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Topic: SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 13
no photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:55 PM
Still So Single

BL4766's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:27 PM

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 04/21/09 10:54 PM
still taken... bigsmile

for a whole 20 days so far, and counting bigsmile

chevylover1965's photo
Tue 04/21/09 10:59 PM
yup, im still lost !sad

no photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:57 AM
love ~Happily Taken~love Good Luck to all of you.flowers That special someone finds us when we stop lookingwinking

keepthehope's photo
Wed 04/22/09 02:11 AM
Single - again

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 02:37 AM

romee's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:39 AM
i still don't know.frustrated

heather00090's photo
Wed 04/22/09 08:08 AM

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 04/22/09 08:21 AM
Got divorced yesterday..........extremely singlelaugh

kojack's photo
Wed 04/22/09 08:27 AM

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 09:33 AM

MeChrissy2's photo
Wed 04/22/09 12:04 PM
Saucy and Single.

no photo
Wed 04/22/09 02:56 PM
Single..........ohwell ...........(I have no adjectives to add)....

MeChrissy2's photo
Wed 04/22/09 02:59 PM

Single..........ohwell ...........(I have no adjectives to add)....

Add Studly.

Meg8771's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:11 PM

Got divorced yesterday..........extremely singlelaugh


Meg8771's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:13 PM
Hmmmmm....Very, very good question...

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:14 PM

Got divorced yesterday..........extremely singlelaugh



no photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:55 PM

Single..........ohwell ...........(I have no adjectives to add)....

Add Studly.

Thanks, Chrissy..........blushing smooched

Add SEXY to your saucy.........:tongue:

Loyaldad08's photo
Wed 04/22/09 05:43 PM

Got divorced yesterday..........extremely singlelaugh

Go PAT!!
Congratulations to you!!!

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