Topic: highschool sweethearts | |
OK I am not saying anything else...have a good night all
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Hey I'm all for the parents acting as adults too which most do not they
put all the blame on the boy that is not right at all yeah she did have sex with him now did he talk her into it most of the times that does happen for he boys sexulally drive at that age is higher. I feel for the ones it has happen to My son now is 24 now and yes I have a beautiful granddaughter which is my sons. We did not have the issues of filing charges against him hell she was living with us also due to her parents kicked her out less than 4 months till graduation. So I took her in gave her her lunch money and all while her parents sit back and did not give anything and she was not evern preganaunt then lol. As far as my daughter I know for a fact she stayed away from sex untill she was almost 22 by the why she is 22 now lol and has only had one boyfriend. But I do see the point but when it comes right down to it the laws are the laws I would rather see the boy work and suport the child instead. ![]() |
It makes the list over inflated and voids the whole reason for its
existence, and when that 18 year old becomes 40 and is still on the list. He really looks like a perv... I just had a debate over this the other day Dan and a lot of people agree they shouldn't be included on the list People go to family watchdog and say look there is 6 sex offenders living within 2 miles of my house when really the number is over inflated and you really dont know who is and who like you are saying was just a kid who was the victim of an angry father. Sometimes that 18 yr old was and has been dating the girl since he was 17 and she was 16.. He Should not be on the list. |
exactly txs, amke the boy (or girl) be responsible as an adult would
have to be in the same case. let themmake the choice between adoption, keeping the child, and abortion (although I do not agree with abortion it is legal so they have the right to choose it). Now the only stipulatioin I have is both the boy and the girl shuld have to decide together about it, same with abortion. I am sorry, I know there will be som eheat on this but the father has his rights to see his child born as well, and not gotten rid of as a form of birth control. If the mother does not want to accept responsibility thengive the father a chance to do so. And yes in this case the mother would have to provide support, just as the father does if he chooses to not be a part f the childs life. |
thank you for teh wise words fanta...
Well I hate my ex as much as it's possible for me to hate someone but if
my parents were to ever try to charge him I'd defend him because it was consentual and I believe that if he should be put away he should be put away for something he's done. NOT because of some other vindetta. I think the laws should be changed but that's my opinion and it's not getting us anywhere at the moment. LOL |
definitely a much neded breath of fresh air Song, thank you. The fact
that it is from someone as young as you are (lol nothing badmeant I promise ![]() adults are thinking and not ranting like some of us older ones do ![]() |
I love your pic song,,,
You are glowing.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
isnt she though? best pic I have seen of her. I have even told her
that her face outshined her legs ![]() |
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if a 22 yo male is with my 16 yo daughter...i'm pressing charges.
if she's 17, he's 18...i'm not. |
How can a few years make THAT much of a difference? Your daughter would
still be old enough to make her own desicions (to KNOW what she was doing) and the 22 year old is probobly as mature as the 18 year old was. How is four lil years the difference between possibly going to prison? |
grr I cut myself off How can it be the difference between going to
prison and walking away free? The 22 year old would no longer have a futre over 4 years. |
i was MUCH more mature at 22 than 18, for one thing...age differences
are more pronounced when younger. at 22, he KNOWS it's illegal...he is in a much different place. he can legally drink, he's off to college...he's not a high school student anymore. so if he is SLEEPING with one...makes you wonder intent, as well. |
Thanks, usual, a refreshing voice of reason.
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Well, I agree with Song. If the girl chooses to date and sleep with a 22
year old, it isn't something that we didn't go through in my day. We were pretty sure we had the world by the tail and were defiant....and "in loooooovvvveeee" (Uuuughhhh) ![]() the parent should be aware of who their child is seeing and know of the person, and they should realistically prepare for the couple one day taking it that next step; condoms, std education, planned parenthood, the HPV vaccine.....I'd rather my kids be honest with me. Now, they bring home a late 20's something, that's another story. A 30-40 year old? Someone is gonna lose a nut; THEN go to jail. I know what it is to not receive child support. However, consensual sex between an independent free-thinking 16 year old and a 22 year old is sure as hell not rape. To charge that person with such only after not receiving child support is vengeance, and morally criminal. |
Well, an "independent, free-thinking 16 y/o" is still a minor and is
under the legal age of consent, at least back in 1975 that's the way it was. I knew full well what i was terms of I knew how the parts worked and I knew I could get pregnant, etc., but the full impact of the situation was not apparent to me until after the fact. And I was very mature and intelligent for my age, too. I daresay there aren't many 16 y/o girls prepared for motherhood. A 22 y/o man KNOWS the statutory rape laws and should know not to engage in sexual activity with a 16 y/o GIRL. For those who can't grasp what I'm saying, I am not saying that he should have been jailed for statutory rape because he didn't pay child support. I am saying that he should be jailed (literally) for not paying child support and that,in retrospect, I wouldn't have CARED if my mother had him prosecuted for statutory rape, had I known he was going to shirk his responsibility to his child. Talk about scum of the earth, low-life. A man who walks away from his responsibilities as a father is nothing but common trash. In that case, who GIVES A DAMN ...because he DID break the law...whether or not he rots in jail or has a record? I sure as hell don't. The man committed a crime, either way, not to mention cheated his daughter out of a father and out of what could have been a better life, a better education, and a better career choice, as well as leaving me with the sole responsibility (or having to seek help from my family) in raising her. Why even have laws regarding age of consent? Why make it 16? Why not 15, 14, 13? Twelve year olds are dressing like whores on Maury Show and their mothers sitting there practically in hysterics because the can't control them? (which I think is staged, but still....) HA!!! That'll be the freaking day. 18, 17...that's one thing... 22, 16? 21, 15? 20, 14? what about 19, 13? hmmm..a little too risky, there? so what's wrong with 18, 12??? We have statutory rape laws for a reason, and there has to be a reasonable age of consent, a line drawn SOMEWHERE. Doesn't amount to a hill of beans if the girl says "yes" or not. These days, a 14-year-old knows what sex is and how pregnancy happens. Doesn't mean she's emotionally mature enough to have sexual intercourse and deal with possible ensuing conseqauences. |
I didn't have sex till my wedding night, I was 21
michael |