Topic: Is intelligence attractive to you?
no photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:50 PM

:heart: Is intelligence attractive to you when it comes to choosing a significant other?:heart:
Depends on what SHE'S wearing,,,,,,lol,,,lol

Her spirit and personality, mean more to me than her intelligence..

As well as LOOKS don't make THAT decision either...

A good mix is great but someone beautiful and lives to show me how smart she is,,,would be VERY boring and a waste of energy for her..

kojack's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:50 PM
A huge criteria

Meg8771's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:50 PM

Absolutely. It's essential.

I agree 100%

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:50 PM

silver524's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:53 PM
Humor is the greatest sign of intelligence. I love women with humor..

ADiamond's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:53 PM love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:56 PM

the dumber the better

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:51 PM

:heart: Is intelligence attractive to you when it comes to choosing a significant other?:heart:

Yes. I'm surrounded by well.... People I can't relate too. I'm pretty sure the sentiments are mutual.

frustrated frustrated frustrated

Sat 02/28/09 07:52 PM

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:53 PM
yes as long as they don't try to make me feel dumb

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:53 PM

:heart: Is intelligence attractive to you when it comes to choosing a significant other?:heart:

Yup. Very much so.

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:56 PM

yes as long as they don't try to make me feel dumb
lol,THATS been my experience with a lady who carries an intellectual aptitude attitude,,,lol

We like to refer to THEM NOW as,,,,,IAA's,,,,lol,lol

longislandangel's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:57 PM
Intelligence is attractive to me but not when it reached the point of snooty smart.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:57 PM

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:01 PM

yes as long as they don't try to make me feel dumb
lol,THATS been my experience with a lady who carries an intellectual aptitude attitude,,,lol

We like to refer to THEM NOW as,,,,,IAA's,,,,lol,lol

lol I had a friend who was like that. I hated it!

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:04 PM

Intelligence is attractive to me but not when it reached the point of snooty smart.

To me, "know-it-alls" aren't really that smart. I think the more intelligent you get, the more you realize how little you really know.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:35 PM

:heart: Is intelligence attractive to you when it comes to choosing a significant other?:heart:
Depends on what SHE'S wearing,,,,,,lol,,,lol

Her spirit and personality, mean more to me than her intelligence..

As well as LOOKS don't make THAT decision either...

A good mix is great but someone beautiful and lives to show me how smart she is,,,would be VERY boring and a waste of energy for her..

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:38 PM
Intelligence is very attractive.

74Drew's photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:47 PM

:heart: Is intelligence attractive to you when it comes to choosing a significant other?:heart:

depends on how long i want to keep them around. if it's just a short term thing then i don't care how dumb she is. i can always use a good laugh. jessica simpson or dumber is good.

if it's a long term thing then she definitely needs some intelligence.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:48 PM

:heart: Is intelligence attractive to you when it comes to choosing a significant other?:heart:
