Topic: How much is your gas?
davinci1952's photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:24 PM
AB...russia drilled down 8 miles..we are sitting on a mantle of
not a product of dead dinos but a function of internal earth
processes..some older oil fields are refilling...

oil industry wants to help crash the dollar and when we scream for
relief they will roll out the amero..welcome to the north american
union...the game is on....$4 gas the norm by july

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:26 PM
2 bowls of chili

Classyjeff's photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:27 PM
eh if we crash, everyone will decide its time to put the dust off their
guns and play lets who gets to be the big dog next..

bamabeecee's photo
Wed 05/02/07 09:13 PM
Boy, what a bunch of eternal optimists here. That's why I don't usually
read these threads.

I'm paying 281.9. All I wanna know is why it's .9? Doesn't anybody
realize that's really 2.82? Why don't they just call it that? We've
gotten used to $1.99 being the same as $2. but everybody still talks
about gas as 2.98 or 3.24, they just forget about that extra cent
they're paying. I know, it's been that way forever, but it's still

Gas will go up as high as we're willing to pay for it. When people quit
driving as much, it'll go down, same as always. And another thing,
people talk about the supply of oil as the major problem, and that's not
it. It's the capacity of the refineries, that's where the supply
shortage is coming from now.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 09:21 PM

so they find a bit more here a bit more there. Fact is it is a finite
resource and will run out. A lot sooner then they are willing to let

And where did you get your information. From a investment paper that
has advertisements to intice you to invest in some firm or fund?

they have been claiming finds all over the place. Where's the oil?

Marie55's photo
Wed 05/02/07 10:01 PM
Here in Washington State (Port Townsend) jumped from $3.19 on Sunday to
$3.39 a gallon on Monday - regular unleaded. Good God, greed has taken
hold. They tout this place as a tourist town, getting ready for summer
travel season.

jp4023's photo
Wed 05/02/07 10:07 PM
lol, gas here in yakima is running about 3.59 a gallon boycotting still
wont do anythingto the prices there are still to many old people with
motor homes willing to folk out that kind of money just to see america
getting screwed

jp4023's photo
Wed 05/02/07 10:10 PM
anyone for $4.00 by june 30? and 5.00 by next year at this time

MikeMontana's photo
Wed 05/02/07 10:15 PM
$2.80 Edison,NJ

There is no "limits" to the amount of fossil fuel, at least not in the
"we're gonna run out in our lifetime" sense. Two generations ago used
coal, and there was the same 'coal is a finite resource - woe unto us'.
Two generations prior to that was using hardwood. Point being, we'll
exit the "Fossil Fuel" age, into something else, before we ever really
run dry.

The price is what the market will bear. Thats all there is to it. Sure,
short-term fluctuations are attributed to seasons, wars, greed, and
typo's. Fact is, we probably could afford $4.00 a gallon. Its only after
$6/gallon that we'd do anything about it.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:29 AM
It's 2.85 here. Summer break for the lil ones is 2 weeks away. I reckon
its going to hit $3.00 then and beyond.
People say "buy electric cars". Some of us single parents will never be
able to afford that luxury. Dream a lil dream i guess!

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:53 AM
It's going up here. I've heard as much as $1.26 a litre. $4.29 American
a gallon!

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:54 AM
Mike you said "Fact is, we probably could afford $4.00 a gallon"

Who are you including in this "we" of yours? I know I sure cannot
afford 3.20, let alone 4.00 or even 5.00. And the scary thing is, ifit
goes up too much more I will ose my job due to gas cost, cause I use my
car for work (not to and from work but FOR work). I get about 90 to 100
miles to the TANK and can not afford to buy a better car. 10 gallon
tank, tha is 9 to 10 miles to the gallon. I drive four miles one way to
work, four miles at work and four miles back home. That is over a
gallon a day. No, I sure as hell can not afford these prices.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/03/07 04:00 AM
Mine is priceless!

gardenforge's photo
Thu 05/03/07 09:22 AM
Here is an interesting concept, if you want the price of gas to go down,
use less of it.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/03/07 09:30 AM
last week, over $3.00 for premium..$2.85 for regular.

jp4023's photo
Thu 05/03/07 09:59 AM
dang I just looked at my gas tank need to fill'er up anyone got a
couple cans of chili? {no beans} i'll fart then fill'er up

Belushi's photo
Thu 05/03/07 10:11 AM
Jeeeeeeeez people you have no idea!!!

You are talking about a gallon, I assume?

Some maths ... £1 = US$2 (for ease of maths)

Lets say your fuel is $3 per gallon [shock]

That would be £1.50 a gallon.

We buy our fuel by the litre here and in Europe.

1 gallon is 4.54 litres

1 litre of unleaded in the UK is, £0.98p or ... £4.30 a gallon or $8.60
a gallon ...

Ok .. now be shocked!!! LMAO laugh

adj4u's photo
Thu 05/03/07 10:16 AM
most knew that aready bigsmile

but there is no excuse for the diference

but there is a big difference in the distance

most europeans drive to work

compared to that of those in the states

back in the 60s-80s a lot of the people

moved out of the urban areas where they work

to live in the country

50-60 miles one way is not that uncommon around here

jp4023's photo
Thu 05/03/07 10:26 AM
knows nothing about pounds in money

no photo
Thu 05/03/07 10:38 AM
It's $2.869 in NE Ms

Yeah, Bamabz that 9/10 tacked on has aways been a wonder and one of my a gallon and demand the correct change, lol.noway

Another thing that grates me, we could all be driving vehicles
powered by energy will happen but the transition will be so
slow that many of us will not live to see it.