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Topic: Older women/younger man
wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:36 PM
Trying to make it happen?....Oh relatinshipbigsmile

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:37 PM
Be the whore you have always wanted to be Man, get out there & share the love with as many as possiblepitchfork

no photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:40 PM
Old b!tches need love, too! drool

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:40 PM
It can work. They are called cougars

Havnt tried it

A little scary

MeChrissy2's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:40 PM

Old b!tches need love, too! drool

Hell yes we do and we are better lovers. Never know when we are gonna get it again.laugh

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:41 PM

Be the whore you have always wanted to be Man, get out there & share the love with as many as possiblepitchfork
Im not a fukk!ng whorebigsmile

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:43 PM
Seems like older women are all that hit me up on this site. I might try it long as she doesn't have too many kids. I wanna be a dad myself one day.

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:43 PM

Old b!tches need love, too! drool
Old is dirt.....might think about it next time it rains:wink:

grneyedldy1967's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:45 PM
My mom is married to a man that is 16 years younger than her.. two years older than me.. they have been married for over 18 years now so I guess for some it can definitely work. As for me I prefer men my age or a little older! laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:47 PM

Be the whore you have always wanted to be Man, get out there & share the love with as many as possiblepitchfork
Im not a fukk!ng whorebigsmile


wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:47 PM

My mom is married to a man that is 16 years younger than her.. two years older than me.. they have been married for over 18 years now so I guess for some it can definitely work. As for me I prefer men my age or a little older! laugh

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:48 PM

Be the whore you have always wanted to be Man, get out there & share the love with as many as possiblepitchfork
Im not a fukk!ng whorebigsmile

I look for ****surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised

no photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:48 PM

Old b!tches need love, too! drool
Old is dirt.....might think about it next time it rains:wink:

Silly boy...what real man doesn't like to mud wrestle? Pfffffffffft!

no photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:48 PM
If they are two consenting adults, there shouldnt be a problem.

/high fives the younger guy


7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:49 PM
I'm game.
I often think an older girl would be good for me. She could take care of me! bigsmile

no photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:50 PM
doesn't matter as long as they are men happy

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:51 PM

If they are two consenting adults, there shouldnt be a problem.

/high fives the younger guy

:thumbsup: No high five button

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:52 PM

doesn't matter as long as they are men happy
You dont like piebiggrin

no photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:54 PM

doesn't matter as long as they are men happy
You dont like piebiggrin


no photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:55 PM
She wants a man w/ the strength & stamina as of a well defined,muscular,power surged chariot driven horse.laugh

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