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Topic: Obamas deficite more than four times that of Bush's
Zapchaser's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:13 PM

well, if Obama's deficit is 4 times as much as Bush's... how many times was Bush's deficit more than Clinton's?

Same stupid liberal/conservative "defend my side" response. So much for f*cking change. QUIT DEFENDING YOUR GUY'S SCREWUPS WITH THE OTHER SIDE'S MISTAKES!

Right now, the CBO estimates that Obama's budget will result in a $2.3T ADDITIONAL deficit (as in, over the $7T Obama's people are saying)over the next decade. That's half the debt added by Bush in 8 years! And that's only if the economy gets better - any worse and it'll balloon even more. That also is only the budget deficit - other bailouts and socialist ventures are not included.

Bush being a d*uchebag does not allow Obama free reign. yeah, Bush overspent (the war was not the bulk of it either) and he should be held accountable for that. But him overspending does not give anyone, especially a candidate that ran on change, the right to do the exact same thing.

It costs money to fix the Bush mess, it wasnt going to clean itself up. Years of tax cuts for the rich and fat contracts for the Iraq war profiteers came at the expense of our infrastructure. How can anyone keep a straight face and blame Obama for this mess? While gas prices were shooting through the roof and a war being waged bleeding our treasury dry we didnt hear a peep from these hoaxters. When a republican congress passed the patriot act we didnt hear a word from them about "no one had the time to read it" Now these same hoaxsters who created so much suffering are bemoaning that no one read the stimulas act. Thats it for me for now off to a union meeting, working hard to keep good paying taxable paychecks right here in america.

Actually, yes, it would clean itself up. That's how capitalism works. we should have let the banks, AIG, GM, Chrysler and all the the whining p*ssies fall. Others buy the assets and new companies form. The Democrats would never let that happen, however, because of all the little girlie union people that want mommy union to get everything for them instead of actually (here's a thought!) working for it. If GM fell, the UAW would go right along with it because the new owners would not give the asinine deals the current members get.
Meanwhile back in reality, families starve, riots ensue. crime increases, anarchy, civil unrest, martial law, possibly a communist revelution...........hmmm doesnt realy sound all THAT bad

OMFG! Stop sniffing the glue man! noway You have been shoveling the sh!t for so long you are beginning to believe in it.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:42 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sat 03/21/09 09:11 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 03/21/09 09:03 PM

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