Topic: An Open Book Test | |
Oh hey there yellowrose...good to see you. What a beautiful day the Lord has blessed us with
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Oh hey there yellowrose...good to see you. What a beautiful day the Lord has blessed us with ![]() hey is GORGEOUS in texas right now!!!! ![]() |
i don't want to spin my wheels....there is more in my life to do that And yet you come back here day after day and take part in these arguments. And day after day you throw up this same argument. You want to know why one does not accept the explanations of others it is because they don't agree with some part of the answer. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. i don't expect different results...i just come for the show |
This is like the new Brazil geography textbook that doesn't have ecuador in it, switches Paraguay and Uruaguay (I heard these two were planning on going to war to see who was the most guay) and created a new Paraguay on the coast of Brazil. What kind of open book test is this?
i don't want to spin my wheels....there is more in my life to do that And yet you come back here day after day and take part in these arguments. And day after day you throw up this same argument. You want to know why one does not accept the explanations of others it is because they don't agree with some part of the answer. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. i don't expect different results...i just come for the show Does make you half way to insanity? ![]() |
i don't want to spin my wheels....there is more in my life to do that And yet you come back here day after day and take part in these arguments. And day after day you throw up this same argument. You want to know why one does not accept the explanations of others it is because they don't agree with some part of the answer. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. i don't expect different results...i just come for the show Does make you half way to insanity? ![]() very true....but i'm not doctor has certified me yet ![]() |
not sure what part you say is untrue. as far as "organized" religion....i have my own problem with because the heads of the churches tend to take bits and pieces for their own agenda....but then again...many people do this in many aspects of life i didn't say you ignore the rest. a christian by definition is a follower of the teachings of christ. christ even says to remember the 10 commandments. but like i have said....i have seen many people try to explain things to you. if you don't want to take what they say and continue to argue....then that is on you and it's your right to. i don't want to spin my wheels....there is more in my life to do that "Continue to argue?" ![]() Excuse me, but isn't it the Chrsitians who are continuously 'arguing' through relententless proselytizing campagnes that Jesus is the "Christ". That's the part that I disagee with. And to claim that I'm the one who's 'arguing' is absurd. Because Christians 'argue' there dogma ever day through relentless proselytizing. In fact, the OP does what I call "Underhanded Proselytizing". He quotes from the Bible and then claims that we have a choice to either choose what the Bible says, or chose "Death and Curses". It's basically just saying that if you don't believe the quotes he posted are the word of God then you are choosing "Death and Curses". You are trying to claim that Christianity is all about following the Teachings of Jesus. But I say that this is untrue. Because I could follow Buddhism and I'd be following precisely the same things that Jesus taught. What Christianity DEMANDS is that Jesus was the "Christ" (the messiah) that was prophesized in the Old Testament, and is the Son of God. Christianity is not at all about following the teachings of Jesus. It's about CONFESSING that Jesus is the Christ. The ONE AND ONLY "Christ". And that's what gives rise to Christian bigotry and arrogance. I'm just trying to point this out for those are wish to know truth. I feel that blind proselyting needs to be offset with REASON. Christianity as a religion is a religion of seperation and the denouncing of anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus was the "Christ". And it's the CONSTANT ACCUSATION and INSINUATION that anyone who refuses to recognize Jesus as "The Christ" is necessarily chooseing Death and Curses. It's a religion that CONDEMNS non-believers. That's what it does Rose. It CONDEMNS anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of the God of Abraham. Proselytizing is ARGUING. A proselytizer is arguing that Jesus is the Christ and all other beliefs are a choice of Death and Curses. But you are trying to claim that Christianity is just the mere following of the teachings of Jesus. But even Buddhists to that. Jesus actually got his material from the Mahayana Buddhists. I think that's crystal clear since that's precisely what he taught. He didn't teach the teachings that had been attributed to the teachings of the God of Abraham. On the contrary he actually denounced them by teaching LOVE and FORGIVENESS instead. The bottom line with Christians is that they are attempting to threaten people that if they don't accept Jesus as "The Christ", then they are choosing Death and Curses. But is that what Jesus taught? I don't think so. |
| happens on both sides. everyone trying to disprove another. but no one will ever be able to prove to the satisfaction of others each way.
it is from all sides. unless someone is arguing with themselves....then there are more than one in the argument. i have seen all sides start it. |
The OP is basically already an argument.
It's basically saying, "Choose our religion or be cursed" And it does this by clearly posting quotes from the Bible (even citing the books they came from) and then suggesting that we have a choice, to either choose this religion, or choose Death and Curses. What's the difference between that and saying, "Either become a Christian or go to hell". It's truly just another way of saying the same thing. So the argument is already being stated, "Buy into our religion or be cursed". Proselytizing where the choice is to either believe in the Bible or be cursed is 'argument' in itself. |
The OP is basically already an argument. It's basically saying, "Choose our religion or be cursed" And it does this by clearly posting quotes from the Bible (even citing the books they came from) and then suggesting that we have a choice, to either choose this religion, or choose Death and Curses. What's the difference between that and saying, "Either become a Christian or go to hell". It's truly just another way of saying the same thing. So the argument is already being stated, "Buy into our religion or be cursed". Proselytizing where the choice is to either believe in the Bible or be cursed is 'argument' in itself. but it is our choice to read it and argue with it or not. i guess i will never understand if people don't believe it anyway then why the worry? |
maybe this is where my annoyance comes from (and yes i admit it's mine)
if i go into a thread and i don't agree with the OP's topic....then i might leave it or stay and learn about what the person thinks. and maybe spin it around my brain or just say....hmmmm interesting because to me it is |