Topic: some new pics :)
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Mon 03/02/09 12:06 AM
ok i finally updated my pics hooray, and my profile. let me know what you think shades

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Mon 03/02/09 12:41 AM
No Nekkid guitar playing is allowed!!!! :wink:

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Mon 03/02/09 01:04 AM
lol i had pants on, u just couldnt see them in that pic drinker

Urg04es's photo
Mon 03/02/09 02:56 AM
I didn't see any pants on that guitar. What kind of game you trying to play here???? LOL!!!!!!

Your profile looks great-good luck to you.

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Mon 03/02/09 03:36 PM
Thanks for all the comments an opinions. all 2 of them. grumble

7z3r05's photo
Mon 03/02/09 03:41 PM
so thats what he looks like.

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Mon 03/02/09 10:25 PM