Topic: Yes, No, or Maybe - part 5 | |
![]() Owned a 78 so yes older than that yes too Have you ever owned a Bumblebee? |
No, if you are referring to Bumblebee as like insect
Have you ever been stung by wasps or bees? |
bumblebee as in the car
Yes... would you drive Mopar? |
Edited by
Thu 04/02/09 05:56 PM
Yes, absolutely if it was a 340 Cuda, Hemi-Cuda or even a Super Bee with a 440 six pack
Are you a Mopar gal? |
Yes, no, maybe... Chevy first
Would you drive a hopped up Volari? |
![]() ![]() ![]() NO WAY!!!! Do you know anything about high performance chevy engines? |
Do you know anything about high performance Pontiac engines? |
Yes, one of my best friends owned a 66 GTO. We dumped a 455 HO in it to replace the 389. We tore that engine apart quite a few times.
Have you ever street raced? |
Do you like blondes? |
Yes, but it is not the hair color but the person underneath that counts
![]() Have you gone to see the Miami Dolphins play football? |
Yes, 1971 against the Chiefs...the longest game played in playoffs. Also the last game the Chiefs played in their old stadium.
Have you been to an ABC Monday Night Football game? |
Just through the courtsey of the air waves.
Have you ever been to the Pro Football Hall Of Fame? I live about 2 miles from there. It has been open for like 45 or 46 years. I have never been in it. Yeah, I know. Hard to believe. You would be surprised as to how many people living in Canton that have never been there. |
No, but when I do go visit it (which one day I will) I will look you up rara
![]() Do you take naps? |
Yes, in the summertime next to the pool.
![]() Do you daydream? |
The nuns used to beat my azz for daydreaming in grade school. ![]() It was a great escape from their reality issues. ![]() Jhavez. When you go to make the visit, please let me know on here.Would be kewl to hang out with ya. Do you believe that sometimes dreams can become real? |
Maybe look at tyler perry, or people that dream they can become doctors and such.
Have you ever been on your local news? |
No but Ive been in the newspaper.
Have you every told someone you loved them, and knew it was a lie? |
Edited by
Sat 04/04/09 01:08 PM
No, that is not a nice thing to do.
Jhavez. When you go to make the visit, please let me know on here.Would be kewl to hang out with ya. Sure will rara, thanks.
Do you prefer personality over looks? |
I like both...however a great personality wears well on most people.
Is humor different that sarcasm? |
Yes, usually sarcasm is directed at a specific individual IMO
Can you be sarcastic? |