Topic: Approaching hot women
Tejasgirl's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:59 PM
If you are going to try and hit on a woman who is with her friends just
make sure you actually acknowledge all of them but pay a little more
attention to the one you like. Usually at least one of them will pick up
on who you are hitting on. But no women like to be noticed and
complimented by anyone. You can never go wrong by complimenting a woman
on anything from her smile to what she's wearing or just her overall
appearance, so never be afraid to do that. Think about it, what woman in
her right mind to tell a guy to f*ck off who just told her she had a
great smile. You may or may not get a phone number but you wont be put

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:06 PM
do you think that you fantasize about them so much that it has made them
kind of unattainable? women should be cherished but they are just

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:36 PM
i found being confident and comfortable with yourself not cocky but
confident most "hot woman" dont get asked out cause they say guys are
afraid ......dont believe me look at gene somons and shannon twead .gene
is ugly as the day is long in summer but she still married
him....besides i think women really dig on confidence....i know i like
when a woman is not affraid to approach me.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:18 PM
just say...... WHATZUP!!

mscmike's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:36 PM
I am a pretty good cook, so I know there are some key steps to any great
dish. If you wanted to make a great stew, for instance, the first few
things you put in the pot determine the flavor, the texture and the
overall greatness of the stew. The first thing I would like to put into
"our pot" is a little compassion sautéed with understanding, sprinkled
with care, and topped off with a nice piece of smoked tenderness. Let
that simmer, (cooking time varies) and then add in everything else. Then
savor the creation.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:15 PM
i ain't tryin to be rude chef but when i first read it i thought you
said,"add a nice piece of smoked meat to it"

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:18 PM
hot gals arent any different than the rest to ask out.

sheena's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:46 PM
i love it when guys have enough confidence to make the first move. i
also like aggressiveness. someone who knows the right time to make the
move. and yes the stammer thang, thats just adorible. be your self
don't chang around your "guy" friends. i'm not sure about every one else
but i hate that.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:50 PM
some gals that are hot dont get asked out becouse alot of guys are
afraid that they will be shot down!!!!

sheena's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:58 PM
i know and that sucks BIG TIME!!!!!!!!

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 09:00 PM
yep. but thats what happens alot.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 09:37 PM
a year after my 2nd marriage ended, I saw this woman in the p/lot at the
plaza down the street. I'd never seen her before cuz let me tell ya,
I'da remembered her lol...anyway, I was so captivated by her eyes and
her smile I couldn't help myself. I walked over to her as she was
putting her groceries in her car, said "Pardon me, I'm so sorry to just
bug you in a parking lot, but I noticed you from across the way and I
had to tell you that you have the most incredible smile, it shows
through in your eyes." while I'm saying this, I'm helping her load the
groceries. And lemmie tell ya she was Gorgeous, don't know what made me
approach her cuz I usually don't. next thing I know we're still chatting
and it turns out she lives about half a mile away from me. She gave me
her IM address and said I could add her if I wanted to when I got
home..we were dating in less than a month. The funny part is, now it's
the hot women appraoching me and I have no idea why lol..And actually,
the future Mrs. Animal was the one that initiated our relationship this
time and she is drop dead gorgeous hehehe

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 09:42 PM
yep. i hear ya.

FariesDoFly's photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:12 PM
When its happened to me and a guy walks up and goes whooah your hot ,
its just really kind of unclassy and the first thing most girls think "
ahh great another one" and its just a big turn off and a bad first
impression. If you really want to get to know her just make some
conversation by like seeing if she has something in her cart that you
"seem" interested in or something like that , that way she dosent put up
a wall immediatly and if its a innocent convo most likely she'll be at
ease and convo back :)

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:13 PM

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 10/02/06 12:49 PM
most important thing be yourself ....dont act or rehearse what you want
to say cause girls can tell just go up and say the first thing that
comes to your mind .my buddies and i were leaving the bar a lil while
ago where a freinds band was playing and we were headin home to get our
starwars battlefront tournament on and my buddy saw a couple pretty
girls out at their car so as we passed them he stopped and he says you
girls wanna come back and play starwars with us and the rest of us
laughed our arses off cause we couldnt believe he said it but he still
broke the ice and did get the one brunettes number so it just goes to
show you never know besides whats the worst can happen you ask a girl
out she says no even if shes rude women still outnumber men like 7 to
one on this planet so theres always a next time

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:14 AM
the thing is that really hot gals know they can get just about any guy
to go out with so i usually dont asak them out anyway! the more you kiss
their ass the worse it makes it! alot of gals are stuck up anyway!!

teacher2be2007's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:53 AM
I guess I'm missing something. I would talk to any women (hot or
semi-hot) the same way. Don't forget the "hot" women knows it. You're
not telling her something new. Actually not saying something about how
"hot" she is will get you a lot more than doing what every other guy has
done. Just talk to her if you want to. A "hot" girl is no different
than a normal girl. She is normal. don't treat her any different and
you will have a date before you know it.

Cancer26's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:24 AM

What I would tell you is, if you think a woman is nice looking, then
tell her! Some women might not like that term, "hot", eventhough it's a
real nice compliment, but you might want to use beautiful or pretty. Or
even sexy. Just something like, "excuse me... hi, I just wanted to let
you know that I think you're really pretty/beautiful" But when you say
this don't expect to get her number. If it happens, great, but no
expectations except for a thank you.
Sometimes men will give a compliment and expect a woman to give them a
time and day istead of just a thank you. I think that is why some women
when hearing a compliment will either act like they didn't hear anything
or look away and run!

I've had guys say really stupid and digrading things trying to get my
attention and don't realize that they are sounding like dirty dogs with
no manners.
This one time a guy says to me, "Yo baby, can I get that number?" Come
on, did he really think he was going to get it?
Never call a woman you don't know, baby!

Cancer26's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:28 AM
Oh and never follow a woman around, they'll think your a stocker or craz
phyco. I had a guy follow me around a store one time. Oh my word! That
was kind of scary. At first it was just patheic, then annoying, and then
it just got scary. I left the store!