Topic: Confirmed: DHS targeting Americans | |
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Tue 04/14/09 04:15 PM
From the report, p.2: Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration. From the report. p. 3: (U//LES) Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election as a recruitment tool. Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use. Rightwing extremists are increasingly galvanized by these concerns and leverage them as drivers for recruitment. From the 2008 election timeframe to the present, rightwing extremists have capitalized on related racial and political prejudices in expanded propaganda campaigns, thereby reaching out to a wider audience of potential sympathizers. (U) Exploiting Economic Downturn (U//FOUO) Rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures. Anti-Semitic extremists attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish “financial elites.” These “accusatory” tactics are employed to draw new recruits into rightwing extremist groups and further radicalize those already subscribing to extremist beliefs. DHS/I&A assesses this trend is likely to accelerate if the economy is perceived to worsen. From the report, p. 5: (U//FOUO) Over the past five years, various rightwing extremists, including militias and white supremacists, have adopted the immigration issue as a call to action, rallying point, and recruiting tool. Debates over appropriate immigration levels and enforcement policy generally fall within the realm of protected political speech under the First Amendment, but in some cases, anti-immigration or strident pro-enforcement fervor has been directed against specific groups and has the potential to turn violent. And echoing the anti-military bigotry last seen in that disgusting Penn State University training video, there’s this on p. 7: (U) Disgruntled Military Veterans (U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today. p. 8: (U//FOUO) DHS/I&A will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise in rightwing extremist activity in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the political, economic, and social factors that drive rightwing extremist radicalization. What isnt true? fanta??? it is not that this report is not or cannot be seen as true, BUT MORE, that the report itself, is doing in all and each essence, the EXACT SAME THING IT ACCUSE OTHER'S OF???? and the one's it accuse, are the very one's that "keep the balance of power"??? THE ENTIRE DOC SPEAK OF "RIGHT WING"??? THERE IS NO RIGHT, THERE IS NO LEFT, THERE ARE PEOPLE!!!??? BUT THE ENTIRE PREMISE "CATEGORIZE" ALL QUESTIONING INTO "EXTREME RIGHT"!!!??? HOW IS THAT BY-PARTISONSHIP??? IT ACCUSE MILLIONS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE OF EXTREMISM AND HATE!!!??? TO QUESTION IS "EXTREMIST"??? THIS IN IT'S INCPETION IS "HUGE BIAS AND LACK OF EQUALITY"??? EFFECTIVELY PORTRAYING THE REAL THINKING AT PLAY AND WORK, THAT TO DISAGREE, IS A CRIME OF HATE!!!??? SO WHAT IF SOMEONE OR SOME THINK THE "JEWS" ARE IN A CONSPIRACY OF POWER??? THAT IS THEIR "NATURAL BORN FREE RIGHT" TO BELIEVE SUCH!!!??? it is but "conspiracy thinking" in itself, to label such as "conspiracy", is it not??? SO WHO IS MOST GUILTY OF THE "CONSPIRACY THEORIES"??? LOYALTY DEMANDED CAN LEAD TO NOTHING BUT DICTATORSHIP??? AND YOU "INDICT" YOUR FELLOW AMERICAN'S AS GUILTY OF HATE, FOR DISAGREEING WITH GOVERNMENT POLICY!!!??? DEMANDED "TRUST" CAN NEVER EQUAL FREEDOM, NOR PRESERVE FREEDOM, AND HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO BECOME AS DEMAGOGEURY??? so, WHICH AND WHO IS MORE CORRECT??? it is redily apparent, who you defend and stand for??? WILL THE GOVERNMENT EFFECTIVELY TURN AMERICAN AGAINST AMERICAN, USING SUCH THINKING AS GOOD POLICY??? both are correct in many ways, but, DISENT AND DISAGREEMENT HEARD AS "VALID" IS THE POWER CHECK ALWAYS, and if we have a power system, 100 million times more powerful than the people, that deem ITSELF as THREATENED AND IMPUNED, so as immune from any voice, DEEMING THEM ALL AS "HATERS", how can this not but make for supreme authority with no questioning??? this report DEEMS ALL QUESTIONING OF POWER, AS ANTI-GOVERNMENT??? does this not in due time, leave all other's words and actions and and questioning, THAT DO NOT AGREE, AS INTENTION OF HATRED!!!??? BULL****!!!??? WHAT WILL THIS MAKE IN DUE TIME FANTA??? who and what is to the check of the "hateful" observations of the "deemed evil's" that power and policy assert exist??? if the premise of the report is true at all, then the entire report itself only position itself as well as "hate based"??? is this not the very first snare of relegating people's "words" into hate speech??? it has NO POWER but to pit people against each other!!!??? defining into categories and defining "hate" into definitions??? if you touch another, with intent to harm them, you go to jail??? if you speak disent, or disapproval, or disagreement, with the government, or banks, or policy, you go to jail!!!??? is that what you wish for FANTA??? that is the only POSSIBILITY that such notions within this document as "intentions of good fostered" can and will lead to??? with such notions as this left as good wisdom, it is but a small time before the question comes to be, which American will sell out another American to position itself for favor, or to save itself from power, that in essence, DAMN AND CONDEM MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY AS EVIL AND HATEFUL??? IF IT VOICE OPPOSTION TO PROPOSED ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS, BANKS, CYNICSM OF THIS HISTORICAL PRESIDENCY, OPPOSITION TO WAR, OR OPPOSITION TO "POLICIES", IS HATE!!!??? cannot one see this lead to NO FREEDOM AT ALL, UNLESS IT AGREE WITH ALL CURRENT POLICY AND POWER??? IS THAT WHAT IS REALLY IN FLOWING IN YOUR FREEDOM BLOOD FANTA??? how is this BALANCED POWER, WITH THE PEOPLE AS THE DECIDER ELECTOR AND CHECK OF POWER??? THE PEOPLE RULE THE GOVERNMENT FANTA, NOT THE GOVERNMENT THE PEOPLE!!!??? WITH A VOICE OF WISDOM AND QUESTIONS!!!??? the entire report is STATING SPECIFICALLY HOW TO IDENTIFY AND STOP ANYTHING THAT OPPOSE AND DISAGREE WITH CURRENT "POLICIES"??? this election is no more historical than ANY OTHER, OR WE FIRST THINK AND SHOW BLACK OR WHITE IS BETTER??? if black and white are equal, THAN HOW CAN WE PROMOTE color blindedness, as wisdom and fair, BY MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON COLOR, WHICH IN INCEPTION MAKE FOR FIGHTING AND MORE RACISM??? this in itself is sheer lack of any sight of what no racism really is??? sheer delusion and fear, simply for power maintenance doled out as some wisdom of good policy and leadership??? EACH PRESIDENT IS EQUAL WOULD BE THE ONLY FIRST NON-BIAS, AND THE NOTION THAT THIS PRECIDENCY IS "HISTORICAL", IN ITSELF, REEK OF DEEP PARTISONSHIP AND NO SIGHT OF EQUAL OR FAIR??? |
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Tue 04/14/09 04:20 PM
No, David!
It is a responsible government being responsible by keeping a watchful eye on the facts! What would be irresponsible would be to ignore the warnings until they bite the country in the arse! Kinda like Bush did up until 9/11! There has been no actions taken to tread on anyones rights, like the many times Bush did so, and no specific groups mentioned except the Right wing Nazi group! |
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Tue 04/14/09 04:22 PM
With all due respect, this is the same kind of thinking that occurred under clinton and led to ruby ridge and waco. Ultimately leading to retaliation and OKC. Targeting a group of American citizens that haven't broken any laws, is profiling. If its illegal to profile based on race, ethnicity, or propensity to commit a crime, then this is also illegal.
Some of the posts and posters on this site are a validation to the accuracy of the report! Look around and read them! Yes, he did. Why? I don't see it. He was agreeing with the description of a group of people. |
With all due respect, this is the same kind of thinking that occurred under clinton and led to ruby ridge and waco. Targeting a group of American citizens that haven't broken any laws, is profiling. If its illegal to profile based on race, ethnicity, or propensity to commit a crime, then this is also illegal. Who did they target? The Nazi's? They did arrest a few of them for planning to assasinate the President! |
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Tue 04/14/09 04:25 PM
Some of the posts and posters on this site are a validation to the accuracy of the report! Look around and read them! Yes, he did. Why? I don't see it. He was agreeing with the description of a group of people. That's OK Winx! In my definition many on here are domestic threats to the Constitution! I would fight on Obama's and the Constitution's side! |
Disgruntled vets. If I was sent to Iraq you damn well better bet Id be disgruntled. It seems there are alot of assumptions being made. I don't think joining a neo nazi group has become more appealing since Obama took office. Its still a bunch of twisted knuckleheads, no matter who is in charge. Go to the Institute for Historical Reviews website. Its a Pro Hitler, Pro Nazi revisionist site. I find it odd that they hated Bush as much as they hate Jews. Blanket assumptions like these are dangerous.
No, David! It is a responsible government being responsible by keeping a watchful eye on the facts! What would be irresponsible would be to ignore the warnings until they bite the country in the arse! Kinda like Bush did up until 9/11! There has been no actions taken to tread on anyones rights, like the many times Bush did so, and no specific groups mentioned except the Right wing Nazi group! FANTA??? i do not see BUSH or OBAMA as better or worse, and NONE OF THESE WORDS COME FROM THE PERSPECTIVE??? I LIKE THEM BOTH, BUT WHAT IS MO9RE IMPORTANT, IS "WHAT WILL WHAT WE ARE DOING, CREATE FOR "ALL"??? not just you, or for some "left group", BUT FOR ALL??? one must first look into humanity as ALL ONE, BEFORE GOOD SIGHT OF WHAT IS MOST GOOD FOR ALL CAN BE SEEN??? if one has too much bigotry, or just natural distain within itself, is is hard to recognize bigorty or distain in it's inception, and WHAT THIS WILL CAUSE IF USED FOR GUIDENCE??? HOW CAN WE CLASSIFY SOME AS NAZI'S??? you just wanna kill all the POSSIBLE NAZI'S FANTA??? THAT IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN, WITH THIS TYPE OF THINKING??? this CAN NEVER LEAD TO PEACE OR CREATE PEACE, PERIOD!!!??? you have have only looked into what is written to see how you can disagree, and with no fervor or inclination at all to see how such is aligned with your very same wants and passions??? you want freedom for all??? then this MUST BE FOSTERED FOR ALL, WITH NO REGARD TO "POTENTIAL PERHAPS MAYBE PEOPLE WHO MIGHT OPPOSE OR QUESTION IT"??? FREE SPEECH IS PROMINENT, AND THE REPORT DOES INDEED INDICT ANYTHING THAT QUESTION "MANY THINGS", no matter how you slice and dice it??? i love ya man, but to believe such is fostering ANY TRUE FREEDOM, or has any sight of true freedom, or of the EXTREME IMPORTANCE of freedom of speech, is to deny reality of what all of history has taught us??? so, you disagree, well, the future then is the tell, and it cannot be a better or most peaceful future, is we relegate so many, even the questioner's of banks, and the current cynic's of the precidency as "HATE SUSPECTS"??? damn, what a road of pain for all to travel... what else can be said... we have lived with free freedom for so long, it has now become hard to see what actually preserve it and create it for all??? peace man |
Disgruntled vets. If I was sent to Iraq you damn well better bet Id be disgruntled. It seems there are alot of assumptions being made. I don't think joining a neo nazi group has become more appealing since Obama took office. Its still a bunch of twisted knuckleheads, no matter who is in charge. Go to the Institute for Historical Reviews website. Its a Pro Hitler, Pro Nazi revisionist site. I find it odd that they hated Bush as much as they hate Jews. Blanket assumptions like these are dangerous. I agree! Blame it on Michelle, the reporter! That's her style! She leaves out parts that dont raise peoples anger and posts what does. That's why she started on page two and then jumped around so much. On page one it clearly states, — (U//LES) Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts. Nevertheless, the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past. It would be irresponsible of DHS to not be on guard to possibilities. They have taken no action against anyone or their rights. They are merely putting out the heads up call! |
Couldn't the same thing be said about gangs?
Couldn't the same thing be said about gangs? Sure! But again there are no specific threats mentioned. The Report just reviews the possibility and gives a heads up to the law enforcement agencies! |
That is too funny, to claim that Obama, and you are on the constitutions side.
What part of Obama's agenda is covered under the constitution? Welfare, entitlements of any kind? Bailouts for private companies? Where is this in the constitution? I suggest you read your bill of rights, specifically the tenth amendment. Obama is no better or worse than Bush. The one thing I admire about him is at least he is upfront about his desire to socialize this country rather than do it behind closed doors. If you were in the military you took an oath to defend the constitution, not yours, or anyone else's idea about a utopian world of plenty for all, including those who do nothing to earn it. |
I see two totally different Govs when I look at the Bush Administration and the Obama Administrations. Bush, as evidence confirms, trampled the constitution at will, and effectively ran a dictatorship for 8 years. I would have taken up arms against his Administration if two things were possible. 1- If somehow he had managed to extend his time in office beyond 8 years. 2- If you could count on more than words from others who talk and brag but when the opportunity arises don't have the balls to act. Obama, I don't see it. He has tried to live up to every campaign promise he made and we haven't even reached the 100 day mark. That said, if he begins to trample on peoples rights as guaranteed in the constitution. I will be the first to draw my weapon from the armory and lead the charge. "FOLLOW ME" My trust in gov was almost destroyed during the last 8 years, and if I saw a continuation of the crimes against our constitution coming from Obama, as I did from Bush, I would step over the line of no return. This thought is real and it scares me. It scares me not just because of the level of personal violence I can achieve, but also because I know there would be many innocents dying from the same violence multiplied by 10000! No worry though! I have seen many Presidents in my lifetime and yet none can hold a candle to Obama so far! |
That is too funny, to claim that Obama, and you are on the constitutions side. What part of Obama's agenda is covered under the constitution? Welfare, entitlements of any kind? Bailouts for private companies? Where is this in the constitution? I suggest you read your bill of rights, specifically the tenth amendment. Obama is no better or worse than Bush. The one thing I admire about him is at least he is upfront about his desire to socialize this country rather than do it behind closed doors. If you were in the military you took an oath to defend the constitution, not yours, or anyone else's idea about a utopian world of plenty for all, including those who do nothing to earn it. You have nothing to argue with! Disgruntled and unreasonable I see! substance I dont! Address me another way or prepare to be ignored! |
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Tue 04/14/09 05:45 PM
According to the report, even if you are against one single thing, you might be a "right wing extremist" such as:
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says. So....any of you anti-abortionists? If you are , then according to the Homeland Security you are a suspect of "right wing extremism". You know...I'm thinking, I might be a "right wing extremist", since I'm centrists on most issues, but I have served 6yrs in the Army, and I am disgruntled, unable to find a job lately.. What i really think is, that it's a very bad idea to start stigmatizing veterans and people with army background |
Nothing to argue with? Disgruntled? Hardly. I address you sir with the very words of our founding fathers, yet you decide to minimize it by not addressing how the agendas of present day politicians are emasculating it.
Please tell me how any of the entitlements, are in compliance with this document? Tell me how private sector interference are allowed under this document. How about regulation of a item specifically protected under this document with the wording of "shall not be infringed". The words of the constitution ring clear and true to those who wish to actually put aside personal biases and absorb the content. If The Constitution itself isn't clear enough to you personally, the founding fathers journals are more than sufficient back-up to destroy the federal governments so called right to interferein these matters. |
According to the report, even if you are against one single thing, you might be a "right wing extremist" such as: "It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says. So....any of you anti-abortionists? If you are , then according to the Homeland Security you are a suspect of "right wing extremism". You know...I'm thinking, I might be a "right wing extremist", since I'm centrists on most issues, but I have served 6yrs in the Army, and I am disgruntled, unable to find a job lately.. What i really think is, that it's a very bad idea to start stigmatizing veterans and people with army background Atlantis, I think the key word here is "might". I doubt you will be watched! |
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Trust me brother,
I will keep my eyes open for any trampling of individual rights! ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 04/14/09 05:58 PM
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