Topic: have men given up real commitment?
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Sun 03/29/09 09:29 AM
Commitment isn't a problem for me. Commitment to the wrong person is.

markc48's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:00 AM
I thought I wanted someone who was self supporting. Really I'm finding I dont. I want someone over here. By my stuff. I have to be here. Cause I'm actually working. Even though it doesn't look like it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:23 AM

i was with someone for 11 years faithful, and i was a caregiver. i gave her everything i had. from faithful love, and she was also very sick, i stuck with her through everything, and took care of her autistic son. when she got better, she wanted someone not tired and older, and moved on. this makes no difference in love, but she did go through about $400,000.00 on top of that, before she left. what's money, when you love someone? but i don't think she loved me, so who's faithful nowadays? who's really honest? i know i was. everything was on her terms..... never again, i want my freedom, and i want someone to enhance my life, by being a friend, but nobody will own me, ever again.

It's sad to know one got such a raw deal but at least within you know you did right up to the very end regardless if she did or not.

As far as anyone owning anyone that should never be in the first place. Why some seem to have the need to control someone's life I will never understand that at all.

Funny though I let my ex pretty much do what he wanted too he went out with his friends when he wanted too. There was no calling and asking can I go it was just to call and let the other know where they would be. Trusted him to the max but he could not in return give me the same respect. Would I still be the same with another sure for I do not see that just because of what he did the next man would do the same. I still believe the next one should be treated with the same respect and trust as I was willing to give to him.

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:29 AM
I think that a lot of people have given up true commitment. Both men and women. In an instant gratification society, commitment means too much work with very distant and iffy returns.

Anastasia95's photo
Sun 03/29/09 08:30 PM

Id have to agree with the pain thing on some level. But also i dont think guys have given up commitment at all. Hell i know i wish i had that with someone who was not only my love rbut bestfriend. I think thats whats wrong we just get witht he wrong people. Love isnt some magical thing that just happens, anyone who is in love will tell you that the person they love is also their best friend....Look for a friend before you look for that commited lover

Your right Rico, like I said on my profile, Im not just looking for a lover, but also my best friend!

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 03/29/09 08:35 PM
yes we have given up, every single last one of us, we're all the same, we all suck, and you should just give up now and save yourself from grief and frustration. scared

grrrr, I really really hate it when people generalize.frustrated

ladywolf9653's photo
Sun 03/29/09 08:40 PM

yes we have given up, every single last one of us, we're all the same, we all suck, and you should just give up now and save yourself from grief and frustration. scared
grrrr, I really really hate it when people generalize.frustrated

I hate ALL generalizations! *laughs*

mark77's photo
Tue 03/31/09 09:42 AM

I think that a lot of people have given up true commitment. Both men and women. In an instant gratification society, commitment means too much work with very distant and iffy returns.

This is so true for some people and it is a shame.

no photo
Tue 03/31/09 10:00 AM

I think that a lot of people have given up true commitment. Both men and women. In an instant gratification society, commitment means too much work with very distant and iffy returns.

I prefer to think of it as I've given up on women. It amounts to the same thing, but it's more tangible this way.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 03/31/09 10:28 AM

why u men have given up commitment? what r u so afraid of?

Okay, now try that back in english and ask the same question while looking at how you typed it in the first place...little wonder...

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:51 AM

I find that most men just want me committed!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

They would be less likely to want to do that if you would leave their toothbrushes alone.rofl

no photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:55 AM

I find that most men just want me committed!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

They would be less likely to want to do that if you would leave their toothbrushes alone.rofl
ahahaaaaaaaaaaa but its sooooooooooo fun!!!pitchfork :tongue: laugh

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:55 AM
Not all of us are " afraid " of commitment.

Some of us have just been burned severely and are now very cautious about who we give our hearts to.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:56 AM

I find that most men just want me committed!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

They would be less likely to want to do that if you would leave their toothbrushes alone.rofl
ahahaaaaaaaaaaa but its sooooooooooo fun!!!pitchfork :tongue: laugh

Well, dear. As long as it remains fun for you, always keep an eye out for the dudes in the white coats who carry butterfly nets and ' self hug ' jackets. lol

TBRich's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:57 AM
My honest opinion from the women I have dated? 1. They don't think you are worth a commitment 2. They are still little children.

BEHaws's photo
Tue 03/31/09 01:40 PM
I'm all about commitment. Was committed for 11 years even though many times I had reason not to be. Just not who I am. Now, she's leaving. My heart is shattered. I am in a lot of pain.

But I still believe in love and commitment. I hope someday I can have that again.

thetummytumbler's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:53 PM
well for me im not afraid of commitment im not ready yet to settle down maybe when i get older and mature i will be ready being in a committed relationship women try to lock u down i aint ready for that rite now

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:01 AM
the commitment on my part im not afraid of. the lack of commitment at the same level has burned me altho im kinda like the kid who keeps reaching for the item on the stove whem mom is yelling HOT HOT. Ill try again in hopes that that same level can be shared. if I half ass it it will show and wont reach that beautiful shangrila I want.

no photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:12 AM
I have no doubts that my significant other is quite committed to both my well being and the relationship, despite any vices he may have.

no photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:16 AM
i think its stupid to say that all men are like that i consider my self as unique