Topic: It's Tuesday Morning | |
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Sat 03/28/09 06:23 PM
This is a re-post of a blog I wrote some time ago. The Spirit of the Lord has placed this on my heart to post it here. This blog is for someone, of that I am sure.
The original version can be found here: It's Tuesday Morning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Tuesday morning. You just woke up. The last four days are like a fog to you. Friday you got paid. You remember cashing your check. You remember stopping by the liquor store for a bottle of wine. After that, things get a little blurry. The front desk is on the line. They are trying to confirm that you are checking out. Checking out? You haven't quite yet remembered where you are. As you open your eyes and glance around the room, it becomes quite apparent, you are in a hotel room once again. The last real thought you have is leaving your job on Friday. Not just any job, but the fourth job you've had this year. You pulled it together enough again this time to ace the interview. The events of your past were unseen to your new and unsuspecting employer. He hired you on the basis of your lies. You have fooled yet another. You really had good intentions this time. You were going to start to pay back your parents. Some of the money was to save up for a car. Some of it was to buy some respectable clothes. This time was different. The drugs were a thing of the past. But that's not exactly what your coke dealer has to say. Despite your wasted paycheck, he's banging on your door too. It seems like you've promised and owe him $500 you don't have. He's not receptive of your excuses. When will this end? You try with all your might to pull your life together. But every step you take in the right direction seems to be countered with an elastic draw right back into the pit. Life sucks and you can't control it any longer. Death seems to be the only hope. You are in the hands of the enemy. Entangled by the snares of false security. The devil has you in his clutches. Suicide is the thought he embeds. Sound familiar? Does this somewhat remotely resemble the life you now live? I can relate my friend. I have been there and far beyond. What you are going through and experiencing is nothing but a lie. You are not a nobody. You are a somebody. And God, the God of the bible, cares for you and wants to pull you out. You see, I lived in that pit of lies. I lived there for a very long time. I was near death when the Truth was revealed to me. The truth that there is a better way. The truth that Jesus is real. I speak from experience. I write this little note today for the purposes of offering myself to those that may be under the bondage of addiction. There is a truth, a greater truth that will indeed set you free. If you are feeling trapped by the lies of this world, and you need help, I am here for you. Jesus came to set the captives free, and that includes you. He promises freedom from the world. I am merely here to confirm that. In love, Michael |