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Topic: Last to post wins! - part 65
Anton_k's photo
Thu 05/07/09 04:58 AM
i win.. now time to beging the day..waving

grammy09's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:50 AM
morning ((tony)) hope you have a great day

stay cool dont get over heated

cindy says its gonna be a hot one there

arcadefan's photo
Thu 05/07/09 08:14 AM
good morning to everyone

for the ladies flowerforyou flowers :angel: waving

for the guys shades drinks drinker waving

jedigirl's photo
Thu 05/07/09 08:15 AM

grammy09's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:33 AM
i wanna go fishing

arcadefan's photo
Thu 05/07/09 11:27 AM
good afternoon to everyone

for the ladies flowerforyou flowers :angel: waving

for the guys shades drinks drinker waving

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 01:38 PM

arcadefan's photo
Thu 05/07/09 03:31 PM
good evening to everyone

for the ladies flowerforyou flowers :angel: waving

for the guys shades drinks drinker waving

Anton_k's photo
Thu 05/07/09 03:32 PM

lovely ladies..bigsmile flowerforyou

arcadefan's photo
Thu 05/07/09 03:35 PM


lovely ladies..bigsmile flowerforyou

tony drinker

chrisgotswag's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:02 PM
bigsmile hello

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:07 PM
waving chris

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:21 PM

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:29 PM
Oooh Did I win??

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:30 PM
nope tongue2

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:32 PM
do you want a kiss? is that why your tongue is out?

grammy09's photo
Fri 05/08/09 03:44 AM
ok i win

as long as everyone stays asleep:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Fri 05/08/09 04:05 AM

Anton_k's photo
Fri 05/08/09 04:45 AM
look over there.. it's elvis..

I WINbigsmile

grammy09's photo
Fri 05/08/09 05:05 AM
darn it tony i thought you realy saw elvis

and i ran laugh laugh

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