Topic: What do you think? | |
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Sun 02/22/09 10:54 AM
Just wondering. Where do you get that the stimulus will require your Gov to raise taxes? The only legitimate ones Ive seen who will be required to do so is employers who must match the extended unemployment benefits! Do you have a reason for saying this or is it just something you've heard? Just another reason for business to leave each state and America. Just keep tossing financial pressure at the people making money, especially the ones who EMPLOY people! Exactly. The way commies go, they know businessman is their biggest enemy, since he understands the plan of communists. A communist therefore makes it his first priority to kill off or drive off all businessmen. Then, when they all are gone, he will complain that there is no job and somebody needs to do something about it. This is how a commie gets to power. |
I'll bet Ive done more to fight communism in one day than you've done in your entire life.
I'll bet you've never even seen a live communist! Matter of fact, I'll bet you've never done anything for America but moan and groan your entire adult life. |
Matter of fact,
I'll bet you've never been outside of Calif in your entire life. I can tell by the the lack of knowledge you possess. |
I'll bet Ive done more to fight communism in one day than you've done in your entire life. I'll bet you've never even seen a live communist! Matter of fact, I'll bet you've never done anything for America but moan and groan your entire adult life. Foolish, as usual. I expected this. You have already lost your bet. BTW, what were you betting? |
I doubt it!
I'll bet you still live in your momma's basement! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I doubt it! I'll bet you still live in your momma's basement! ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, dear. At the age I left my momma's house, you were still taken by you're momma in and out of school. At the age I was reporting for duty, you were still living on her paycheck. What was your bet? I want that now. |
Little boy!
You werent old enough to serve where I served. Come on Tell us a lie! ![]() ![]() ![]() At least you live in Calif where the basement stays warm!! ![]() ![]() |
You're lack of knowledge and commitment shines through!
Come on tell us a lie! |
Little boy! You werent old enough to serve where I served. Come on Tell us a lie! ![]() ![]() ![]() At least you live in Calif where the basement stays warm!! ![]() ![]() Fanta, I am going to drop this. Don't blame me, it is just kiddish. Next thing is you're going to say that my momma was fatter. Who said I ever served where you did? You're older, I give you that. There is only one way I am ever going to beat you in that, and that is if I ever get to live longer than you, which is not up to me or you. But I will never be able to beat you in getting born earlier. But that isn't your accomplishment, either. |
Meanwhile Socialism is taking a tyrranical grip on the USA soon to be the USSA.
WASHINGTON – Governors usually don't argue about whether they should take money from the federal government, just how much they should get. Yet some chief executives are divided over President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan and whether the billions it offers is always a good deal.
Gov. Haley Barbour, R-Miss., has said he is considering turning down millions of dollars in unemployment aid because it would force his state to raise taxes when the stimulus money runs out by putting in place a tax on employers. Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal shares that concern about strings attached to stimulus dollars as well as the plan's overall approach to dealing with the economic crisis. "I don't think the best way to do that is for the government to tax and borrow more money," Jindal said Sunday on "Meet the Press" on NBC. "If all they do is borrow federal money and give it to the states, all we're really doing is delaying the inevitable. We're eventually going to have to make these hard choices anyway." Republican governors in town for the National Governor's Association meeting played down a split over the stimulus plan. Florida Gov. Charlie Crist was among those who said they are behind the plan even if they have qualms about it. "There are times when you're in a crisis and we all need to work together in order to get through those crises. And I think that this is one of those times," Crist said on NBC. One congressman announced legislation Sunday to make it easier for states that want the money to get a share of the funds others pass up. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., said his proposal would reallocate funds from the five states — Alaska, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina and Idaho — that say they might reject some portions of their stimulus money. "If some governors decide to reject the money, 45 other states should be able to use it to create thousands of jobs," Weiner said. "We have plenty of projects across the country that will put people to work and help achieve long term economic growth and stability." Gov. Mark Sanford, R-S.C., has criticized the stimulus plan, as has Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the party's 2008 vice presidential nominee who traveled to Washington last month to press for her state's share of the money. Palin, busy with her state's legislative session, did not attend the NGA meeting. Some Democrats took a harder line Saturday at a press conference arranged by the Democratic Governors Association to praise Obama for his leadership on the stimulus. DGA Chairman Brian Schweitzer of Montana and Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley dismissed GOP detractors as "fringe" Republicans eager to score political points. "All of us are committed to working with President Obama to pull our nation's economy out of the ditch that George W. Bush ran it into," O'Malley said. "If some of the fringe governors don't want to do that, they need to step aside and not stand in the way of the nation's interests." The line drew a rebuke from Sanford, the Republican Governors Association chairman. "I think in this instance I would humbly suggest that the real fringe are those that are supporting the stimulus," Sanford said. "It is not at all in keeping with the principles that made this country great, not at all in keeping with economic reality, not in keeping with a stable dollar, and not in keeping with the sentiments of most of this country.";_ylt=ApffXAoYcAlfX6ynb9X3ktayFz4D That's the story!!! |
Little boy! You werent old enough to serve where I served. Come on Tell us a lie! ![]() ![]() ![]() At least you live in Calif where the basement stays warm!! ![]() ![]() Fanta, I am going to drop this. Don't blame me, it is just kiddish. Next thing is you're going to say that my momma was fatter. Who said I ever served where you did? You're older, I give you that. There is only one way I am ever going to beat you in that, and that is if I ever get to live longer than you, which is not up to me or you. But I will never be able to beat you in getting born earlier. But that isn't your accomplishment, either. Don't you love the way he argues with anyone younger. it's the "I'm older and even though I have no ****ing clue, I'm going to ridicule you instead of answering questions." |
i have founded the 's1owhand charitiable relief fund" to accept any stimulus monies rejected by state governors. Too late slow. Arnie has already said Calif will take it! ![]() "I'll Be Back" ![]() |
what I want all you geniuses to tell me is where is the stimulus package coming from? if you don't know, look up a video called creature from jekyl island then you'll have a few more bullets in your arsenal to tackle these kind of posts instead of quoting your favorite news anchor.
A few Republican Governors, not many but some, are planning on rejecting the stimulus money destined for their States.Money meant for things like extended unemployment benefits. Brian Schweitzer, Gov of Montana and Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley dismissed GOP detractors as "fringe" Republicans eager to score political points. How do you feel about it? Is your state one of the few with a stubborn Governor planning on rejecting the help? I think the governors of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina and Idaho are all doing a disservice to the citizens of their respective states. I hope they get overruled by their state legislatures. |
A few Republican Governors, not many but some, are planning on rejecting the stimulus money destined for their States.Money meant for things like extended unemployment benefits. Brian Schweitzer, Gov of Montana and Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley dismissed GOP detractors as "fringe" Republicans eager to score political points. How do you feel about it? Is your state one of the few with a stubborn Governor planning on rejecting the help? I think the governors of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina and Idaho are all doing a disservice to the citizens of their respective states. I hope they get overruled by their state legislatures. I feel the same hkr. ![]() I think Sanford is fixing to be run out on a rail. The people of SC are hurting. They already receive $1.35 back for every dollar they pay in Fed taxes. The only difference now is that Sanford has his eye on running for President in 2012. |
Go read this, |
Of course, completely disregard that the stimulus begins programs and expands programs with very limited funds and those programs will be hell to remove in a few years when the fed stops handing out money. What then when states that are already hurting have to pick up the tab in full?
soak your teeth into this and then ask me where it is from and when it was written and tell me how you like the stimulus plan......
7. In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who were liberal is the power of Gold. Time was when Faith ruled. The idea of freedom is impossible of realization because no one knows how to use it with moderation. It is enough to hand over a people to self-government for a certain length of time for that people to be turned into a disorganized mob. From that moment on we get internecine strife which soon develops into battles between classes, in the midst of which States burn down and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes. 8. Whether a State exhausts itself in its own convulsions, whether its internal discord brings it under the power of external foes - in any case it can be accounted irretrievably lost: IT IS IN OUR POWER. THE DESPOTISM OF CAPITAL, WHICH IS ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS, REACHES OUT TO IT A STRAW THAT THE STATE, WILLY-NILLY, MUST TAKE HOLD OF: IF NOT - IT GOES TO THE BOTTOM. "Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation." |
"Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation."
this statement is talking about the deprivation of loans and credit which is the withdrawl of money from circulation |