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Topic: Hate Bill coming....
gardenforge's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:05 AM
Oh and Fascists are the far right, the liberal left are Socialists. So this bill is not facism at it's best, it is socialism at it's best.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:08 AM
garden i know that is a general statement

at least i hope it is

or yer not as smart as i thought

if you can not tell i did not vote for them

by my post

so i imagine by you

you mean others

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:11 AM
you sure it is not facist socialism

insert head scrachting emoticon here

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:22 AM
I think all this crap is a diversionary tactic to get you away from thinking about the stupid war in iraq and all the inappropriate spending of our money Whats this weeks reason for being over there.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 02:21 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

were have i heard that before

drinker drinker

davinci1952's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:04 PM
sorry...too busy sobbing over Brittany losing custody of her kids...
the world is going to hell....:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 10/05/07 06:18 PM
Jeesh - what I still can't figure out is how that hell does all this stuff get put together in a bill and processed through the channels of legislature, without the people being advised.

I don't watch the news, I don't watch tv at all - is that were I'm loosing information?

I surf the web for articles and topics in several editions that I considered to be news worthy.

Come on guys, give me a clue. How the heck do we find out what all is being considered, written up? How to stay on top of all this sh!t.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 10/05/07 09:11 PM
adj4u well somebody voted for them and somebody keeps voting for them. What we need is term limits that way we could change the crooks more often. :smile:

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/06/07 06:17 AM
i agree with that

and they need to cut their pension plan to

they get full pay when ousted i heard

what a load of crap is that

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/06/07 06:18 AM

we should rally to put them in the s s system

then they would quit stealing it

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 10/06/07 07:06 AM
davinci i am still feeling that blow as well. I really believe that Kfed had that LYIN SCUMBAG FIRED BODYGUARD go into court and the allegations can and are made...NOTHING will happen to that NASTY VINDICTIVE NOW UNemployed "SOOO CONCERNED ABOUT THEM BABYS!!" then WHY wait THREE MONTHS to step up?
I will say kfeds stunt with the alarm system NOT working at the mansion at their home for their MOM to see them babies now its MOM IS OUT PARTYING..NO SHOW FOR HER VISITATION.when in fact she was there waiting. Sumptin stinks and its NOT brittney.

gee....for almost a YEAR my ex was a NO SHOW and i had mine ready to go. I see this game kfeds playin and he will get caught.

davinci1952's photo
Sat 10/06/07 07:31 AM
ahhhhhh...I was being sarcastic.....huh

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/06/07 07:40 AM
i knew that davinci

some just would not enjoy a lisa lampinelli show neither

but i could understand it

but hey

life goes on

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/06/07 07:43 AM
so it is a good mother that drives with a baby in their lap

that exposes themselves to cameras

and drinks and drives possibly

but yea i bet it is about the money

give him 400$ amonth in support and see how long he wants to keep em

just a thought

davinci1952's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:19 AM
hey adj4u...remember the day when we could jump in the back of
uncle Joe's truck and drive to town...and no one gave a crap?...
big brother has sure changed things...

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