Topic: Immoral God | |
Answer me this If Adam and Eve had two sons and one killed their brother, how did the world get so populated? ^^^^^^^ another poster asked ^^^^^^^^ sixth day creation of "mankind" male and female, Adam and Eve were created later, after GOD rested. Eve was created from Adam, they were the Adamic line through which Christ would come, umbilical cord to umbilical cord. Now way could all the races and different peoples come from just Adam and Eve check out Adams geneology, Cain is not mentioned, cains geneology is, he was the offspring of the Devil, the serpent who beguiled (wholly seduced) Eve. Study the words Bequiled and Beget, found in the bible. When you do, you will find that The two words have two entirely different meanings !!!! Cain was NOT an offspring of the devil. ![]() Sorry are entitled to your opinions... but some of the stuff you are sharing here, is not found in the Word of God at all. ![]() |
Answer me this If Adam and Eve had two sons and one killed their brother, how did the world get so populated? ^^^^^^^ another poster asked ^^^^^^^^ sixth day creation of "mankind" male and female, Adam and Eve were created later, after GOD rested. Eve was created from Adam, they were the Adamic line through which Christ would come, umbilical cord to umbilical cord. Now way could all the races and different peoples come from just Adam and Eve check out Adams geneology, Cain is not mentioned, cains geneology is, he was the offspring of the Devil, the serpent who beguiled (wholly seduced) Eve. Study the words Bequiled and Beget, found in the bible. When you do, you will find that The two words have two entirely different meanings !!!! Cain was NOT an offspring of the devil. ![]() Sorry are entitled to your opinions... but some of the stuff you are sharing here, is not found in the Word of God at all. ![]() |
There is absolutely no way all the races and cultures and peoples came from Adam and Eve. Snakes don't talk. The tree of life is Christ, the tree of knowledge of good and evil is that old serpent, the Devil.
Next time you spend time in your own study,
research the meaning of those 2 words. Also ask the Holy Spirit to give you HIS interpretation , and not go by your opinion or interpretation. People don't need any more of just man's opinions on here. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I just asked the Holy Spirit what She thinks about the whole issue. She says she thinks those protestants are protesting against each other too much. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 04/20/09 07:37 PM
That is why it is important for a Believer to ask
for the HOLY SPIRIT'S Interpretation ( already residing IN the Believer).... And NOT go by man's interpretation. The enemy of our souls, ESPECIALLY loves to creep into the church..... and create all sorts of havoc and confusion. That's the enemy just doing his job. But when man is led of the Holy Spirit , he is able to see thru all this mess out there.... and if he is truly a child of God, and is already in a confusing situation, God WILL pull him out. Do you actually think the enemy of our souls is going to just sat idly by, and not create every kind of havoc and confusion .... and not use every tactic he can, to DISTORT the WORD OF GOD? If so..think again. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I don't believe in the boogieman MorningSong.
The only people that might be out to get you are other humans. ![]() You don't need to worry about some boogieman who is out to steal your soul from God. ![]() In fact, the very idea that some boogieman is attempting to lure you away from God without your Free Will Consent and knowlege is truly silly. That would go against the very idea that it was Your Free Will Choice! It certainly wouldn't be your fault if some boogieman Decieved You when all the while you were trying to do the Right Thing! After all, if you make Good Choices in Good Faith, surely your God isn't going to be peeved at YOU when all the while it was The Boogieman who deceiving you without your permission or knowledge! ![]() The whole concept of a boogieman that is required to justify a God who can't communicate well is utterly absurd. That's just a scare tactic that is used when intelligentpeople recognize that the Jews screwed up when they faked thier book and claimed to be speaking for God! The idea that a boogieman can be used to make up for a poorly written book is truly nothing more than scraping the bottom of the barrel in an desperate attempt to find excuses for why God is such a poor author! I think the explanation that the Jews lied when they claimed to be speaking for God is much more tenable. ![]() That's just my own personal opinion of course. You're boogieman may vary. I'll truly never understand why people are so desperate to pepetuate a story that claims that all mankind fell from grace from God and that we are all responsible and guilty for him having to have his son nailed to a pole to pay for our purposeful and willing disobedience. Would you be far more pleased knowing that you are NOT responsible for having Jesus nailed to a pole? ![]() Why are you so anxious to support the idea that you're guilty of the God's desperate need to have his son beaten and nailed to pole because of YOU? ![]() That's what the story claims. I think if the story is true we should all commit suicide at once and put an end to such a patheic race of disgusting creatures. Let God go off and try again somewhere else. Maybe he'll have better luck if he keeps practicing in creation skills. He supposedly did a foul job when he created the boogieman, and he didn't know enough to stop or improve his methods. He just keeps creating new people all the time. All of them so dastardly that he has to have his son beaten and nailed to a pole just so he can forgive them of their impossibly horrible behavior which supposedly they don't even have the ability to overcome on their own because he failed to bestow them with the strength to do that. Instead he wants to see them crawling on their knees begging him for that part of the puzzle. Like as if it's their fault that he withheld that piece in the first place! Oh, WAIT! I KNOW! I have whole story all wrong the boogieman has decieved me without my knowlege and consent, and now I'm going to be sent to hell through no fault or choice of my own! ![]() There's just something not quite right about this whole picture MorningSong. Why should God need an excuse for having written a book that no two people can understand in the same way? Surely God would know how to communicate with the objects of his very own creation? Shouldn't he be able to TEACH the best writing classes ever? If so, then why couldn't he write the Bible clearly? ![]() In fact, he was supposedly here in person and didn't even bother to write anything down. It doesn't appear that he cares about us very much at all really. |
Edited by
Mon 04/20/09 08:37 PM
You are not going to hell Abra.
![]() You just don't see yet..that's all. God is not done with you ...or with any of us. God is the one who draws us unto Him. And saves. You are just not there yet. I already know I am gonna see you in heaven. We'll both be skipping over the streets of gold together. Chasing rabbits. ![]() (Remind me of this when we get to heaven). ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 04/20/09 08:24 PM
Perhaps God or Goddess or what have you was here and created everything from the flowers to the skies above and we over time just became smarter then God himself! Now how is that for a wild thought!
![]() I prefer a scientist's view, but there is nothing wrong from thinking a different perspective of what may be. and of course many find that idealogy utterly ridiculous, yet come on folks, broaden your imagination! You never know how it all happened. Perhaps we have outsmarted God and now he can't come back for he his knowledge is no more then what we have. Perhaps he or she is embarrased to admit it! Perhaps God is morally crazy for all the craps humans have done to this planet! Perhaps he or she is in full control like most would like to see and that he or she will come back to prove it. Perhaps there is no God, which bothers most people the most. No God! Wow that is utterly ridiculous. There has to be a reason, is what I usually get as a answer. lol In the end if you are honest with yourself and with others, the best answer is " I don't know and no one knows. The possibilities are endless including the ones who practice the top religions in the world. Perhaps they are correct with their scriptures all along?" Perhaps God is evil and we don't know it! Perhaps God is neutral claiming both emotions like we do as humans. Perhaps God is truly good that is trying to help us, like most humans want to believe. Perhaps there is no living being or thing that existed and that it all evolves around one common energy that created us. A mysterious energy that we just can't understand yet. Whatever the case, I am sure there are many opinions on the matter. I would rather just be honest and say, "I don't know." No dissappointments and no great expectations I cannot hold. Just plain and simple, " I don't know." What I do know is that we can live peacefully amongst each other if we truly want to and that will be my lifetime endeavor until my death. To be able to show that regardless of our differences we can coexist in peace. Something that many humans can't do and it is your opportunity and responsiblity to show it can be done. and last but not least, perhaps you are a god of your own choices deciding the right and wrongs at this moment! Now how is that for a crazy thought! lol |
After god rested... Gimme a break. God gets tired? God needs a nap?
7 days? According to what calandar? I assume it's a gregorian calandar. God - phew!!! Uzbekastan took a lot out of me. I gotta crash man. Gotta catch some Z's so I can wake up tomorrow and create tetris and ragnarok and jotun. Oh! And starbucks too. |
Perhaps God or Goddess or what have you was here and created everything from the flowers to the skies above and we over time just became smarter then God himself! Now how is that for a wild thought! ![]() I prefer a scientist's view, but there is nothing wrong from thinking a different perspective of what may be. and of course many find that idealogy utterly ridiculous, yet come on folks, broaden your imagination! You never know how it all happened. Perhaps we have outsmarted God and now he can't come back for he his knowledge is no more then what we have. Perhaps he or she is embarrased to admit it! Perhaps God is morally crazy for all the craps humans have done to this planet! Perhaps he or she is in full control like most would like to see and that he or she will come back to prove it. Perhaps there is no God, which bothers most people the most. No God! Wow that is utterly ridiculous. There has to be a reason, is what I usually get as a answer. lol In the end if you are honest with yourself and with others, the best answer is " I don't know and no one knows. The possibilities are endless including the ones who practice the top religions in the world. Perhaps they are correct with their scriptures all along?" Perhaps God is evil and we don't know it! Perhaps God is neutral claiming both emotions like we do as humans. Perhaps God is truly good that is trying to help us, like most humans want to believe. Perhaps there is no living being or thing that existed and that it all evolves around one common energy that created us. A mysterious energy that we just can't understand yet. Whatever the case, I am sure there are many opinions on the matter. I would rather just be honest and say, "I don't know." No dissappointments and no great expectations I cannot hold. Just plain and simple, " I don't know." What I do know is that we can live peacefully amongst each other if we truly want to and that will be my lifetime endeavor until my death. To be able to show that regardless of our differences we can coexist in peace. Something that many humans can't do and it is your opportunity and responsiblity to show it can be done. and last but not least, perhaps you are a god of your own choices deciding the right and wrongs at this moment! Now how is that for a crazy thought! lol i couldn't have said it better myself ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 04/20/09 08:39 PM
And Smiless will be there too.
We will be able to recognize him , because he will be greeting everyone with his heartfelt Smile ![]() ![]() ![]() And Jeannie will be there too. She will be the one debating with God ...even in heaven. ![]() Everyone here will be there . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You are not going to hell Abra. ![]() You just don't see yet..that's all. And God is not done with you ...or with any of us. God is the one who draws us unto Him. And saves. You are just not there yet. I already know I am gonna see you in heaven. We'll both be skipping over the streets of gold together. And chasing rabbits. ![]() (Remind me of this when we get to heaven). ![]() Ok MorningSong. You convinced me. ![]() Now who's chasing what? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 04/20/09 08:42 PM
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I wonder if and how the relative understanding of this topic would change were we to consider the fact that the collective sense of ought is what establishes morality, and that has changed during the course of mankind's history.
What constitutes good morality has changed since biblical times and before. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 04/20/09 09:14 PM
I would rather just be honest and say, "I don't know." No dissappointments and no great expectations I cannot hold. Just plain and simple, " I don't know."
I agree Smiless. You can't beat honesty. This reminds me of a parable I once heard. ~~~ A King was dying and he had no sons so he decided to choose one of the children from the village to be the next king or queen. But to select one he wanted to be fair. So he called all the childern into the castle and he gave them each a pot and told them that he had planted a seed in each one. They were to take the pots home and bring them back at the end of the growing season and then he would choose the new King or Queen at that time. All the children took their individual pots and ran home to grow their plants. One little girl watered her pot but nothing came up. She kept watering it and nurturing it, but nothing would grow. Even by the end of the season she had nothing but a pot full of dirt. Just the same, she took her barren pot back to the castle at the end of the growing season. All the other children were there with huge beautiful lush plants in their pots. She really stuck out like a sore thumb with her empty barren pot. The King come out to choose the new King or Queen and he asked the children to all line up with their plants for inspection. He walked down the row of children and inspected each of the plants and when he came to the little girl he asked her what happen. She said, "I don't know. I tried my best but nothing came up." He took the little girl by the hand and led her up to the throne and announced that she would be the new Queen of the kingdom. Everyone was moaning and complaining that her pot had nothing in it. How could she possible be the winner? The King replied, "I didn't put any seeds in any of the pots. This little girl is the only one honest enough to tell me the truth." ~~~ When a person preaches that they know some book is the "word of God" let's hope for their sake that they know what they are talking about. Maybe it's better to be honest with God and just say, "Hey it looked like a bunch of baloney to me. What can I say? That's the truth." We don't want to lie to God! ![]() And we certainly don't want to lie to our brothers in the name of God when we really don't know what we're talking about. Faith should be acknowledged for what it is - a guess! Where's Voileazur? I'm sure he would appauld this ideal. |
I would rather just be honest and say, "I don't know." No dissappointments and no great expectations I cannot hold. Just plain and simple, " I don't know."
I agree Smiless. You can't beat honesty. This reminds me of a parable I once heard. ~~~ A Kind was dying and he had no sons so he decided to choose on of the children from the village to be the next king or queen. But to select one he wanted to be fair. So he called all the childern into the castle and he gave them each a pot and told them that he had planted a seed in each one. They were to take the pots home and bring them back at the end of the growing season and the he would choose the new King or Queen at that time. All the children took their individual pots and ran home to grow their plants. One little girl watered her pot but nothing came up. She kept watering it and nurturing it, but nothing would grow. Even by the end of the season she had nothing but a pot full of dirt. Just the same, she took her barren pot back to the castle at the end of the growing season. All the other children were there with huge beautiful lush plants in their pots. She really stuck out like a sore thumb with her empty barren pot. The King come out to choose the new King or Queen and he asked the children to all line up with their plants for inspection. He walked down the row of children and inspected each of the plants and when he came to the little girl he asked her what happen. She said, "I don't know. I tried my best but nothing came up." He took the little girl by that hand and led her up to the throne and announce that she would be the new Queen of the kingdom. Everyone was moaning and complaining that her pot had nothing in it how could she possible be the winner? The King replied, "I didn't put any seeds in any of the pots. This is little girl is the only one honest enough to tell me the truth." ~~~ When a person preaches that they know some book is the "word of God" let's hope for their sake that they know what they are talking about. Maybe it's better to be honest with God and just say, "Hey it looked like a bunch of baloney to me. What can I say? That's the truth." We don't want to lie to God! ![]() And we certainly don't want to lie to our brothers in the name of God when we really don't know what we're talking about. Faith should be acknowledged for what it is - a guess! Where's Voileazur? I'm sure he would appauld this ideal. Wow what a great story. That is my bedtime story for the night actually. thanks alot. Very true what you say and also what I like about honesty is that I can live a life with a good conscience at the end of each day. That is most important to me. ![]() |
I wonder if and how the relative understanding of this topic would change were we to consider the fact that the collective sense of ought is what establishes morality, and that has changed during the course of mankind's history. What constitutes good morality has changed since biblical times and before. ![]() Well, people wouldn't be claiming that some guy was nailed to a pole to pay for our sins. That's for sure! There's morality, and there there's appeasing an angry God. I often wonder how many people would even give a second thought to same-gender relationships if they weren't taught that our creator has condemned them? Why should people care what other people do in matters of love when it isn't hurting anyone? There also wouldn't be any belief in a prophesy that claims that God is going to descend from the clouds during the middle of a huge battle in the Middle East. I wonder if all these nations would be so much at each other's throats if it wasn't for their belief in their Gods? It's EASY to say, "Our God won't stand for that!" and refuse to budge on an issue. But if they had to say "We won't stand for that!", THEN maybe we could sit down at negotiating tables and come to some kind of agreement of give and take. How can people "give and take" when they believe that GOD won't BUDGE! How can Christians, for example, condone homosexualy as long as they believe that this is God's LAW! It's not up to them to change God's Mind! How can they negotiate God's Law? It's non-negotiable! As long as they think they have a book that is the "word of God" they can never be free to take responsiblity for their own predjudices! They can't change their mind if they believe that it's God's Law! They've got to get away from that mindset first. That's the problem right there. It's carved in STONE! |
And Smiless will be there too. We will be able to recognize him , because he will be greeting everyone with his heartfelt Smile ![]() ![]() ![]() And Jeannie will be there too. She will be the one debating with God ...even in heaven. ![]() Everyone here will be there . ![]() ![]() ![]() As Captain of my ship I must humbly decline. I will only go when everyone has gone first ![]() and may you make yourself pretty when I do come for there will be a huge celeberation when so. I bring alot of wine and beer, good food, and some of the greatest folklore tales one can ask for ![]() ![]() |
I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW. BUT ... YOU can't go by what I Know. You've got to go find out the TRUTH for yourself...... so you too, can KNOW . That is the ONLY Way you too ,will KNOW. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |