Topic: He says Klan is misunderstood | |
Okay, let me state clearly I do not think it's right that anyone shot at this mans house. I hope who ever did is caught and prosecuted.
But geez...does this guy actually believe the KKK isn't about hate and violence? Seriously? Early-morning drive-by causes property damage By Laura Rice Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 6:16 p.m. AMARILLO -- Early Wednesday morning an Amarillo man says someone drove by his house and unloaded at least nine 9-millimeter bullets. They hit his cars and his porch and he believes he was intentionally targeted. William Teague is a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He flies a Klan flag in his front yard alongside the Confederate flag. But, he says, he has never threatened anyone and does not deserve this violence. "They may think it's a threat, you know. I'm sorry they feel that way. To me, it's not a threat. It's just taking pride in my heritage, my race. A lot of people don't do that anymore, you know? I'm trying to be one of the few, the proud," said Teague. He says the Klan is misunderstood. "{The KKK} is not about hating somebody, you know," said Teague. "Some people probably think it is. But we just try to live and let live and try to preserve our heritage and people get upset about it." Teague feels he has a right to display his flags and he will not take them down. "I understand they may be upset but so what? I get upset too but I don't go shooting people or shooting at them you know," said Teague. Amarillo Police do not know yet if Teague was targeted. If he was, the incident could be considered a hate crime. Police say they want to make Amarillo a place where people can display their beliefs without fear of retaliation. |
![]() Being racist isnt good in any case, AND maybe someone should learn about a group before they join it... maybe? |
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Thu 03/12/09 07:14 AM
He says the Klan is misunderstood. "{The KKK} is not about hating somebody, you know," said Teague. "Some people probably think it is. But we just try to live and let live and try to preserve our heritage and people get upset about it." Agreed the shooting should have never taken place. This incident immediately brought to mind the bricks being hurled in windows, the threats of violence, violence, murders and lynchings. ![]() ![]() |
i'm not for the kkk but i see groups that represent one single race, why is malcom x able to talk so badly about white people and he doesn't get in trouble. if white people tried to start a non hating group to represent them, it would be spun into a hate group by the media.
i'm not for the kkk but i see groups that represent one single race, why is malcom x able to talk so badly about white people and he doesn't get in trouble. if white people tried to start a non hating group to represent them, it would be spun into a hate group by the media. Maybe because the KKK has a history of horrific violence, you think? KKK has the same rights as MalcomX. All hate groups have the same free speech rights as everybody else. |
Teague is either lying or he's stupid.
i'm not for the kkk but i see groups that represent one single race, why is malcom x able to talk so badly about white people and he doesn't get in trouble. if white people tried to start a non hating group to represent them, it would be spun into a hate group by the media. Maybe because the KKK has a history of horrific violence, you think? KKK has the same rights as MalcomX. All hate groups have the same free speech rights as everybody else. well then why can't white people have a group that could be seen as representing them in a non hating way? |
Edited by
Thu 03/12/09 08:38 AM
i'm not for the kkk but i see groups that represent one single race, why is malcom x able to talk so badly about white people and he doesn't get in trouble. if white people tried to start a non hating group to represent them, it would be spun into a hate group by the media. Maybe because the KKK has a history of horrific violence, you think? KKK has the same rights as MalcomX. All hate groups have the same free speech rights as everybody else. well then why can't white people have a group that could be seen as representing them in a non hating way? They have them! It's okay to have that kind of group but it's not okay for violence. Btw, my city has a volunteer highway clean-up program. Each group has a sign on the highway telling everybody which section they have. We had to allow the KKK to have a section. Yep, drive on the highway and see the KKK sign. It's strange to see. |
i'm not for the kkk but i see groups that represent one single race, why is malcom x able to talk so badly about white people and he doesn't get in trouble. if white people tried to start a non hating group to represent them, it would be spun into a hate group by the media. i agree. it seems other groups except whites are allowed to be racist while white people walk on eggshells. |
i'm not for the kkk but i see groups that represent one single race, why is malcom x able to talk so badly about white people and he doesn't get in trouble. if white people tried to start a non hating group to represent them, it would be spun into a hate group by the media. Maybe because the KKK has a history of horrific violence, you think? KKK has the same rights as MalcomX. All hate groups have the same free speech rights as everybody else. well then why can't white people have a group that could be seen as representing them in a non hating way? They have them! It's okay to have that kind of group but it's not okay for violence. Btw, my city has a volunteer highway clean-up program. Each group has a sign on the highway telling everybody which section they have. We had to allow the KKK to have a section. Yep, drive on the highway and see the KKK sign. It's strange to see to me. what are the names of these groups? |
Edited by
Thu 03/12/09 08:38 AM
One would think that the color of skin issue would have an end in the 21st century.
Unfortunately it doesn't, as it continues to thrive in the US in which this nation is suppose to represent the freedoms, tolerance, acceptance, and envy of the world. It seems at this rate it doesn't in many ways, yet there is hope as we watch children play with each other not concerned of what color or nationality one comes from. They simply laugh and play together. May we learn from them that it is truly irrevelant what color or nationality one is. May the lessons of history of what many civil rights activists have done to give us wisdom in understanding that we are all people with the same needs and can bleed and hurt just as badly as anyone else and therefore should emphasize on a "peaceful" lifestyle with one another. May you as a person advocate the urgency of this issue as the greatest challenge mankind will ever face. |
regardless of whether we like what others think or believe....they have rights as long as there are no laws broken. everyone has these rights
tell them that.
tell who?
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Thu 03/12/09 09:11 AM
Malcolm X thoughts evolved a great deal. Here's a tip, look at the other thread here then try reading a couple books.
The statements of his youth were not those he came to. I know it is hard to believe but some people grow, expand their thinking and seek greater understanding. Not all of us cling stubbornly to one philosophy and wish for days gone by when the false shelter of our prejudices was supported by limited contact with the unfamiliar and understanding of others. Oh and I reject that oh poor me only white people are picked on crap. Farrakhan is an ass and I don't see many outside his movement saying he is a swell guy. |
i saw a very recent video of him explaining to black people about the zionist jewish banker's system of money. he was talking about the federal reserve and how the money is created from thin air. he wasn't happy with the jewish bankers.
what are the names of these groups? The NAACP and United Negro College Fund are a couple. It's a sensitive topic, but it it comes down to the historical disadvantage that blacks have had to overcome. And since whites were the primary cause of the disadvantage, and whites were already at an advantage in most areas, a 'white' group is perceived as seeking an additional advantage. It's a slow progression, but things are obviously getting better. |
Not all of us cling stubbornly to one philosophy and wish for days gone by when the false shelter of our prejudices was supported by limited contact with the unfamiliar and understanding of others. Oh and I reject that oh poor me only white people are picked on crap. Farrakhan is an ass and I don't see many outside his movement saying he is a swell guy. I second that... No idea what it is going to take to stop all this nonsense. |
what are the names of these groups? The NAACP and United Negro College Fund are a couple. It's a sensitive topic, but it it comes down to the historical disadvantage that blacks have had to overcome. And since whites were the primary cause of the disadvantage, and whites were already at an advantage in most areas, a 'white' group is perceived as seeking an additional advantage. It's a slow progression, but things are obviously getting better. and now let me see where it is you have the rights to say whites were the primary cause of the "BLACKS" disadvantages. please explain what it is you mean. or let me give you some true historical facts about this topic. this is no copy paste net crap. this is from years of studies on a wide range of topics including this one. and please dont ask me where my info came from. do your own research please. the blacks in africa many years ago would go around to little villages and basically steal the ignorant blacks or the more stupid blacks to their standards lets say, and forced them into slavery. not a white crime or white problem. then these blacks that were taken from their homes/villages were then sold to many other countries, and yes, the USA included. the blacks sold their own kind to our ignorant citizens that then enjoyed having an odd colored man do his/her work for them at little to no cost. the whites knew no better as most have never even heard of or have seen a black person. so when these poor little black folk were up on these auction blocks and we were told by the BLACK PEOPLE that its rather cool to have a slave, we began to bid. so it was like bidding on cattle kind of. we were looking for what we thought was a great tool/product. which once again the blacks are the ones who stole/captured these other blacks and then proceeded to sell them to us. nobody should be able to blame the whites for slavery. we were the ones that were offered slaves by the blacks them selves. not a white problem, but yes indeed a black problem. so sad to. the whites did nothing wrong at all. the blacks started the slavery crap in the great USA, not the whites. if you dig just a smidge deeper, only about 10% of all blacks that arrived here were slaves anyway. so this means, not all blacks have this slavery background that they seem to claim they have. no pity party from me. its a sad traggic thing to have happened to innocent people, but once again, it was not a white mans problem. |
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Thu 03/12/09 10:00 AM