Topic: The WORD is Worth 1,000 Pictures | |
The WORD is Worth 1,000 Pictures
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...... Proverbs 23:7 Imagination is a powerful force. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly operating in the power of our imaginations. In other words, we think in the pictures. I believe we actually have at least three sets of eyes. We have these outward physical eyes that allow us to see things that are in the physical realm. Additionally, we have these spiritual eyes that allow us to see glimpses of the heavenly realm, or through the Eyes of Our Heart. And then we have this internal set of eyes that is forever painting elaborate mental pictures, deep within our minds. It is with these eyes, in my opinion, that our lives go in the direction in which they do. If I were come to your city and stop you on the street for directions, you would visualize, in your mind, the steps required for me to reach my desired destination. You would see, internally, each of the turns and roads required to get me there. You would not have this information instantly available. You could not immediately recite the directions without thought. You would have to dig into the internal photo album of your brain and bring to the forefront the picture, or map if you will, in accordance with your previous travels. Thankfully, we have the ability, or the choice, to decide or control which pictures we keep on display. I know in my own life, there are some really dark photographs from a former life, that I have chosen to obliterate. Maybe I shouldn't use the word obliterate, because in actuality, they still remain, but I have chosen to no longer view those photos. They remain locked up and tucked away in an old unlabeled box way back in the corner of my attic. Covered with dust and worn by the elements, may they forever lay dormant, never used to give faulty directions again. Occasionally, the enemy will start flipping through my photo album in an attempt to duplicate or replicate a picture of who I used to be. But I have come to realize that he, and the dark-toned brushes of his deception, are precisely that, deception. Sex, lies, and videotape. That's old news. I can't imagine following that worn out blueprint any longer. One of the words that was used to translate imagination in the Old Testament is conceived. Our ear-gates and eye-gates are two major avenues of conception in our lives. From these venues come many of the internal slide shows which constantly play over and over again in our minds. While we cannot stop the reels from turning, we can however choose the film. We can grab the real reel, so to speak. Our lives are going to go the direction of our most dominant thoughts. We are the cartographers that layout the navigational guidelines for this journey called life. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. We cannot go anywhere in the natural that we have not first been in the mind. If we can see it, then we can be it. That sin that so easily besets you, and those weights that continue to slow you down, they didn't just come upon you like a seizure. You've just been watching the wrong movie. James put it like this: "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." James 1:15 Thoughts produce actions. As a man thinketh so is he. I guess you could say that in accordance with your internal eyes, or as a result of the photos you see, there you are and there you go. Life achieved from thoughts perceived. But how many of you know that our God is far greater than any Hollywood producer will ever be. He is the Master Artist. He always colors between the lines. God has created for us, in His Word, a powerpoint presentation like no other in history. He has composed multiutdes of extraordinary, full color, and high resolution images and put them on his FTP site, available for all to download, free of charge. If we load these images up in a slide show and watch them over and over again. Soon we will be able to impersonate Him. We can take on His expressions. We can quote lines from His movie. We can call all of our friends and tell them about some of our favorite scenes. We can even imagine what it would be like to have a role in the movie. We may even be called in for an audition. And, we can definitely pull up the map with our internal eyes and give impeccable directions to those that are lost, amen? In closing, I would just like to encourage you to consider the pictures that are running through your mind today. What is it that is directing your life? Is it thoughts of who you were once were? Is it thoughts of all the things you are not, especially when you look in the mirror? Is it sex, lies, and videotape from days long since gone by? Or, is it that you are seeing in the spirit that you are the very righteousness of God in Christ Jesus? Can you see yourself seated with Christ in the spirit realm? Can you see that you have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing? Can you see yourself healed? Can you see yourself as a conqueror, no, more than a conqueror? Can you see that you have been sanctified, set apart, filled with the Holy Ghost, and that all things have been made new? There is one very consistent picture painted over and over again throughout the scriptures. The love of God. And that is a picture of an all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, and all-mighty God with His arms reached out and ready to embrace you. God's love for you is immeasurable. Get a picture of that. Paint your own picture of that. Use lots of colors and textures. Be creative. Be imaginative. Recreate the masterpiece. And when you do, save that all important digital image using the greatest number of pixels possible, only limited by the amount of room you make available. And then, gather up some of the highest quality print paper you can find, load a brand new cartridge in to your high-tech printer, and print that bad boy out. Once printed, I recommend using thumb tacks, super-glue, and duct tape to permanently affix that image to the inside of your forehead. After that, when the devil tries to find that old box of pics in the corner of your attic, and when things in this world begin to get you down, just simply look up, on the inside, and absorb the beauty of who God says you are, and what God says you have. God's creativity will extend as far as your imagination will allow. But don't stop there. God's love is the big picture, and that one picture is all you need to be forever entertained and sustained. And, as there is no limit to His love, likewise His love is not the limit. There is always more yet to be seen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The WORD is Worth 1,000 Pictures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is it that you want to see? And that's a wrap! Now, on with the show! In love, Michael (Please see my follow-up blog entitled, "Vain Imaginations") |
just waiting for it to begin..........
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Indeed we can choose the film. Thanks...I needed this today.