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MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:25 PM
flowerforyou basically, If the woman likes the guy romantically but the guy isnt really into her romantically they can be friends.flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:29 PM

flowerforyou basically, If the woman likes the guy romantically but the guy isnt really into her romantically they can be friends.flowerforyou

and vice versaflowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:30 PM
sure i have many friends of the opposite sex even here on mingle!

s1owhand's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:31 PM
and especially if one or both of them is gay

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:38 PM

Seriously. It can happen right? a FRIEND I met at work asked me to see a movie. I said YES without hesitating simply because I feel as if there is no attraction between the two of us. Just friends. We chit chat back and forth just fine. My gal pal on the other hand- says "dont go out with him" because it would be leading him on if he were to be intrested. So now Im confusedohwell

Cliff and I talk about "this girl" he is intrested in and I encourage him to go slow.. take his time. We are just friends. Can I go to a movie with him and not be leading him on?

OOOOOOoOOoO I HATE this single thing sometime. I feel lost. Advice wanted. ty ty ty in advanceflowerforyou

First of all I would tell my so called female friend to stuff it. You are friends with someone of the opposite SEX big deal.

I almost hate to say this, All my best friends have been men. We talk about EVERTHING I have answered questions all the way from the best way to seduce the GF's the first time around to how to get along with the future mother in law.

I believe men and women can be totally platonic friends once SEX has been taken off the table and kept off.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:40 PM
I took my partner from work out to dinner. We had worked together for about 3 yrs, she was finishing up her RN, and would be going to the day shift.
So she orders the prime rib, 14 oz portion and I have the same thing.
She says now this is just a friends thing right?
Of course, this is not a 'Date'
Good she says, because if it was a 'Date' I would have ordered a salad.


MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:41 PM

flowerforyou basically, If the woman likes the guy romantically but the guy isnt really into her romantically they can be friends.flowerforyou

and vice versaflowerforyou
flowerforyou The guys get too aggresive when they like the woman romantically and screw up the friendship.flowerforyou Its different when its the other way around. flowerforyou Women dont really push the boundaries like guys do (most of the time).flowerforyou

tngxl65's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:49 PM

Since about the age of 15, most of my friends have been female. It's never been a problem. Women are smarter, better communicators, more interesting, better problem-solvers, more understanding, and more fun to be around than men. For me, anyway.

Hey Lex, want to catch a movie?

KerryO's photo
Mon 03/16/09 07:00 PM

Seriously. It can happen right? a FRIEND I met at work asked me to see a movie. I said YES without hesitating simply because I feel as if there is no attraction between the two of us. Just friends. We chit chat back and forth just fine. My gal pal on the other hand- says "dont go out with him" because it would be leading him on if he were to be intrested. So now Im confusedohwell

Cliff and I talk about "this girl" he is intrested in and I encourage him to go slow.. take his time. We are just friends. Can I go to a movie with him and not be leading him on?

OOOOOOoOOoO I HATE this single thing sometime. I feel lost. Advice wanted. ty ty ty in advanceflowerforyou

Just remember, if you both succumb to a moment of weakness, you can't go home again. A line once crossed, etc.

Other downside: if he starts going steady with 'this girl he is interested in', you'll have to learn the fine art of being selectively invisible. She'll force it on him and he'll find it difficult to juggle-- when the music stops he can't be there to pull the chair out for you.

Yep, I could be wrong, but as one of Murphy's Laws says, "The race doesn't always go to the swiftest nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way the smart money bets." You'll never go broke betting on humans being territorial.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Mon 03/16/09 07:03 PM

Seriously. It can happen right? a FRIEND I met at work asked me to see a movie. I said YES without hesitating simply because I feel as if there is no attraction between the two of us. Just friends. We chit chat back and forth just fine. My gal pal on the other hand- says "dont go out with him" because it would be leading him on if he were to be intrested. So now Im confusedohwell

Cliff and I talk about "this girl" he is intrested in and I encourage him to go slow.. take his time. We are just friends. Can I go to a movie with him and not be leading him on?

OOOOOOoOOoO I HATE this single thing sometime. I feel lost. Advice wanted. ty ty ty in advanceflowerforyou

In a word, nope- men and wimmins can't be friends, as there's bound to be some amount of drama to pop up at some point.

Redshirt's photo
Mon 03/16/09 07:06 PM
Have a number of female friends. And am very happy about that. We talk openly and honestly about everything.

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 05:27 AM

Since about the age of 15, most of my friends have been female. It's never been a problem. Women are smarter, better communicators, more interesting, better problem-solvers, more understanding, and more fun to be around than men. For me, anyway.

Hey Lex, want to catch a movie?

We don't have to go to a bar and watch football and work on a car, do we?

tngxl65's photo
Tue 03/17/09 06:46 AM

Since about the age of 15, most of my friends have been female. It's never been a problem. Women are smarter, better communicators, more interesting, better problem-solvers, more understanding, and more fun to be around than men. For me, anyway.

Hey Lex, want to catch a movie?

We don't have to go to a bar and watch football and work on a car, do we?

Fine. FINE! A romantic comedy followed by wine coolers on the patio. We always do what YOU want to do.

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 06:48 AM

Since about the age of 15, most of my friends have been female. It's never been a problem. Women are smarter, better communicators, more interesting, better problem-solvers, more understanding, and more fun to be around than men. For me, anyway.

Hey Lex, want to catch a movie?

We don't have to go to a bar and watch football and work on a car, do we?

Fine. FINE! A romantic comedy followed by wine coolers on the patio. We always do what YOU want to do.

No, I want to see something sci-fi, then have lunch at Arby's and go to the mall and look at baseball caps.

romee's photo
Tue 03/17/09 06:56 AM
yes you two can be friend's bro. as long as you dont have any dirty! sex thought's about her then it would be different bro.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 03/17/09 07:02 AM

Seriously. It can happen right? a FRIEND I met at work asked me to see a movie. I said YES without hesitating simply because I feel as if there is no attraction between the two of us. Just friends. We chit chat back and forth just fine. My gal pal on the other hand- says "dont go out with him" because it would be leading him on if he were to be intrested. So now Im confusedohwell

Cliff and I talk about "this girl" he is intrested in and I encourage him to go slow.. take his time. We are just friends. Can I go to a movie with him and not be leading him on?

OOOOOOoOOoO I HATE this single thing sometime. I feel lost. Advice wanted. ty ty ty in advanceflowerforyou

Most of my friends are guys and we have no issues. Don't worry about it, and if he tries to turn it, set him straight!!

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 07:10 AM
Pretty much all of my friends are guys. I say we can definitely be just friends.

tngxl65's photo
Tue 03/17/09 07:44 AM
It's certainly possible. But it's also quite possible that he talks to you about another girl just so you don't put up your defenses. Men are sneaky like that.

But you're not leading him on as long as you're not sending him any 'more than friends' signals, even if he would like more. And if he presses for more you just tell him that you don't see him like that. Either he can deal with it or he can't.

Destin2gocrazy's photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:25 AM
Thank all! looks like Im going to the movies!!

MahanMahan's photo
Wed 03/18/09 08:17 PM
Go and have fun... and just go with the flow!


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