Topic: Free country, so do they have the right? | |
LuLu the flag may be just a piece of cloth to you, but to me it
represents all the men and women that died fighting for this country, fighting and dying so that you and I can have the freedoms we have today. Luck of birth? You're here because men and women died so that you could be here. If nothing else show some respect for the flag or get out! |
belushi- i hear in your words that because we have something and someone
doesnt then we should be or rather have to be the better person and give it up to because someone who is not a citizen of this country either needs it more or is in distress. armyd .. why do you not think that you should not be the better person and assist your neighbouring country? You are not giving it up, you are sharing it with someone who also wants to have the rights you have. The right to raise their family in peace, the right to work for their posessions and the right not to be discriminated against because they are not from the country you are from. Re: Martin Luther King ... you mentioned our politicians and how screwed up our country is, better check yours first. .........more bad things here........................ more bad things here...................more bad things here...........okay well you get the idea, but i will keep my thoughts of your knicker ripping guys to myself. armyd .. you assume that I believe my politicians to be pure and honest. Nothing could be further from the truth. ALL politicians have their own agendas, and they dont normally have the good of the populous at the core of their agenda. My "house" is as dirty as yours. Never for one moment think that I have an issue only with the US govt. I got issues with all the dirty, festering, knock-kneed, one-eyed, scabby wh0res!!! hmmm. with all the talk about how the americans are, whether it be rude or selfish or fat and lazy, why should we have to GIVE away what is ours to someone else who apparently has the right to it. forget about the rights of who it belongs to. armyd .. you dont actually own anything. It is a matter of circumstance. The fact that your laws (and mine) allow us to "lease" the land does not actually mean that it is ours. The land of which you speak of owning wasnt yours to start with. The indigenous population can attest to that. You would not be giving it away. How can you give away what wasnt yours to start with. Plus, if we follow your reasoning that it is yours, why would you have to give it away anyway. Dont you think that if you allowed people to "lease" land from the US legally, they they could pay more taxes and the Govt could have a bigger "fan" base One thing strikes me about a few Americans on here, is your inability to take things as they are. I never called any of you Americans rude, selfish, fat or lazy. its funny how we're seen as self righteous and igdignative but do you hear how you telling who we should give our space to is equally self righteous. armyd .. You have a huge land mass and only 300 million people. The uk is less than the size of Texas and we have 60 million people. The basic human right of existence must surely come before the greed and inability to share toys? If I look out of my window, I can see three different races of people all playing soccer together. None of them are indigenous to this country and all of them will pay tax, vote and hold a UK passport. we have nothing to do with the problems of the UK, i do rememeber that when all of the eu stuff was just getting kicked off the thought process over here was 'shouldnt do it' but we had no say in the matter. armyd .. I am assuming that you are talking about the immigration issues here in the UK. If we are, then you are right, you have nothing to do with our immigration issues. Are you aware that there are only 3 countries in the world that are not allowed to enter your Green Card lottery? Russia, China and the UK. Even people from Northern Ireland (part of the UK) are allowed to enter. So much for the special relationship!!! The EU has its problems, but our borders are open to people who are in need. a dog in the manger, whats that like a glutenous statement or something, the fat cow so to speak? yeah sure i'll take that. you want to talk about eating and feeding people, we share and support more than our own, always have always will, you can do the research on that too, but what about the remarks (albeit not by you) that 'whats america think it is the be all and know all of the world, trying to solve everybodies problems' world policeman and all. seems we cant please everybody all the time huh? we give and give, mean while the problems in our own country go unchecked for long periods just so we can do as the world tells us to do, because we have an obligation to it for being somewhat successful in our lives. armyd .. A dog in a manger refers to someone who doesnt want something, but refuses to lend it to someone else. I used a little rhetoric that, in hindsight, was un-necessary. (my apologies) In history, its always those that have the biggest weapons that are the "rulers" of the world. In the 200 years of the British Commonwealth, the UK was the world's policeman. We had the largest navy and ruled the shipping lanes that controlled trade. Now the US has the floor. The US does more damge to the environment than any other country - FACT. It is the only country not to have signed the Kyoto agreement on pollution, and it is the largest polluter. But again, I digress. With great power, comes great responsibility. The idea that the US being the world's police officer is not an unknown one to me, but, putting your nose into regional conflicts to stir up trouble, so that you can go in and look like the hero, is not the act of a fair and just judiciary. Debating the situation that the US finds itself in is difficult for me. I know of my country's history very well, and for every argument that I place against the US, there is a small voice that says "OI!!! The UK did that too" I was going to say invading countries for their oil .. the UK invaded countries for its opium/tea/etc. I guess that the only difference between then and now, is that then, we didnt have CNN!!! ;-) land mass- hell theres a lot of land on the world, but its easier to go some place already developed rather than put blood and sweat into developing some place new. armyd .. it is easier to go somewhere else. I agree. But if you are in a place where the ruling body does not allow basic human rights and dignities, why should you stay there? Would you? If the US declared martial law now. You are not allowed out between 6pm & 6am. If you are found out, you are dragged to a police station, given a kicking and then thrown into a cell for the night. Your only crime? Going to the store for some milk. What about if all the women in the US were not allowed to drive cars? Or go to school? Or have their clitoris cut off? Still think its great living in a socially repressed country? What about if the police came to your house, beat the crap out of you, raped your family, and made you watch it? Your crime? You have the audacity to complain about having no food to a foreign journalist. If you want to know more, then mail me .. I will happily give you the facts that back up the last paragraph. so while your having tea, think about whatelse we can do for you and the rest of the world, now keep in mind though that if you drain the moat to much then the fortress that was can easily be over ran and tore down, but then we'd all be on a more even plain. yeah- two pints for mediocrity. armyd .. Im not sure what this paragraph is about, so I am going to decline to add my natural british sarcasm into this. -------- Luck of birth? You're here because men and women died so that you could be here. If nothing else show some respect for the flag or get out! Steve .. Oh boy! There speaks the voice of tolerance and understanding. Lori's right to "not respect" the flag is as ground in as your right to kill people because of it. Unbelievable!!! |
I was not referring to your country or your flag Belushi.
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well the american flag represents a lost and diseased on the way towards
fascism fast country and i will spit on it any day............. ![]() ![]() |
burn it use it for toilet paper............... and i am sick of all
the rhetoric of patriotism from people who sit on their butts all day behind a computer |
"LuLu the flag may be just a piece of cloth to you, but to me it
represents all the men and women that died fighting for this country, fighting and dying so that you and I can have the freedoms we have today. Luck of birth? You're here because men and women died so that you could be here. If nothing else show some respect for the flag or get out!" so tell me...please...what it is that my infant soul did to get to be deposited in the body of an american woman? why is it that i was born HERE and not in AFRICA? you mean it's NOT luck? i personally did something to ensure that i was born here? i'm not saying that i don't wish to be here...just that it isn't my right. |
and bl8ant you represent the ugliness in this world... i'm sick to death
of people like believe in nothing therefore you are nothing! |
And let me tell you something...i've done plenty in my lifetime to earn
the right to sit on my ass as long as I prefer...and bottom line, it's none of your damned business!!! |
Steve, when you have spent 25 years in countries other than your own,
dealing with people who are victims of wars, racial hatred, ignorance and despair, then I think you may have the right to criticise others who do just that! Any ugliness you see is just a reflection of yourself. .. and of course you are right about being able to sit wherever you like and for however long you like to, but there are others who see the results of people's inactivity. "Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction" - Faithless |
For your information i'm is not a matter of choice and
still none of either of your damned business...neither of you live here! |
I am done with this topic
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experiance. |
steve, if being a nothing means being like bl8ant, I'd rather be a
nothing than someone like you |
Ha, ha, ha, Can I ***** some more.......J/K,,
I feel better today. but I wont apologize. Lulu maybe you should tell some of those veterans in your family how you feel about their colored cloth... Belushi, dont blame us for protecting whats ours. maybe if the British would have gotten a little madder it would still be yalls. As it stands we kicked yalls ass. LOL LOL, LMAO-LOL, roflmao-LOL, ha, ha, ha, LOL, Lmao,LOL Then we saved it. Otherwise you would be German, LMAO.. Bl8tant, love ya doll, but its your State and your attitude is of complacency is reflected in the State as a whole. Thats what allowed this to happen. I bet it would not go over like that here. I bet my life................. ![]() ![]() Wait a min I have to go back up and laugh at the Brit again. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and your Queen wears combat boots, and shaves twice a week.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Steve, what difference does being disabled make? I never brought it up,
and it doesnt prevent other disabled people think about stuff. Just because you dont agree with me, that doesnt make me the idiot. As for arguing with an idiot ... well, son, if you want to trade insults, then lets do it, and enjoy it. However having a battle of wits with you would be like fighting with an unarmed man. ------ As for saving Brit butt, do I take it, because you were late for the last two world wars, you are trying to make up for it by being really punctual this time? ------ Our Queen may wear jackboots, but if things continue the way they are, I think you will find that your madam soon-to-be-President may be conducting her own oral examination of the Former President Clinton!!! Who, by the way, did not have sex with THAT woman ... it was all the other women he had sex with!!! ![]() |
I dont blame you for protecting what you percieve to be yours. But I
was trying to get across the desperate plight of people who are so in need that its like running out of fuel in the desert and the fuel truck pulls up and just keeps 10 feet away from you so that you cant get what you need. But I guess that the majority of people (who may or may not have a christian attitude) dont see it that way. ![]() |
my complacency ....I have been active in the field as a Doctor for 28
years in just the last 3 years i have served in Sudan,Niger, Chad, Mali, Nigeria , Pakistan during the earthquake for 7 weeks,again another tour in Sudan and Niger and Chad, the recent Lebanese conflict which was financed by american taxes, i have just returned in march from the last tour where i was blown out of my jeep and sustained 2 broken ribs and a huge wallop of a headache...continued to work for another 2 weeks until finally hospitalised... home now almost 2 months and looking at late July to return. When i am home i have a private practice and treat Trauma and act as Midwife and run my affiliate Foundation which has been running some 25 years now and we do offer asylum to women and children and asylum seekers as much as we can accommodate...we set up soup kitchens in winter and feed homeless and do interact. I am also a proud mother to 3 outstanding children and one still lives at home, when i leave her brother rotates with a network of friends to care for her and I am usually gone for 6/8 weeks.... we have always done this. I am also trained , honed, addicted to the chemistry of this lifestyle that is so full of extremes....and have in common with everyone who has seen war, the extent of it's that impacts one's whole being what to do with that eh? so i jump back in because it is what i do well...even though i understand how futile it is...i cannot make sense out of anything anymore it is unbelievably exhausting , all i know is somehow step by step i may contribute towards preserving real human rights and the feeding of these amazing people.... just feed them...there is enough , why isn't it getting there....I personally innoculated over 1500 people and children and treated them for malaria and parasites and a list of more... complacent? my next patient arrives in 45 min. then the girls come home and i'll make dinner finish laundry and take a ride ...we only ride bikes...i do not own a car , havn't for know all the peace alex ![]() |
Toot, Toot,,
Good job, I guess!!! I should have pointed out more clearly that I meant complacency toward illegal immigration by having bleeding hearts that are more concerned with other countries than the US..... |
Wow, that was bit if this I missed
![]() Just a note, the flag IS a symbol, ummm, that's a fact. Of course, the crucifix is a symbol, road signs are symbols, and cymbals are cymbals (nyuck nyuck). A symbol is a representation of something, and the Flag is symbolic of America as country founded around a set of ideals. If you hold a symbol in high regard, that is commendable, so long as you don't hold the symbol in higher regard than that which it represents. For example, of all the people whom launch protests against flag burning, many of them will also place this "revered" symbol on their cars in a manner akin to "Baby On Board" signs, allowing it to get tattered, exposed to the elements, and just plain filthy. That's like decrying burning someone at the stake, and then dragging someone behind your car as you go to the mall. ![]() Bl8nt: Of anyone, your choice of action gives credibility to your opinion. I agree that essentially we must become the change that we want to create in the world. That being said, it seems a tad irresponsible of you to be so disrespectful to an ideal because of the actions of a group of people. While I agree that expressions of patriotism are as empty as expressions of faith without the actions to back them up, the actual American Ideal is noble, practical, and effective for success. Much of the funding that enables you to "personally inoculate" so many needy people comes from American Coffers. Without out the success of people that spout "patriotic rhetoric", you wouldn't be able to take that action. And you are from the Netherlands, ne? Doubly so, because America funds the Majority of global humanitarian missions. So yes, America has it's flaws (huge gaping flaws), and hopefully as a nation we can begin to learn from these flaws and continue to grow and improve. |
here for the love it or leave it policy please stfu
yourself.What the hell do you think you were fighting for:Freedom ..duh. so anyone is free to do or say as they wish whether you agree or not.So someone burns a flag or wipes their ass with it.Thats their right .so buck up. |