Topic: TO BE OR NOT TO BE | |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me.
" TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 09:09 AM
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts". I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. You marry someone less than half your age and then complain when they leave? This is one sick, sick thread you've started with this venting of all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. And something tells me your view may not be quite as righteous as you think. I have sympathy alright, but it ain't for you. |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts" I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. This is one sick thread you've started venting all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. I have sympathy alright, but it aint for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts" I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. This is one sick thread you've started venting all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. I have sympathy alright, but it aint for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, come on MM, I can't believe anyone who is as rational as you are, would possibly have sympathy with this narcissistic self righteous post. |
![]() NO ONE IS PERFECT nor should ANYONE think that of them self without knowing they will get honest objectiveness as its results. I will PRAY for you to find peace... ![]() ![]() |
A spool is taken in the hand a thread is pulled with no demand of just to weave and so create stitch and sow with moaning's grate once a tapestry complete thought with beauty now replete a sad a void where once has been now only need to feel to fend revenge is bitter and not sweet to have to hold a scolded cheat and now has been a spool with threads that have no end. unyielding as a knot of dreads. Raine Les 3/1/2009 I am sad for your pain and losses |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts" I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. This is one sick thread you've started venting all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. I have sympathy alright, but it aint for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, come on MM, I can't believe anyone who is as rational as you are, would possibly have sympathy with this narcissistic self righteous post. ![]() ![]() |
Spooling A spool is taken in the hand a thread is pulled with no demand of just to weave and so create stitch and sow with moaning's grate once a tapestry complete thought with beauty now replete a sad a void where once has been now only need to feel to fend revenge is bitter and not sweet to have to hold a scolded cheat and now has been a spool with threads that have no end. unyielding as a knot of dreads. Raine Les 3/1/2009 I am sad for your pain and losses ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 09:43 AM
Spooling A spool is taken in the hand a thread is pulled with no demand of just to weave and so create stitch and sow with moaning's grate once a tapestry complete thought with beauty now replete a sad a void where once has been now only need to feel to fend revenge is bitter and not sweet to have to hold a scolded cheat and now has been a spool with threads yields unending this knot of dreads. Raine Les 3/1/2009 I am sad for your pain and losses ![]() ![]() your kindness speaks volumes..always |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts" I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. This is one sick thread you've started venting all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. I have sympathy alright, but it aint for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, come on MM, I can't believe anyone who is as rational as you are, would possibly have sympathy with this narcissistic self righteous post. ![]() ![]() It's not a matter of taking sides honey. It's a matter to me of someone coming here and spewing this sort of verbal hate. It's ugly and unnecessary. Sadie, that's one beautiful poem~ ![]() |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts" I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. This is one sick thread you've started venting all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. I have sympathy alright, but it aint for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, come on MM, I can't believe anyone who is as rational as you are, would possibly have sympathy with this narcissistic self righteous post. ![]() ![]() It's not a matter of taking sides honey. It's a matter to me of someone coming here and spewing this sort of verbal hate. It's ugly and unnecessary. Sadie, that's one beautiful poem~ ![]() how are you? and thanks |
RAYMOND is back.All the writes I have posted in the past were of my life,my trials and tribulations,my love and forgiveness in the past,but now my latest write with vengence in my heart,retribution for those who have wronged me. " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " " TO BE OR NOT TO BE "? That is the question I ask myself, as did Hamlet. Whether its more noble in the mind to suffer and accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the most loved by I, and knowing of their false love and affection, and all that in my life did I give and do for them, for their most well being and gratification. In my mind, I did see the trust I gave to my most loved one being abused, but had the love for her still glowing in my heart to forgive, and again forgive, but then, did allow my love each time to slowly dwindle away. " DOES SHE STAY OR DOES SHE GO "? This question I now asked myself. If she stays with false love to I, and dwindling love to her, is not the answer to this question, her pledge to I, to stay till I die was broken with her infidelity, she must go. I will suffer, when she goes, my children will go too, my now most precious. Their minds will be poisoned against I, to satisfy her new found affairs, their absence from I and the poison, will make their love for I, grow weaker, and my absence from them will make my love for them, dwindle away, this I know from my first 5 children, with my first love, then my wife of 24years. SO THEY GO, the children all love her way,and what my minds eye did see,is true. I suffer the tortures, from those, so ungrateful,of all my gifts of love and prosperity. They were made poor, when I the giver to them, was now unkind, I am now the ex-partner and father of poisoned minds. Yet now, to have loved and lost love, and nothing else to lose that I had cherished the most, I need not suffer anymore, but accept the tortures and wrongs done to I, by the ones once most loved by I. I fight against that ocean of troubles, and endow them, and their, now most loved ones, with their own, sea of troubles and miseries. They all live in glass houses and should not have thrown stones at I, the most honest, trustworthy,and most of all, more law abiding of them all. Unlike them I have never cheated with others, never cheated or abused the laws of the social system or defrauded it. My mind knows too much of them all,and now my conscience is clear to fight back and let the sea of troubles, now overwhelm their new, and what will be their short lived new happiness without me, it will be turned into the sufferings and tortures they bestowed on me, now to be a reality for them. Let my revenge, be in the shape of the "Fist of the Law", with vengence, be swift and sweet , to strike them down to give them, their justly deserves. All these thoughts in my mind, and their sedition of the social laws which any decent person lives by, but not by them, now will be their downfall to their ruination and misery. Whilst I in my joy of their sufferings, I will regain my happiness, but hoping that she the most loved by I, will reform her future ways in life, and not to be a breeder of sinners like herself, whose mother had bred into her, the bad seed, this I hope because I cannot impress my code of decency to my children anymore, the eldest told I, to them, I no longer exist. I am now revengeful, but proud of the way I have lived my life, even though I have been an arrant fool to the two most loved women in my life. Even so before I die, I still give myself hope to find that true soul-mate. Soon, I hope that my suffering and tortures will be blown away by the winds of time, and replaced by sun scorched passion, much love and happiness. This unloved situation I was thrust into two times in my life, between 1964 and now today 26th February 2009. The start of their troubles and unhappiness has today began for her new lover she left me for, when she cheated and abused my trust, under my nose, with the father of my neices children, whose children are my childrens equivalent nephews, who stayed and played at my home. My writings will continue this saga with all the joy in my life, and the unhappiness in theirs. FOOTNOTE. If you the reader have a negative opinion of me and see me as a nasty, unforgiving person and not an honest, loving, forgiving person, then you are "WRONG" I can only forgive so much of the unfaithfulness, ungratefulness, and suffering and pain of insincere love, that has been afforded to me, by the two most loved mothers of my 8 children in, 44years of my wasted family life so far, as I see it. Even though I realize I must take some of my actions in the past years as part of the reasons for both partners to leave, but not for them to be unfaithful. As I am a firm believer in "What goes around comes around", their come-uppance will soon be upon them all. If you the reader still have the same opinion of me, do you really think I would care, "NO, I WOULD NOT CARE", this is MY life, I live it with respect for decent people only, but if your opinion of me is still that I am a nasty, unforgiving person, then you in my opinion have the same morals in life as those I have written about, and if not already, you one day too will also get, your just deserves. RAYMOND.26/02/2009 So let me get this straight. You lay out this whiny manifesto of how you been done wrong by those nasty women folk, and in detail, mind you (as though we need or desire to know all this) and then have the gall to state that if we have a low opinion of you (i.e. nasty unforgiving person) then we too are morally bankrupt. Correct? So anybody who doesn't think you are as fabulous as you apparently think you are are bad people and will get their "just desserts" I seeeeeeeeee....... Oh,well, I wonder what's on the menu tonight for "Just Dessert" <<----getting her fork all ready to go Get a life. Good god. Who the hell would want to live with such a self righteous martyr. This is one sick thread you've started venting all this dirty laundry from only ONE viewpoint I might add. I have sympathy alright, but it aint for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, come on MM, I can't believe anyone who is as rational as you are, would possibly have sympathy with this narcissistic self righteous post. ![]() ![]() It's not a matter of taking sides honey. It's a matter to me of someone coming here and spewing this sort of verbal hate. It's ugly and unnecessary. Sadie, that's one beautiful poem~ ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well I thought this post might start a lot of discontent,but it still makes me feel better to know that the wrongers to me will soon realise,do unto others as they would not do unto you, will be their downfall.I"m a lot happier now.
Well I thought this post might start a lot of discontent,but it still makes me feel better to know that the wrongers to me will soon realise,do unto others as they would not do unto you, will be their downfall.I"m a lot happier now. Hello, What you have succeeded to do is to unearth what is still so painful for you. The retribution is only what you will feel. To feel that a pay back is necessary for you to heal, will reveal to you, and you, only that you do not want to heal. There are those of us that need to feel this kind of pain, for it is an accustomed abuse our lives have padded around. To change and let go..would possibly alienate us from those around that feed you an abusive reinforcement. The feel good in all of this is that you have derived attention, much like a child that hits someone until they are told to stop..hurting themselves and others. Your sadness draws no "feel good attention". Aren't you tired and spent..the energy has been wasted, like seeds on hard ground. I pray you will find true starts in letting go. sharris |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 12:24 PM
Well I thought this post might start a lot of discontent,but it still makes me feel better to know that the wrongers to me will soon realise,do unto others as they would not do unto you, will be their downfall.I"m a lot happier now. David Koresh is alive and well and living on Mingle. Hurrah. Yeah, all you've done is vent your spleen with pettiness, nastiness and hateful vengeful thoughts. Congratulations. I'd love to hear the OTHER side of this tale. |