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Topic: Where the hell is....
nogames39's photo
Wed 04/08/09 07:34 PM
Where the hell is Osama Bin Laden? In the same place he had always been, - in the fantasy land.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/08/09 07:45 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/08/09 07:48 PM

Good link Fanta. Bhutto claims Omar Sheikh murdered Bin Laden. He was arrested in 2002 for the Daniel Pearl murder. Something smells fishy here.

Maybe she said that in a weak effort to protect her self,
and Osama had something to do with her murder?whoa

Misspelled OSama,,,,laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 04/08/09 07:51 PM

Osama Bin Laden?

Are there anyone looking for him? I find it strange, he isn't showing up anywhere. I Know IRS can find me to pay my taxes in the deepest part of the Brazilian jungle and yet I'm not the most wanted man on this planet.

They have been "searching" for him for how long? 9years? 10 years? more?
Is he alive? Is he dead? How come Obama never mentions his name? He mentions Al-Quada, but i haven't heard him ever talk about Osama Bin Laden.

What's going on? What do you think?

We were to busy with Saddam, Osama has moved onto other planets now.

Welcome to the United States, prison population roughly 12 million.

nogames39's photo
Wed 04/08/09 10:01 PM

We were to busy with Saddam, Osama has moved onto other planets now.

Of course, we were so busy looking for the pencil (Osama), that we didn't realize we were under a lady's skirt (Saddam's oil sales).

warmachine's photo
Thu 04/09/09 02:17 AM
Osama Bin Laden is a CIA asset. Dead or Alive, they are going to keep him releasing videos and tapes like he was a Muslim militant Tupac.

In order to justify the evil done supposedly in the name of good, they have to keep the boogeyman alive.

adj4u's photo
Thu 04/09/09 02:27 AM

Osama Bin Laden?

Are there anyone looking for him? I find it strange, he isn't showing up anywhere. I Know IRS can find me to pay my taxes in the deepest part of the Brazilian jungle and yet I'm not the most wanted man on this planet.

They have been "searching" for him for how long? 9years? 10 years? more?
Is he alive? Is he dead? How come Obama never mentions his name? He mentions Al-Quada, but i haven't heard him ever talk about Osama Bin Laden.

What's going on? What do you think?

he served his purpose

to instill fear in the hearts of americans

thus leading to them giving away their liberties for a false since of security

when they are ready for the next big attack on your liberties he or another like him will surface

warmachine's photo
Thu 04/09/09 02:31 AM

Osama Bin Laden?

Are there anyone looking for him? I find it strange, he isn't showing up anywhere. I Know IRS can find me to pay my taxes in the deepest part of the Brazilian jungle and yet I'm not the most wanted man on this planet.

They have been "searching" for him for how long? 9years? 10 years? more?
Is he alive? Is he dead? How come Obama never mentions his name? He mentions Al-Quada, but i haven't heard him ever talk about Osama Bin Laden.

What's going on? What do you think?

he served his purpose

to instill fear in the hearts of americans

thus leading to them giving away their liberties for a false since of security

when they are ready for the next big attack on your liberties he or another like him will surface

What were the socalled goals of Bin Laden?

"If their economy is destroyed, they will be busy with their own affairs rather than enslaving the weak peoples. It is very important to concentrate on hitting the U.S. economy through all possible means." And here is what al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri said in September 2002: "We will also aim to continue, by the permission of Allah, the destruction of the American economy."


If I remember right he also talked about drawing us over there into a war withour end, just like they did to the Russians. Check.

Removing bases from Saudi. That happened too, did it not?

Palestine and Israel was another issue, but come on, 3 out of 4?

No one had the power to concede these points to him, except the people who hired his sorry A$$ in the first place back in the late 70's early 80's.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Thu 04/09/09 02:48 AM
really this is just crazy talk.

Of course he's still alive. No! he didnt shave his beard, its against Islam to do so.

The way a conspiracy works is if everyone decides to say nothing, that means every hot shot reporter on the planet would have to agree to shut up about his death so the USA can hatch some crazy scheme to invade Iraq to get Oil never mind most our Oil comes from Canada and the Saudis and invade Afganistan so we can take over the deluxe cave renovation biz


i mean really.

He's Not Dead.

adj4u's photo
Thu 04/09/09 02:54 AM
look between the lines you will see the snow job


did you see it

warmachine's photo
Thu 04/09/09 02:58 AM

really this is just crazy talk.

Of course he's still alive. No! he didnt shave his beard, its against Islam to do so.

The way a conspiracy works is if everyone decides to say nothing, that means every hot shot reporter on the planet would have to agree to shut up about his death so the USA can hatch some crazy scheme to invade Iraq to get Oil never mind most our Oil comes from Canada and the Saudis and invade Afganistan so we can take over the deluxe cave renovation biz


i mean really.

He's Not Dead.

Of course he's still alive? The last video released, the guy who was supposed to be OBL didn't even look like him, the words coming out didn't match and there were questions as to the accuracy of the translation.

The guy is supposed to be on heavy need for dialysis, but he's getting this where? Every 5 caves has a fully staffed and equipped dialysis unit?

by the way, there are editors at all these newspapers and media outlets who decide what gets put out to the public. It was freely admitted that the NY times sat on a story for over a year, because the Bush Admin. told them to. On top of that lets get into Operation Mockingbird, which is a CIA program that was started in the 50's to infiltrate all media with their operatives, so why would they go against the official story?
more than 80% of our media is corporate owned, tell me one good reason why those who work hand in hand with our government would go against those that butter the bread?

adj4u's photo
Thu 04/09/09 03:11 AM
well dang war

i knew you seen it (snow job)

i was wondering if anyone else did

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

warmachine's photo
Thu 04/09/09 03:13 AM

well dang war

i knew you seen it (snow job)

i was wondering if anyone else did

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Not only did I see it, I see right through it. I've got me a high powered, fully functional B.S. radar!

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