Topic: fill in the blank _____________. | |
one for the money.....two for the show.....three to get ready.....and four to: ________________. (Step lively--MirrorMirror ,is in the house.) Remember the answer is not: "Go"
dance dance and dance????
blow crow glow |
Mow the grass grass
four-thirty. only a half hour? you can do better.... |
four-thirty. only a half hour? you can do better.... Not with my attention span, I can't. |
well, that surely can't be you often work in frequent short bursts?
well, that surely can't be you often work in frequent short bursts? Usually. Oh, once in awhile I can sit down and just write for hours, but that's rare. |
one for the money.....two for the show.....three to get ready.....and four to: ________________. (Step lively--MirrorMirror ,is in the house.) Remember the answer is not: "Go" |
go go go
one for the money.....two for the show.....three to get ready.....and four to: ________________. (Step lively--MirrorMirror ,is in the house.) Remember the answer is not: "Go" mirror mirror |
one for the money.....two for the show.....three to get ready.....and four to .... get some ho ho ho!!!! |