Topic: How has the economy effected you?
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:19 PM

What have you been doing differently, if anything, since the economy took a nosedive? What have you cut back on that you used to enjoy?

:heart: I hope it gets better:heart:

mssilverfox's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:21 PM

i love to help out anyone who is affected buy this downturn in our economy.!! i believe what goes round comes around cheers all things will get better.!!!drinker drinker

Amen to that drinker
Over the holidays I helped a family move here from ND and let them stay with me for 3 wks until their house was livable( needed some work done on it) I always say that, it always comes back and recently it has been hugh amounts !!flowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:23 PM

i love to help out anyone who is affected buy this downturn in our economy.!! i believe what goes round comes around cheers all things will get better.!!!drinker drinker

Amen to that drinker
Over the holidays I helped a family move here from ND and let them stay with me for 3 wks until their house was livable( needed some work done on it) I always say that, it always comes back and recently it has been hugh amounts !!flowerforyou
ubetchya ive done lots to help etc, i feel good doin it too. cheersdrinker

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:23 PM
I've cut down on my expenditures quite severely. No goin' out to restaurants... no making major purchases... and I've cut down on the utility usage rather substantially.

Twitch's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:25 PM

Since losing my job a year ago, I've had to cut down on everything; food, heating my home, being able to buy what I want. Don't know how much longer I can keep my car or pay my rent and the rest of my bills.

seahawks's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:26 PM

I've cut down on my expenditures quite severely. No goin' out to restaurants... no making major purchases... and I've cut down on the utility usage rather substantially.
i think i need a gal, cause i suck at tryin to save. i spend money like its just paper .!frustrated laugh laugh

mssilverfox's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:28 PM
WE all do what we have to.. My son in law is out of work again. First lost his job about 2ys ago, worked thru a temp agency, got hired ft at a place hew was working, worked about a yr and then layed off with no chance of being called back. My gson just started college, so thanks to my mom, I have been able to help some with that... I think you are going to see families pulling together, living together and helping each other until things get better which isn't going to be for quite a while...

elwoodsully's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:29 PM
Y'all are going to hate me for this...LOL.. Business is better in the last 3 months than it has been in the last year. I've been putting in 12-15 hour days whereas before, I was getting just 9-11 hrs a day. Keep in mind that I had been working 3 days a week.
As of Monday, I switch from working Fri-Sun to working Mon-Thurs.. YIPPEE!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

seahawks's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:30 PM

WE all do what we have to.. My son in law is out of work again. First lost his job about 2ys ago, worked thru a temp agency, got hired ft at a place hew was working, worked about a yr and then layed off with no chance of being called back. My gson just started college, so thanks to my mom, I have been able to help some with that... I think you are going to see families pulling together, living together and helping each other until things get better which isn't going to be for quite a while...

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:39 PM

It's only affected me to the point that I have no life whatsoever.
drinker drinker drinker

mssilverfox's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:47 PM

It's only affected me to the point that I have no life whatsoever.
drinker drinker drinker

I'm sorry to say that has happened to a lot of people already... I consider myself VERY lucky to have what I do and to have a good pension...

mssilverfox's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:48 PM
Rain just changing to snow.. here we go again...

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:55 PM
Business has been booming. The company I work for is off to the best start ever. The next few months look even better.

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:56 PM
I haven't really noticed any difference beyond a lot of doom and gloom on the TV

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 02/21/09 05:59 PM
It really hasn't affected me.. I pray it doesn't...

CleanBathroom's photo
Sat 02/21/09 06:06 PM
I wonder if curly fries will reduce my carbon footprint while stimulating the economy at the same time.

Anyone have thoughts on this hypothetical?

Meg8771's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:13 PM
Edited by Meg8771 on Sat 02/21/09 07:13 PM

Since losing my job a year ago, I've had to cut down on everything; food, heating my home, being able to buy what I want. Don't know how much longer I can keep my car or pay my rent and the rest of my bills.

I will say an extra prayer for you, twitch. Being a single mom now, it is unbelievable how much sleep i loose every night worrying about budgets, paying bills, robbing Peter to pay Paul. I wish you the very best. I know it is hard, but hang in there.

Dan99's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:17 PM

I wonder if curly fries will reduce my carbon footprint while stimulating the economy at the same time.

Anyone have thoughts on this hypothetical?

I think they will only stimulate the ecoonomy sexually. But in this time of doom and gloom that would be a much needed break.

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:22 PM

What have you been doing differently, if anything, since the economy took a nosedive? What have you cut back on that you used to enjoy?

I haven't cut back a bit. For me, business is up by more than 40% and I'll be hiring a second person soon. My customers, however are suffering a little bit, because podiatry is more of a luxury item, but my own growth pattern is up. Unlike my competitors, who are tanking, I'm not trying to make a profit on the sale of goods, but rather profiting from my customer's success, which is an ideal I've held to for almost 9 years. There is real truth to the prayer of St. Francis.

BoyNextDoor83's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:31 PM
I did effect me, but not in a bad way. Still make the same money, actually picking up a second job now, became re-devoted to the Dave Ramsey program, paying back my credit cards like there's no tomorrow... once I'm out of debt, and have my emergency fund, (around September) I'll behaving more fun than anyone else.
