains are like this huge pharmacy and that our thoughts actually provoke our brain to release and administer certain chemicals and electro-currents or whatever to different parts of our bodies. That’s one of the very reasons why negative thoughts can reach such havoc if allowed to just run wild. Likewise however, thinking the right thoughts, God thoughts, has the opposite effect and correct thinking will actually cause your brain to send whatever your body needs to be healed. I find that very, very interesting. I also recently learned that most of the drugs that are administered for pain don’t actually in and of themselves remove the pain. Like morphine for example. Morphine supposedly does absolutely nothing for pain, yet morphine communicates with your brain and causes it to release endorphins. So it is actually your own brain that gives your body what it needs to be pain free. In yet another study, it has been proven that a portion of our brain is actually voice activated. What? Voice activated? Is this saying that the words that we speak can actually administer life and or death? Yep, that’s what this is saying. A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:20-21 I could go on and on from this point as many of you know that I am big proponent of the power of words. But instead I want to make one final but ever so important point. Notice above how she asks the question, “How honest are you with yourself”. Are you man or woman of your word? Do you tell a lot of little white lies? Do you keep appointments? Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? Can you be counted on to follow through with what you speak? I know I am asking myself those very questions and certainly taking note more often of when I fail. I am attempting and have made it my goal to be a man of my word. I think I am pretty reliable in that area now. More so to others though than to myself. And here’s why that’s important: Your body responds not only to the way you think, but also to the words you speak. If you are someone that tells lies and doesn’t honor your own words, then your body really isn’t going to believe the things you say. Over a period of time your body will eventually even begin to ignore you, after all, rarely does anything you say actually prove true. Or rarely do you actually follow through with the words you say. But, if you are a man or woman of integrity, and you do keep your word, then when you speak to your body in the name of Jesus, and command sickness to leave, then your body will stand up, pay attention, and take heed, because it believes that what you say will actually come to pass! For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:23-24 Now that’s powerful. I don’t know if that lights your fire fire or not. It does mine. If your fire isn’t lit after grasping that concept then I might have to think your wood is wet! I have got to try and bring this blog to a close. I know how much you dislike long-winded blogs, and most of mine are. But I post this today, for me, and for you, that we will begin to really and truly believe God and take Him at His word and allow that word to be the primary focus of our attention. He is not a man that He should lie. And when we feed ourselves on His promises and allow those truths to flow through our minds, changing not just our individual thoughts, but our entire thought life, then it is those very words that will flow through every organ and every tissue of our bodies bringing forth healing and health. Amen. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalms 107:20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22 In love, Michael ![]() |