Topic: Water Canopy Theory! | |
Here is some of the information to back up the facts as I have stated
them. Scientific rebuttal of vapor canopy theory - Air can hold, at most, 55 grams of water per cubic meter. In contrast, liquid water is at a density of 1,000,000 grams per cubic meter. The ratio of the two numbers is 1:18,000. Therefore, a flood of 1 mile thickness (which would cover only 1/5 of Mount Everest), would require 18,000 miles of canopy. Besides the problem of gravity (which would bring the whole thing down), such a thick layer of water would completely block any light from the Sun from reaching the earth. Even a canopy of only 40 feet of liquid water would double the earth's atmospheric pressure, which would kill many animals, including humans. This pressure would also increase the temperature on the earth to a scorching 220°F. Most animals and plants do not survive long at this temperature. Another problem is getting the water out of the atmosphere and onto the ground without cooking everything on the earth. Each gram of water vapor that condenses to a liquid releases 539 calories of heat. For a global water layer of only 40 feet deep, 6.22 x 1021 grams of water would release 3.35 x 1024 calories, raising the temperature of the earth to 810°F. Such a scenario would definitely kill all life on earth, but would produce a tremendous air conditioning problem for Noah. And a 40 feet deep flood would certainly not be global. Conclusion Neither the Bible nor science support the idea that a water canopy ever existed above the earth. The Bible teaches that the "expanse" of Genesis 1:6-8 cannot be a canopy, since it encompasses both the atmosphere and interstellar space. The Bible also indicates that the "floodgates of heaven" are nothing more than a reference to clouds and rain (as found in passages after the Genesis flood). Scientifically, any kind of water canopy produces so much heat that it would cook everything on the planet. |
Oh I almost forgot.
The above information can be located at. for those of you that need further proof there is much more in the article. |
From the wikki.
In order for the vapor canopy to explain a truly global flood covering the highest mountains (as apparently described in Genesis), the atmosphere would have had to have a composition of about 900 parts water vapor to one part of what we call air today. To prevent this from condensing, the temperature would have to be raised to the point where the partial pressure of water equals 900 atmospheres. This is equivalent to the surface of the planet having the same environment as a 13,000 psi boiler, completely inhospitable to any form of life. Some creationists respond that the "vapor canopy" was composed not of vapor within the atmosphere, but of ice crystals above the atmosphere. (Morris's original proposal relied on water vapor, not ice.) Such a spherical shell of ice orbiting the earth above the atmosphere would not be physically stable. Additionally, the fall of so great a quantity of ice (or of anything else) from so great a distance to the earth's surface would produce an enormous amount of heat converted from the gravitational potential energy of the ice. The consequence would have been not a flood but a poaching by superheated steam. These issues can be mitigated somewhat by proposing that the vapor canopy was not the only source of water in the Flood (Genesis refers to "the fountains of the deep", interpreted by creationists as referring to some vast underground store of water), but if the canopy theory is to be of any use then the canopy needs to account for a substantial fraction of the water needed to submerge the highest mountains, and even reducing the figures above by a factor of 10 would not solve the problems. |
but this i have to say:there is only one true way of finding out if this
theory is correct.ask in prayer for the answer to be says in the bible :thou shalt not judge for ye shalt be judged. now this theory of yours IS classifiable as judging.but that is for the great spirit to decide fully.i myself believe that if the great spirit wanted us to understand how the earth was covered in water,then we would FULLY know and understand how it happened.but until such time we have to second guess ALL of the miracles of the great spirit.i myself am baptist, AND a smoker.i have asked for help to quit smoking.i am starting to cut back on my smoking.i know that i am that is why i have asked for help.we ALL should be asking for help in re to understanding certain things that happened in the past.we also should ask for help to understand what DOES happen. |
Yahweh, the Creator of all things, had no problem with the flood...which
you seem to, so desparately, be trying to prove could not have happened. Many things have happened, and many things are still happening that science can not explain. Why does God do things the way He does? Why does He allow bad things to happen? Why did not God, in the beginning just speak, and and make everything perfect, as it will be when His plan is finished? .. I don't know...maybe He just wanted the ride. 'Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potters' clay; for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? Or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?' Isaiah 29;16 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life', John 3:16 Peace, Love, Joy |
Well let's see, some 40 years ago I was taught that the world was
covered in water, and that the Bible said so. However, this was literal, and as the waters of the seas and oceans dissipated, a puruified land began to appear. Land seasoned, pure and furtile and ready for all that God wanted to plant upon the soil. So maybe the "covered in water" theory has somehow evolved? ![]() |
Red,I believe in evolution...a process of gradual growth and
change...set in motion by Almighty God. Love Peace Joy |
I do not have a problem with the FLOOD that obviously happend and is
accounted in nearly every historical reference that has survived since antiquity. Christian or otherwise. I have a problem scientifically with the absurd theory of a water canopy. Science and religion must agree or one or both of them are wrong. I have placed the math and science and even inadvertantly a small piece of words of the bible in front of your eyes. since I have been accused of lieing I even placed the opinions of others in here with the asked for links to provide the proof. (for those that really wish to go further into this subject there are many links most of them reference math that is uncontested. Some reference math that has been shown to be false... Which, when it happened they simply resort to - we prayed and the answer came to us - prayer works wonderes but it can not make a duck a monkey) Both science and religion find fault with this theory. Check it out for yourself and you will see. The flood happened there is now denying that. It did not happen because of a fictious canopy of water hanging in our atmosphere or in orbit. It happened because god made it rain. the simple answer is usually the best answer. |
Here is an off of the top of my head theroy about the flood.
Buuut, could the flood be a 'type of' global warming that melted the caps and flooded the land? Then had a type of 'ice age' that helped bring the earth back to normal?Huuuum. |
That sir is a most promising theory.
Such warming if catastrophic in nature would have made a heck of a lot of rain. Would have produced 'fountains of water from the deep' and it would have taken quite a while for the atmosphere to have cleared such an enourmous amount of water entering it in a short period. Perhaps it would have even taken it 40 days to rain it all out. |
net has a "coo coo" theory.but logical one at that.BUT what caused it to
happen?why do we still have the ice caps?where is the proof of it happening for that to take place? |
Well I reckon the ice caps grew back. Was a long time ago.
Would kind of explain the Riese maps of the shorline of antarctica. The are quite accurate but could not be verified till we developed radar cause of the Ross ice shelf. |