Topic: Are you willing to follow Obama into Socialism and the NWO?
think2deep's photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:53 AM

Obama is a idiot, he played his flute and you DumbA$$es followed..

He has no qualifications to be president, he has spent our money and there has been one scandel after another in his administration. He Broke Bill Clintons Recored in the first Month of Office.

And for those of you who think Iraq was a illegal war, Bush had the Approval of Congress, they voted for the war. And for you all who say "Bush Lied and People Died". THIS IS FOR YOU!!!

"Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons. "
-Bill Clinton Jan 16, 1998

Bush Started his Socialism thing with the Bail out, which I didn't agree with and BO is just going to nail it in even further. Before long we are going to be in a nanny state. THANK YOU BO!!!

Cover your Nose world, America is going to have a Bad case of BO for the next 4 years.....

you followed bush's flute!!!! you would think that people would wake up and smell the coffee but people have a tendency to want to hear something good even if it's a lie. psychologists have found that women are the most susceptible to a man's lie. there have been polls taken that shows that women would rather hear a man lie to her if it's what they want to hear. you see all over the place, women staying with a man that is cheating on them even though they know he is, as long as he is telling her what she wants to hear. a guy i know has mastered that trick and women will be loyal to him under the craziest circumstances. they've even caught him cheating but stuck with him because he knows how to tell them what they want to hear. there are plenty of songs about the very subject.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:11 AM

Obama is a idiot, he played his flute and you DumbA$$es followed..

He has no qualifications to be president, he has spent our money and there has been one scandel after another in his administration. He Broke Bill Clintons Recored in the first Month of Office.

And for those of you who think Iraq was a illegal war, Bush had the Approval of Congress, they voted for the war. And for you all who say "Bush Lied and People Died". THIS IS FOR YOU!!!

"Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons. "
-Bill Clinton Jan 16, 1998

Bush Started his Socialism thing with the Bail out, which I didn't agree with and BO is just going to nail it in even further. Before long we are going to be in a nanny state. THANK YOU BO!!!

Cover your Nose world, America is going to have a Bad case of BO for the next 4 years.....

you followed bush's flute!!!! you would think that people would wake up and smell the coffee but people have a tendency to want to hear something good even if it's a lie. psychologists have found that women are the most susceptible to a man's lie. there have been polls taken that shows that women would rather hear a man lie to her if it's what they want to hear. you see all over the place, women staying with a man that is cheating on them even though they know he is, as long as he is telling her what she wants to hear. a guy i know has mastered that trick and women will be loyal to him under the craziest circumstances. they've even caught him cheating but stuck with him because he knows how to tell them what they want to hear. there are plenty of songs about the very subject.

t2d, if you think all women are like that you are seriously too immature to take seriously. There are men who are insecure as well, I don't hear you pointing them out.

Winx's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:19 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 03/04/09 07:20 AM

you followed bush's flute!!!! you would think that people would wake up and smell the coffee but people have a tendency to want to hear something good even if it's a lie. psychologists have found that women are the most susceptible to a man's lie. there have been polls taken that shows that women would rather hear a man lie to her if it's what they want to hear. you see all over the place, women staying with a man that is cheating on them even though they know he is, as long as he is telling her what she wants to hear. a guy i know has mastered that trick and women will be loyal to him under the craziest circumstances. they've even caught him cheating but stuck with him because he knows how to tell them what they want to hear. there are plenty of songs about the very subject.

Yes, it's the truth! All women would like to hear men lie!frustrated frustrated

think2deep's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:20 AM
you're right,i'm sorry, there are men like that too. what makes me mad is when a friend of mine complains about such things happening to them and i tell her, "look, he's lying and he's just going to keep doing it" and they say "i know, but i just can't help it" at that point i tell her that i can't help her, that there is nothing i can do. but you're right, men are like that too, because there are some women that know how to tell the guy what he wants to hear and he'll follow it no matter what anyone else says. this is a bigger problem than people realize, they tend to transfer this over to the president. and they would rather hear what they want to hear than to hear the truth.

LadyHawkeByDay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:23 PM

Well, I have a few thoughts to offer. Accept or reject them as you see fit, but please, at least be exposed to what's out there.

1. Bush is the person who started us down the socialist path; I hope Obama will choose to stray away, but this doesn't appear to be consistent with historical patterns.

2. We cannot even blame Bush entirely; this is THE WORST CONGRESS in United States history and our forefathers would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what these people were up to. Ben Franklin, in his speech at the constitutional convention, predicted even then that our system would work until the people became so corrupt as to require a despotic government.

3. Dennis Kucinich, Marcy Kaptur, Ron Paul and Brad Sherman seem to be the only ones who have had both brains and brawn to stand up for what was right. Others in congress began to follow their lead thereafter. Look at what they had to say on the floor of congress.


"Let's Play Wall Street Bailout" --Marcy Kaptur

"Ron Paul on Bailout & Federal Reserve"

"Dennis Kucinich on Criminal Bailout"

"The Day America Died" --Rep Foxx

"We Are Under Martial Law" --Rep Burgess

"Brad Sherman on Martial Law"

"Adam Kokesh, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Revolution March"

Anyone who is interested in learning more, please let me know. There's much more where this came from...

you have just stolen my heart:heart: blushing love

seriously lol... beauty and brains!

Thank You. Such a sweet thing to say. :wink:

warmachine's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:37 AM

Well, I have a few thoughts to offer. Accept or reject them as you see fit, but please, at least be exposed to what's out there.

1. Bush is the person who started us down the socialist path; I hope Obama will choose to stray away, but this doesn't appear to be consistent with historical patterns.

2. We cannot even blame Bush entirely; this is THE WORST CONGRESS in United States history and our forefathers would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what these people were up to. Ben Franklin, in his speech at the constitutional convention, predicted even then that our system would work until the people became so corrupt as to require a despotic government.

3. Dennis Kucinich, Marcy Kaptur, Ron Paul and Brad Sherman seem to be the only ones who have had both brains and brawn to stand up for what was right. Others in congress began to follow their lead thereafter. Look at what they had to say on the floor of congress.


"Let's Play Wall Street Bailout" --Marcy Kaptur

"Ron Paul on Bailout & Federal Reserve"

"Dennis Kucinich on Criminal Bailout"

"The Day America Died" --Rep Foxx

"We Are Under Martial Law" --Rep Burgess

"Brad Sherman on Martial Law"

"Adam Kokesh, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Revolution March"

Anyone who is interested in learning more, please let me know. There's much more where this came from...

you have just stolen my heart:heart: blushing love

seriously lol... beauty and brains!

Thank You. Such a sweet thing to say. :wink:

Seriously, those are all great educational links, I would encourage everyone to check them out.
Good Job.

MahanMahan's photo
Thu 03/05/09 02:58 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Thu 03/05/09 02:59 AM

checkmeout420's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:01 PM
listen all you people that said yea too. NWO. well according to the bible it's going to happen. and that ruler of the one world government will be the antichrist. so for all u people that said yea. thank you for ending this world, b/c it's the people that are going to end it. the gov. is going to point the direction the people don't neccesarily have to follow but they will. b/c "the gov. knows whats best". right everyone? it's going on right now. look at the european union. everyone research the north american union. that no one knows about. well all these countries are forming these unions uniting countries together. then when all these countries on diff. continents are united. is when they will bring all of them together to form. NWO. aka armagedon.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:05 PM
noway slaphead

think2deep's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:09 PM

noway slaphead

it's funny how the people that don't believe this stuff and try to make everyone out to be crazies don't have pictures of themselves as their main pics.

Winx's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:11 PM

listen all you people that said yea too. NWO. well according to the bible it's going to happen. and that ruler of the one world government will be the antichrist. so for all u people that said yea. thank you for ending this world, b/c it's the people that are going to end it. the gov. is going to point the direction the people don't neccesarily have to follow but they will. b/c "the gov. knows whats best". right everyone? it's going on right now. look at the european union. everyone research the north american union. that no one knows about. well all these countries are forming these unions uniting countries together. then when all these countries on diff. continents are united. is when they will bring all of them together to form. NWO. aka armagedon.

Huh? Nothing in the Bible points to Obama as being the anti-Christ.

think2deep's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:13 PM

listen all you people that said yea too. NWO. well according to the bible it's going to happen. and that ruler of the one world government will be the antichrist. so for all u people that said yea. thank you for ending this world, b/c it's the people that are going to end it. the gov. is going to point the direction the people don't neccesarily have to follow but they will. b/c "the gov. knows whats best". right everyone? it's going on right now. look at the european union. everyone research the north american union. that no one knows about. well all these countries are forming these unions uniting countries together. then when all these countries on diff. continents are united. is when they will bring all of them together to form. NWO. aka armagedon.

Huh? Nothing in the Bible points to Obama as being the anti-Christ.

why don't you actually read the bible yourself instead of quoting other's opinion of the bible. it might be good fer ya :wink:

Winx's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:14 PM
Edited by Winx on Thu 03/05/09 11:16 PM
I have read some of the Bible. Go to church too.:wink:

What are you meaning by that comment?

nogames39's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:32 PM

I have read some of the Bible. Go to church too.:wink:

What are you meaning by that comment?

You go to church?

Winx's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:33 PM

I have read some of the Bible. Go to church too.:wink:

What are you meaning by that comment?

You go to church?

I take my child to church and my child goes to a Lutheran school.

Why are you surprised? lol

checkmeout420's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:39 PM
i said nothing about obama being in the bible. do you think that the antichrist is realy going to look like that of which is described in the bible as a ruler. no. he is going to be a normal person. otherwise i think people would kind of know. u no. i personaly believe that obama is the antichrist though. my personal beliefe.

Winx's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:41 PM
Edited by Winx on Thu 03/05/09 11:45 PM

i said nothing about obama being in the bible. do you think that the antichrist is realy going to look like that of which is described in the bible as a ruler. no. he is going to be a normal person. otherwise i think people would kind of know. u no. i personaly believe that obama is the antichrist though. my personal beliefe.

There is no place in the Bible that even insinuates that he is the anti-Christ. Do you know more then the Bible?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:41 PM
noway slaphead

checkmeout420's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:46 PM
no, but i can have my own opinions, can i not. don't tell me i can't have an opinion any more either. listen i would garentee if me and u had a conversation for even an hour i could have u convinced. i do to people all the time. not the obama thing. once again that is my opinion. but whats going on in this world today.

checkmeout420's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:47 PM
and dragoness i'm just going to totaly ignore u. you'll be one of the sorry one's left on earth. have fun.