Topic: Relveations
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Tue 05/08/07 05:38 AM
Okay, so I am posting this, because for one..... I never wanted to
believe in God, yet I feel as though I was called upon. I can get into
it, but I rather not. To make a long story short, when I fall behind, I
have dreams that show me the end of the world. They are in different
scenarios and they are those dreams that you just have a gut feeling
mean something. I have had and continue to have my fair share of
nightmares that are inspired by deep thoughts or past experiences, so I
know the difference. I feel as though God is trying to tell me
something, which calls me right back into His Grace.

Has anyone ever had this happen? If you are curious to know what the
dreams were about, just email me and I will let you know. Not like it
is important or anything, but it had a meaning to it. Just wanted to
know though if anyone else experienced this kind of thing. The first
happened when I was in the 6th grade. The second when I was in the 12th
grade. And the last was in 2005 or 2006. If anyone knows any

LadyLisa40's photo
Tue 05/08/07 06:11 AM

I have had similar experiences all of my life. I am a spiritual and God
fearing woman. I also know the difference between a strange dream and
one of meaning. I also have a group of people that I can talk to and
confide in. That does help with understanding the dreams and the
possible reasons for having them. If you are concerned about these
dreams I would suggest you talk to someone who is honest and
trustworthy, I know they are hard to find in todays society but maybe a
pastor or trusted member of a local church, they might be able to help
you out.


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Tue 05/08/07 06:15 AM
Alright, I shall conduct a meeting. Thank you.