Topic: Can relationships born of affairs or cheating flourish?
scoundrel's photo
Wed 03/11/09 11:23 PM
Edited by scoundrel on Wed 03/11/09 11:23 PM
Love the one you're with.
Let no doubt creep in.
Take every thought hostage.
Believe in one another.
Trust, always.
Forgive all wrongs, imagined or real... advance!
Be whom you wish to see in the world.
Foibles of human affairs ought not have power
over the greatness of love,
nor on its ability to heal,
and to cleanse from all bitterness.
The clouds of life do not cover the sun,
but merely obscure our viewpoint of it;
the sun within us can--and does--outshine the darkness,
except as we let darkness dwell within ourselves.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:39 AM
I don't believe so myself but to each his own.

Moondark's photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:43 AM
Normally, I would say no. But I guess my sister is the exception to the rule. My sister and her second husband got together when they were both having marriage difficulties that their spouses were not taking seriously. But once they got divorced and got married, their marriage has been really good.

Moondark's photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:44 AM

tongue2 I'm waiting to see what becomes of Mr & Mrs. Smith......
Cheaters bite.rant

Oddly enough, I realized last month that I have not seen a single movie w/ either of them in it since that particular one.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 02:47 PM

:heart: Can relationships born of affairs or cheating flourish? :heart:

If it is a one time infidelity in that person or their partner's life? Maybe.

However, otherwise, EXTREMELY rare. Not likely to flourish.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 02:50 PM


If they'll cheat with you they'll cheat on you IMO

I would tend to agree....most of the time.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 02:52 PM

If someone wants to cheat with me, then I definately dont want to go out with him. Guess who would be the next ex gf???slaphead

flowerforyou laugh flowerforyou

She has a point.

hrt4lse's photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:57 PM
I'll let ya know when the ex reaches 17 years with the current wife that he stated seeing while we were married.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 06:38 PM

I'll let ya know when the ex reaches 17 years with the current wife that he stated seeing while we were married.

Ah, but is he happy? Is she? And, are they faithful to each other. Unanswered questions....

shortnskinny's photo
Fri 03/13/09 12:10 PM
Hi everyone, My .02$, it has never worked for me for varius reasons.

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/13/09 12:41 PM
Relationships that start in infidelity have a low success rate. Marriages bourne out of infidelity have a less than ten percent chance of success.

My ex cheated on me and married his paramour. They broke up last December....

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sat 03/14/09 01:26 PM

:heart: Can relationships born of affairs or cheating flourish? :heart:

If it is a one time infidelity in that person or their partner's life? Maybe.

However, otherwise, EXTREMELY rare. Not likely to flourish.

I gotta' agree! It depends on the cheaters conscience. Did they see the error of their ways and give a care or not?

Meg8771's photo
Sat 03/14/09 05:19 PM
I would say if he/she cheated on one to be with the other - what's to say they won't cheat on that one.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Mon 03/16/09 07:47 PM
Yea a lot of cheaters seem to do it repetitively so it seems unlikely their relationships could flourish long or often. It is okay or normal for them to cheat in their mind. Or maybe just a way of life for them. Who knows? Once I make a commitment I am faithful. If I plan not to be I will say so.

I just hate deceit. If I can't be honest with my mate why bother? I know so many couples that lie to each other so much it is disgusting. If nothing else I have to have honesty. If I have to make up lies to get along I'd rather be alone.

sugarbaby60296's photo
Thu 03/19/09 09:04 AM
Cheaters belong together.

Winx's photo
Thu 03/19/09 02:29 PM

:heart: Can relationships born of affairs or cheating flourish? :heart:

I wouldn't know.

no photo
Thu 03/19/09 05:04 PM
i tend to go for girls that are "involved" with someone, i like the challenge.

My last 2 gf's were kinda stolen from other guys, but the entire time we were together (one for almost five years) i always kept in the back of my head "if they cheated on that other guy, whats gonna stop them from cheating on me?"

no photo
Thu 03/19/09 05:07 PM
noway cheatersnoway

evilbabe277's photo
Thu 03/19/09 06:28 PM
If you begin seeing a cheater how on earth could you ever trust them? JMO flowerforyou

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sat 03/28/09 03:22 AM
I once knew a woman (a-hem) who was married for 16 years, he cheated, they divorced, he married affair floozy, they divorced after 11 months. My friend remarried and stayed married for 25 years then she became a widow and the cheater called my friend up to rekindle things. She laughed at him. laugh Moral to the story: A bunch of drama for 11 months of forbidden fruit.noway