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Topic: It's alive
Dan99's photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:48 PM
Thats amazing!!

What is it?

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:50 PM

Thats amazing!!

What is it?

It's a CNC router. Just smile and nod. laugh laugh laugh

Dan99's photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:52 PM
A CNC router?!

WOW! You really have one of those?!

What is a CNC router?

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:57 PM

A CNC router?!

WOW! You really have one of those?!

2, actually. One, I built from raw materials and the other I simply programed to use my own language of machining that a machinist could actually understand, instead of geeksquad g-codes,

What is a CNC router?

It's nothing like women. It does what you tell it too, exactly what you tell it too.

<=- runs and hides.

Dan99's photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:59 PM
It does?! Does it get you beer and give you head?

i want one.

13k is cheap!

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/05/09 07:18 PM
:tongue: is it intelligent?:tongue:

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 08:36 PM

:tongue: is it intelligent?:tongue:

Only as smart as my programming.

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