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zanne46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:32 PM

I actually thought all the hubub was because I posted what was in my medicine cabinet yesterday and everyone was laughing hysterically. I thought I gained respect from the ladies over my stupididy or intellegence depending on how you looked at it.

missed the post..

so what do you have in that medicine cabinet....rofl rofl:wink:

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:40 PM
Seriously, I got bandaids, aspirin, neosporin, tylenol, exdeadrin, benadryl lotion, and your typical fare in my medicine cabinet. And I also have tampons, pads, hairbrushes, makeup kits, and eyeliner in there. WHY? Because every time a woman comes over to my home- they ask for these things as if a single hetrosexual bachelor man would just happen to have them on hand at all times. I finally just gave up and bought the stuff and shoved it in my medicine cabinet. Call me mr prepared for anything. Its courtesy I guess. Crazy.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:45 PM
But you just run out of rolling papers while your fishing and try to borrow a tampon from a girl so you can get the rice paper off the tampon to roll a joint!!! You practically have to throw her in the lake and dump her 3rd world samsonite of a purse out in the boat to get it. Yeah, sorry about that angeline.

zanne46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:47 PM

Seriously, I got bandaids, aspirin, neosporin, tylenol, exdeadrin, benadryl lotion, and your typical fare in my medicine cabinet. And I also have tampons, pads, hairbrushes, makeup kits, and eyeliner in there. WHY? Because every time a woman comes over to my home- they ask for these things as if a single hetrosexual bachelor man would just happen to have them on hand at all times. I finally just gave up and bought the stuff and shoved it in my medicine cabinet. Call me mr prepared for anything. Its courtesy I guess. Crazy.

well there u go dude...

nothing like a prepared man...

makeup.....u have all the woman set up..they don't even have to bring their own..u have all..even tampons....rofl rofl

keep writing and ur the man...rofl rofl :banana:

and when you write..put out the drool icon....u will then get thousands of e-mails and nudges....lmao

zanne46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:51 PM

But you just run out of rolling papers while your fishing and try to borrow a tampon from a girl so you can get the rice paper off the tampon to roll a joint!!! You practically have to throw her in the lake and dump her 3rd world samsonite of a purse out in the boat to get it. Yeah, sorry about that angeline.

tampon cartridge and tin foil...yep..good way to replace r papers....

I remember that when I was young.....

unfortunately..I don't have tampons....lmao

You are really pulling the woman in now....bigsmile rofl :wink: pitchfork

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:55 PM
Angeline did catch a 2 pound bass in her shirt. But was not amused that we thought she made great "Bait". I guess a tampon "Doobie" made it funny.

zanne46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:59 PM

Angeline did catch a 2 pound bass in her shirt. But was not amused that we thought she made great "Bait". I guess a tampon "Doobie" made it funny.

ur funny...lol

well done packing..for my trip..

done playing for the night..

have to work tomorrow..

nice talking with you..

goodnight...no nightmares..ok..lmao

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:04 PM
That day went well. Johnny milktoast drank too much bacardi and decided to drag a large eelpout into the boat against our wishes which thrashed itself to death in the bow of our boat splattering all of us covered with blood. We looked like we were front row at a gwar concert...or murdered OJs wife- take your pick. Went in to pay for gas at the gas station and the dork attendant called the cops on us. Just another day in the life of longhairedbiker.

zanne46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:06 PM

That day went well. Johnny milktoast drank too much bacardi and decided to drag a large eelpout into the boat against our wishes which thrashed itself to death in the bow of our boat splattering all of us covered with blood. We looked like we were front row at a gwar concert...or murdered OJs wife- take your pick. Went in to pay for gas at the gas station and the dork attendant called the cops on us. Just another day in the life of longhairedbiker.


longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:10 PM
Have a great evening zanne and a great weekend!

zanne46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:13 PM

Have a great evening zanne and a great weekend!

Thank you...I will have a great weekend..seeing my Marine son...after 8 months...deployments suck..

You have a great weekend to..


no photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:14 PM

I have all the wonderful, beautiful, interesting women on this site emailing me, viewing me, nudging me, and its making me nervous. Either I said or did something. Or someone said or did something in the threads to patronize me. Hmmmmmm what gives?

Foolproof plan for ensuring very very few women will ever bother you here --

Use a bunch of words with more than one syllable, then complain a lot about not wanting to be turned into a goat. SPELL EVERYTHING CORRECTLY -- that throws people off! Then pound it into everyone's head that you're an Arrogant Narcissistic Conceited Jerk who is simply too good for everyone. Then, only the ones who get the joke will ever contact you!

And they're the cream of the crop! Trust me, I know about these things.

Engraven_Image's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:25 PM

I mean I am honored. Just nervous like the calm before an F5 tornado.
BWA-HA-HA-HA! You're Nervous!!!:laughing:

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